Home Assistant - Getting the position of ISS
Emiliano Guerzoni
Project Manager | BESS Development | Driving 3+ GW of Energy Storage Projects in Italy
Hi everyone,
Today I want to introduce how to get the position of the International Space Station and check it out on a map within Home Assistant.
Use case
You are a passionate of Home Assistant as well as of the Internation Space Station. Now you can easily get the up to date ISS position directly on your Home Assistant installation with a very little effort.
Software configuration
Home Assistant code (yaml)
This is the piece of code you have to write down after having added a Map card in your dashboard:
type: map
? - entity: binary_sensor.iss
title: Mappa
aspect_ratio: 5x4
default_zoom: 10
And... this is the final result:
Just clicking on the ISS icon (I) you'll get some details about the International Space Station.
Some specifics about the code above
I do hope you have enjoyed this article. I'm available for any feedback so, feel free to contact me or share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Thank you for reading.
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