Home Remodeling [6.0]?— Aligning Interests

Home Remodeling [6.0]?— Aligning Interests

Everything is easier if you understand other party's interests. It gives you ability to react and negotiate better.

Even more important is to somehow align interests of all participants. If interests are aligned, everybody is pushing in the same direction. 

Even though typical parties in a remodeling, homeowner, architect and builder, haves strong opposing interests e.g. pay more vs pay less, there is one big mutual interest common for all in the process, and that is: well-being of the project. It's common and neutral interest that benefits all the sides. Focusing on that the well-being of the project aligns efforts of all the sides. Instead of jockeying for the position of power they should do whatever is in the best interest of the project itself. It is in the best interest of the project that it is within the budget and on time, that contractor gets paid fairly, that homeowner is not overcharged, that quality of work is the best compared to the price, that everything looks the best possible... and also, it is in the best interest of all the parties 

Whenever there is a decision to be made that might look contrary to somebodies interest, ask what is in the best interest of the project.. and present it to the other parties in the same light.

Read More:

Home Remodeling [5.0] — Roles and Interests

Home Building Journey [3.0] — Budget Wisely

Home Building Journey [4.0] — Notes About the Budget

The Worst Self-inflicted Disaster


