Holy Week - National Prayer Week - 2021 - Monday
National Prayer Week 2021
Holy Week - Monday
Father, as we just finished celebrating the Holy Passover, please keep on our minds the blood of the lamb that was put over the doors to cover the people inside. As no one inside was worthy to be passed over, but the blood was.
Father, we pray that this week we are reminded each day that there is only one blood covering that is worthy and that will ever be worthy for all eternity to have the death angel pass over us. Thank you Jesus for going to the cross to spill that blood that saved us. Lord, when you celebrated the Passover with Your disciples, You said, the next time you would drink this cup will be when we are with You. Oh Lord Jesus, we pray that we get that this week. That we know truly what it means to follow You. What it truly means to be a disciple. We want to look forward to the day that we can drink the cup with You in the Father's house. At the dinner seat that You have prepared for us before the foundations of the earth.
Jesus, cleanse me, Jesus free me from myself, Lord, help me deny the things of this flesh. Lord help me reject the things that will keep me from you. Jesus, help me occupy my mind with only things that truly matter. Things that are pure and holy and honorable to mention. Help me love my brother, help me love the lost, help me love the brokenhearted, help me love the depressed, help me love those that persecute not only me but the church. Jesus, help me see the deception. Help me find the truth in all things.
Lord, let this week be a constant reminder of what your death and resurrection truly mean. As there would be no Passover if it wasn't for the slain Blood of the Lamb.
In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!