Holyness: The Sacred Perception
Photo by chris liu on Unsplash

Holyness: The Sacred Perception

I am aware of how important holiness / Purity / Sacredness / Special is for people, You can branch it to any faith system and belief system but let me show you it’s depending on your perception of your belief, not the perception of truth. I have written this article as I get questioned on what I perceive as Holy / Pure / Sacred / Set apart by many people who have encountered me and don’t seem to understand my perception, I have sent countless emails explaining this over and over again and now I want to get it sorted in an easy format for everyone to read.

Please note If you get easily offended this is not for you at all and will hurt you deeply.I do not recommend reading this. My warning is explicit and firm , Please proceed only if you have an open-minded approach to life and gaining knowledge and see life beyond religious structures and the teachings of organised religion.

I shall elaborate and show you it’s a part of a religious system that you ascribe to that brings out the holy perception. I trade and meet people regularly, from Muslims to Christians, Hindus to many other people from various religions and they all have this common theme of sacredness / holiness to a particular building or a place. And even human beings , but in my mind, everything is between the heavens and the earth so it’s limited by a place or a time. Holiness is limited to the faith you ascribe to and a particular construction made by the people before us.

In basic terms, you make holy / Sacred / Valuable / Set Apart what your religion teaches you to make, it’s sacred if you believe it’s sacred, it’s of value if you have value ascribed to it, and it is only as valuable as people believe to be. I call this view the ‘’Sacred Perception”.

You only make it holy/sanctified / because you are made to believe it so — an adherent of the religion underlay.

Basic Religious Associations with sacredness / Holyness

  • Traditional Muslim — Mecca / Madina / Holy month — Holy Quran — Holy Prophet
  • Shia Muslim — Mecca / Madina / Najaf / Karbala / Family of Prophet- Holy Quran — Holy Prophet
  • Sufi Muslim — Mecca / Madina / Sufi holy grave sights -Holy Quran — Holy Prophet
  • Hinduism — Temples, Yatra Sights etc — holy Bhagavad Gita — Holy Sages — Sacred Rivers
  • Sikhism.- Holy Golden Temple, Holy Guru Granth Sahib — Holy Gurus
  • Christianity — Churches, Temple Mount, Holy Bible — Particularly the New testament
  • Judaism — Holy temple in Jerusalem, Holy Prophets, synagogues, and Holy Bible, particularly the Old Testament.

The pattern in every single religion is similar. There is a holy book, a holy person, a holy place, holy events, and even holy days. So every single building out there on planet earth is made by the very hands of man, from bricks, stone or clay and once you figure this out and see through the religious facade you will be able to see how it can not be sacred / Pure / Holy but made to appear to those who are taught it to be.

I find nature, the sun and the moon, the rain, the stars, the winds the mountains more majestic than any building or construct I have seen and had the pleasure of visiting. Nature itself encompasses us no matter where we go and how far we travel, it’s everywhere and has been present since I was born and shall be here even after I die, I would still not consider them holy / Sacred / Pure, but rather the handy work of God Almighty.

Another way to see it is It’s a little like sentimental value, a present from a family member or lover, has value and sentiment to you, it is similar to the circle of religion, the religion you follow dictates what is sacred and holy to consider, even if it goes against other religions. I have particular places which have sentimental value to me but wouldnt apply to everyone.

The exception is the atheist mind which would not consider anything of holy essence, but that’s for a different topic entirely and discussion.

For me, the criteria for holiness has to be transcendent above time and space, above the notion of capture and eternal and beyond the cycles of life and death and not made or structured by any human being in the past or the present or the near future. It has to be greater than any religion of any kind.

Another way to see this is that the wilderness has no place, no buildings or structures at all, it’s just nature, then man builds shops, houses , roads , buildings, churches, altars, stone structures, and gates and ascribes the holy quality only to god to the structures around him. If they are all sacred then we have to define what holy truly is, as they are holy to the people who believe them to be sacred. As for me, no place, no books, no persons, or buildings made by human beings’ very hands, nothing is sacred/holy to me except God Almighty. why would you hold and worship something created, rather than the creator himself?

Another way to look at it is that the earth is very vast and has many cities and countries around the world and they are all over the place, its just people around the globe around and around all making idols and structures around the globe then claiming that god resides in these idols made of clay and stone, and claiming that the entire lord of the universe chooses to live inside your building or idol that you have made your self or someone in the past did and told you god is there. It’s a form of idol worship extrapolated from an idol in your hand to a building on earth. The principle of idol worship is the same, just on a larger scale.

If you look deeply into it you see that it’s a ‘’faith perception’’ and due to my faith in God, hence the holiness is linked to god for me and as for others its places, books, items, structures and even other human beings.

In its simplest terms, I do not believe that the God of the Entire Universe lives in a building/book/place / Idol made by the very hands of human beings and there is nothing HOLY except GOD Almighty. There is no stone to pray to, there is no building to pray to, there are no people to pray to, and there is only you connected to your creator who is with you at all times. Why bother praying and connecting to items, books, buildings and people when you can connect to the Almighty yourself.

To summarise most simply: Only God Almighty is Holy / Sacred / Pure / Set Apart / Special.


Afzal: Servant of God Almighty: The Holy / Transcendent / Set Apart / Distinct / Unique One.

Abolix Enterprises




*Inspired by the Surah Hashr: Quran (59:21–24) — Attributes of God Almighty — particularly ‘Qudoos’

*Inspired by surah Iqlas: Quran (112: 1) — God Almighty is Unique / One of a Kind.

*Inspired by surah Al Ambiya: Quran (21:51–71) — Abraham fought with idol worshippers for the almighty.

*Inspired by Surah Al An’am: Quran (50:16) — God is closer to you than your jugular vein.

*Inspired by Surah Al Fatiha: Quran (1:4) — Only serve and submit to the Almighty.

*Inpsired by Surah Baqarah : Quran (2:115) — God Is all Encompassing.

External Older Inscriptions and notes.

*Yajurveda 40:9 — They enter darkness those who worship natural things. They sink deeper into darkness those who worship sambhuti (created things)

*Bhagavad Gita ( Songs of the Lord) 7:24 — The unintelligent, not knowing my unmanifest, supreme, incomparable and imperishable nature, believe that I assume a human form.

*Arabic word Qudoos is Holy / Sacred / Pure. ‘’Ruh ul Qudoos’’ — ‘’Holy’’ spirit / ‘’Sacred’’ Spirit / ‘’Pure’’ Spirit.

*Derivatives in Hebrew as Kodesh / e.g Ruach Ha-Kodesh — ‘’Holy’’ spirit / ‘’Sacred’’ Spirit / ‘’Pure’’ Spirit.

*Isiah: Holy Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty.


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