Home from Dubai, Back to the UK Budget

Home from Dubai, Back to the UK Budget

hi there,

I’ve just landed back from Beauty World in Dubai, where BAZ & CO had the privilege of joining the UK stand with a brilliant lineup of British-made brands. It was a whirlwind of a trip, sharing our mission in the Middle East and seeing some of the industry’s leading innovations up close. But while the warm, tax-friendly sands of Dubai were refreshing, I returned to the chilly UK to face the new budget from our government and it’s safe to say it left me a bit restless.

As someone from a farming family (though I sensibly left the actual graft to my brother), I’ve watched over the years as policies increasingly seem to miss the mark for British farmers. The latest budget announcement felt like another hit to an industry already stretched to breaking. For the first time, farmland inheritance is no longer tax-exempt, a change that will make passing down family farms far harder for many and could ultimately drive small, generational farms to sell up.

While the intention may be to curb tax breaks for the wealthy, family farms may need help to stay within families. Ironically, however, this change might lead to a drop in farmland prices, opening doors for a new generation of innovative farmers. It could bring fresh ideas and competition into a sector that needs revitalising to meet future demands, especially in areas like sustainable farming, local food production, and new agricultural tech.

There’s also a growing food security issue that extends far beyond tax policies. We can discuss reducing waste, but our food systems need a stronger foundation, not more bureaucratic roadblocks. The demand for locally grown food is higher than ever, especially as supply chains become more uncertain, and we must keep supporting the people who put food on our tables.

And speaking of systemic issues, let’s not even get started on the NHS. We keep pouring money into it, yet there’s little effort to address the root of many health issues: our diet and lifestyle choices. Health has to be as much about prevention as treatment, but until we prioritise this, we’ll keep seeing unsustainable demands on the NHS.

With BAZ & CO, we’ll continue our work in skincare and championing these values that are so close to home. Whether supporting British farming, promoting healthy routines, or finding ways to make our products as sustainable as possible, we’re here to make a difference.

Thanks for following along. As always, keep supporting your local farmers, your health, and our countryside.

Bye for now,



