At Home Laser Hair Removal
Picking an efficient at home laser hair removal device can be the best solution for those fighting with undesired body hair. There’s no doubt that it’s an excellent alternative to costly professional epilation services, but it can take much time to find a high-quality yet inexpensive product. Besides, it’s necessary to make a research to get to know whether removing hair at home is the best option.
In this article, you’ll find helpful information concerning at-home laser epilation. Besides, we’ll discuss the best IPL devices for you to enjoy efficient treatment without the need to visit a beauty salon. Keep on reading for more details.
What Is IPL Laser Hair Removal?
Even though body hair is natural, we strive to get some skin areas, including legs, back, neck, bikini line, and armpits smooth. Shaving is a time-taking process, and waxing often turns into an impossible mission because of unbearable pain. Thus, laser epilation is an excellent alternative to these hair removal methods.
An IPL device directs beams of light on the necessary skin zones. Hair follicles are destroyed under the impact of a laser. After the treatment, you can enjoy silky skin for a long time, and it will be unnecessary to repeat it every few days again like it happens when you pick shaving. IPL removal doesn’t bring any painful effects, so you won’t associate epilation with tortures.
Professional treatment is costly and time-consuming, but there’s an efficient alternative. Laser hair removal at home can become part of your self-care routine. With an IPL handset, you’ll reach excellent results and enjoy smooth skin up to a few weeks.
Why is At Home Laser Hair Removal Better than in Salon?
If removing hair at home is something new to you, this information will be helpful. Of course, epilation has never been easy, but a top-notch device will make you feel as if you’re a specialist who has vast experience in this treatment. Your doubts concerning at-home hair removal will vaporize because of the reasons explaining why beauty salons lose this game:
Home Use Laser Hair Removal Devices: Pros and Cons
Before buying an IPL handset, it’s better to explore all the pros and cons to discover whether this solution is the right one. Undoubtedly, a laser device has many benefits, but starting treatment at home is a serious step. That’s why we created a list of major aspects you should take into account:
QIZHE IPL Laser Hair Removal
Qizhe laser hair removal devices were chosen by women and man. These handsets bring the best epilation experiences, and it doesn’t matter which skin zone you select for treatment. Qizhe perfectly works on the neck, back, intimate areas, legs, and even face. Besides, treatment with these devices is painless, so you can forget about the horrible minutes of waiting until the session is over.
Qizhe IPL handset promotes fast results – only?4-8?sessions will make you feel as if you touch the baby’s skin since it will become smooth and silky. The device also has?990.000?flashes. It sounds promising, as it means that the handset can be used for 5?years if you apply it once a week.
Our Hair Removal Devices
As we mentioned before, QIZHE devices have become asolution for thousands of women. Customers love our handsets due to painless epilation experience and fast results. No more unwanted hair, irritation, and itching – your skin deserves the best treatment ever. Our IPL hair removal devices have numerous advantages over other laser devices in the market and salons. And here are the major ones:
How To Use?
It’s incredibly easy to use a personal laser hair removal device. All you have to do is press the appropriate button and apply it to the skin. However, it’s necessary to follow the instruction to use a handset correctly. Here are a few suggestions on using a laser hair removal device:
Is At-Home Laser Hair Removal Safe?
Although laser hair removal is popular nowadays, many myths are still surrounding this treatment method. Some people are afraid of the possibility of getting cancer after IPL epilation. In fact, devices you use for hair removal at home have low power, and they can’t cause any disease. Besides, manufacturers don’t start promoting their laser handsets until professional dermatologists check whether these products are safe for people in laboratories.
If you do IPL hair removal at home, reading the directions and following them is a must. For beginners, it’s recommended to check whether your skin reacts to the laser impact normally. Apply a handset to a small area and continue the session in?24?hours to be sure that everything is ok.
Does home laser hair removal work?
A laser device is a practical and cheap alternative to expensive epilation at a salon. A handset functions in the same way as professional devices do. It exposes the light to the skin and heats follicles. The laser’s impact destroys cells and removes hair. Treatment changes everything – hair appears slowly, and its structure becomes softer.
Does it hurt?
An IPL hair removal device doesn’t bring any painful feelings. If you’ve ever tried waxing, you know that sessions turn into tortures. But a laser handset is designed according to a special technology that protects your body from pain. You’ll only feel that your skin is getting slightly warmer, and that’s all.
Is this product suitable for sensitive skin?
QIZHE IPL handsets can be applied to any skin type. Epilation doesn’t bring itching, irritation, or redness, so the gentlest epilation experience is guaranteed. Those using the handset for the first time should examine the skin reaction. Apply the handset to a small zone and continue treatment the day after if no unpleasant sensations arise.