Home is an extension of your energy field

Home is an extension of your energy field

You home is your comfort zone and the maximum time you find yourself at ease there. The positive energy at home will start positive energy within you. It is important to keep your house clean and hygienic for your health and wellbeing. It's important to get rid of junk as soon as possible. This will help to keep your home more organized and tidy. Keeping the dustbin near the main door is never a good idea. Most importantly, think positive thoughts. What goes around comes around.

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Let fresh air and sunlight in by keeping windows and doors open. Especially during the Morning hours i.e. 5:00 am to 9:00 am. Keep home neat and clean, that is keep things at its designated places and organized. Never keep shoe rack inside the home. It's is said it brings bad energies from outside to your home. Keep live plants in your home. It is one of the best proven tips to improve energies at a place. Even keeping fish is advices, but I wouldn’t suggest that for people who don't have time to take care of them. Avoid fights and quarrels at home it increases negative energies at home.

Empty dust bins regularly. Never leave the garbage alone for more than a day. They tend to generate mould and bacteria, not good for health. Change bedsheets on weekly basis. Throw away things you haven't used in last 6 months and won't be needing in next 6 months keeping such things and creating clutter is better than buying it when you need them. Last but not the least a home is made up of people who live in it, if u are positive then half the battle is over all you have to now do is make your home positive.

I tell you the incident which had happened with one of the participants in the weekend meditation session. Every week we have weekend mindful meditation session. So the person had participated. After 2 days, he became desire-less in meditation, it lasted for 3 days. He had said, “Such a surreal experience I never had in my life, I became desire-less in everything. Whatever was happening I was just a witness, I could see my mind. My wife became surprised by seeing my eyes, by seeing my conduct, she felt I am not the same. I am so calm. Earlier I used to become annoyed with small things and the ambience of my home was little disturbed. These 3 days gave me the glimpse of silence, and it has brought a transformation inside me.”

I had connected to his wife too. Who also became interested in meditation after seeing her husband in such joy, and silence. She also admired the changes of her husband. If you want to change the world, first bring changes inside you, your mere transformation will bring powerful changes near your surroundings. You meditate, the positive environment you bring at your home. For an energy field (positive or negative) to be reversed or even ‘canceled out’ an energy of a greater magnitude this must be exerted. For example if negative energy was raging into your house for 30 years, you would need a great amount of Positive energy to counter and finally surpass the negative energy in the house.

You cant just add positive energy to a negative space and expect everything to be sunshine and lollypops. Once negative energy is removed it has to be replaced. Usually when you overpower a negative energy the positive force you used dissipates very quickly. Positive energy has to just replace the negative energy. If this does not happen the negative energy will find it’s way back into the house. So first counter the negative with a greater positive force and overthrow it / or remove the negative and replace it with a positive…either of these methods ends with you ‘filling the void’ of negative energy with positive energy. = Remove or overpower negative energy - > replace with positive energy. Bringing positive energy into your house. Unclutter (in a big way - throw away 2/3 of what you own…that sort of ‘unclutter’ - your gym socks worn for years together…you don't need them now.

Spring clean (do a 2–3 hour cleaning session once a week) / renovate if possible. At least re-paint..you will find you can easily do one wall a week…yes I mean the whole inside including the ceiling. Your essence is in every object you touch. A cursed object is any object that carries the weight of a violent event or series of events. Find these and toss them. Side note…might be worth also throwing out any spiritual objects you don't understand like tribal masks and statues. .

As you don't want to be a walking sack of negative energy. Everything you touch takes on your vibrations. You have the ability to radiate positivity like you radiate heat. Find a self hypnosis video where you ask the Mother Earth to cleanse your body of negative energy. Also Have lots of greens and fermented foods, kombucha, anything with high amounts of anti oxidants or anything that stimulates serotonin. Green tea and herbal teas are wonderful. Cheers!


