Holy // Leviticus 20:26

Holy // Leviticus 20:26

By Mark Jordan | Spiritual Advisor

We read in today’s verse that God commands us to be holy. That’s quite a daunting task, isn’t it? The word, holy, means to be “set apart” from the rest of the world. We set things apart when they have a special meaning and purpose. I hope you know that to God, this mean you! You have a special meaning to God, so much that He sent Jesus to die for your sins. Once you give your life to that truth, God then gives you a new purpose to go out into the world to make Him known. Now, as you read today’s verse in Leviticus, you might be inclined to think it just refers to the Israelites as God was leading them on their Exodus journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. As we zoom out into broader story of God’s rescue mission, redemption, and reclamation of His people, we find something beautiful in 1 Peter 2:9-10, “But you are a chosen people,?a royal priesthood,?a holy nation,?God’s special possession,?that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.?Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God;?once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” Peter tells us we are all part of God’ holy family when accept Jesus. Jesus led us on a new exodus from slavery to sin and death into the marvelous light of His eternal glory. So, don’t think of holiness as something unattainable, but part of God’s purpose for your life. Let your identity be shaped by your proximity to Him so you can live into the eternal marvelous light of Jesus!



