Home for the Holidays? 3 Questions to Ask
Diane Sieg, RN, CYT, CSP Creator of The Well-Being Coaching Initiative
Creator of the Well-Being Coaching Initiative, Speaker, Facilitator, Author, Coach, Nurse
Whether you love or dread this time of year, planning and prioritizing for the Holidays are important to help you stay Home, even if you travel. By Home, I mean feeling connected and grounded in yourself. This allows you to experience what is most meaningful with an authentic joy instead of powering through and getting lost in it all.
To stay Home for your Holiday, practice these 3 Self-Leadership skills with 3 questions:
1. Connect. Holidays involve connection with your loved ones, community and most importantly, yourself. Prioritize what is MOST meaningful to you and allow enough time and energy to truly enjoy your favorite family traditions, like cutting down your tree, visiting the zoo lights, or making lasagna by asking,
How can I prioritize myself so I can truly connect?
2. Let go. The unrealistic expectations we create this time of year with our magical thinking can create a lot of disappointment and exhaustion. Choose to do less and expect less (of yourself) to give you more time to experience what really matters most by asking,
What can I let go of to experience what is most important?
3. Recover. Recovery includes physical rest and activities that fill you up, like quiet time for reading or journaling, movement or getting outside in nature. Prioritize your physical and emotional health and energy every day, especially when you don’t think you have time for it, by asking,
What do I need to recover today?
These questions are especially important during stressful and demanding times and your answers will get and keep you Home for the Holidays and beyond. One more question. As a Self-Leader, why wouldn’t you choose to be connected and grounded right here, right now?