A Home, Farm & Second Residency. Your Ultimate Insurance Policy for Less than a Car.
Creedence Dengre
Chair/CEO | Family Office | Wealth Preservation in the era of CBDCs | Finance & Economics | Private Equity | Engineering, Science & Technology | Real Estate
Over the Last two and a half years, people have seen the facade of their once comfortable lives fall apart. There is that old saying about taking things for granted, but who really thought they would need to heed the advice of old sayings. With masses of people around the world disenfranchised by the policies of those they supposedly elected to represent their interests, many have now started to realize that at the end of the day, only we can provide for ourselves and our families. Responsibility is indeed personal.
Over this same period, many people emigrated, in search of new lands, new opportunities, and freedom. Many did not know where to look, and fearfully took to the road like frenzied vagabonds; but many too did their homework, and found citadels, outliers among nations where freedom and liberty reigned alongside sustainability and resource independence.
It was over these last years that I undertook a new project of Ark building, creating an easy and accessible escape option, or Plan B for those in search. The key factors we identified as needs among those seeking a plan B included personal liberty, a home, a path to residency, and food independence. The Ark ultimately took the form of an independent and sustainable community through investing in which would grant residency by investment to those buying homes. It took a lot of careful number crunching, and making the right connections to pull this off, but we were ultimately able to offer this entire package including a house, food producing land, and residency (in a country that never infringed upon the rights of it's citizens) for as low as USD $50,000 - Cheaper than many new cars!
As if the last two and a half years was not enough of a wake-up call, we've now seen the US economy on the brink or recession, and Europe's geopolitical structure destabilize rapidly.
I'm not one to promote insurance as something a person always needs, but there is a time and place for it. For those who are getting nervous, it's a prudent time to have options. Get in touch, and I'll be happy to speak with you.