Home Alone.
Alison O'Neil
Leader in Aesthetic Health, Inspiring Entrepreneur, L’Oreal Paris Woman of Worth, Beauty Becomes You Charity Founder, Speaker, Contributing Writer (Skindeep, EuroCosmetics, Skin, Inc Magazine, other),Consultant
The impact of isolation on senior adults is being felt across the country and beyond. According to this weeks AARP article 1 in 5 people are suffering from the side effects of being home alone. What may come as a surprise is that these people are not just living in single home dwellings, many live in Senior Living Communities and stay in their apartments for weeks or months at a time. Aside from that, people can feel isolated even if they are in the middle of a big crowd.
The growing incidence of depression has been realized for years by experts who track these behaviors and feelings. With leading Mental Health agencies developing BINGO games that instead of B-2 or C-8 they match things like Feeling Sad, Not interested in eating, and Sleeping More than usual- to uncover the sign posts and alert the players to the fact that it is not just aging that is affecting them, it is a mental health condition called, depression.
I gave a presentation called, Aging Beautifully last month. It is a wonderful way to approach this very sensitive topic. At the end of my talk, there were many questions and hugs. One of the participants of the group of 50, told me she had not left her apt. for 2.5 months and she enjoyed my presentation. I was shocked at this information and pleased she had been affected by my words. Later, I asked the Program Director for any testimonials. She said, "One truly amazing comment was from a resident who’s been having a hard time recently. Feeling down and withdrawing herself. And she stated and I quote, “This speech changed my life today, I’m so glad that I came.” It's my passion to inspire and I am looking forward to my next talk and the next and the next. It may only be a drop in the bucket but eventually the bucket will fill and run over the edge.
Isolation and Depression are real. People assume they are just natural parts of aging. They are more about people not feeling like they have a purpose or meaning. It's amazing how people -all of us- respond to being needed. It's a human condition, it's not about just being kept busy, although winning a bingo game feels quite rewarding. It's about applying oneself to a positive outcome that affects someone else. Purpose and meaning are the keys to living life to the fullest. Here's to Aging Beautifully.