The Holy God and Saints
Right seeing and experiencing God's glory. In my life, I have seen the glory of God seen with physical eyes. When I came to faith in the Lord Jesus in 1991 and there in our first home
At Vaajakoski I woke up and saw God's glory in the room. I understood in that moment God's Omnipotence and Holiness that my life is completely under God's power and control. I felt that I did not dare to say a word, because the experience of God's holiness was so strong. As the Bible says so
Zak. 2:13 Be silent before the Lord, all flesh! For he has risen from his holy abode."
Parallel references (KR 1933/-38)
Hab. 2:20 But the Lord is in his holy temple, before him let all the earth be silent."
Sef. 1:7 Be silent before the Lord, the Lord! For the day of the Lord is near; for the Lord has set up a sacrifice, has consecrated his called
1 Cor. 1:29 that no flesh should boast before God
That's how I felt. The flesh had to shut up and be quiet. No human boasting in the presence of God's holiness in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is also the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
Do we have the fear of the Lord in the congregations today? There are all kinds of human entertainment and carnal human boasting. This is not according to God's will. God does not share his glory. All Glory belongs to God alone because He is the Only God and our Creator and Savior
Where the Spirit of God works, there is also the reverence and holiness of the Lord. There, no human flesh will boast before God anymore, but will sink deep into the ground before God to worship and be silent until the moment of the Lord's Joy and refreshment and the feeling of Mercy also comes. Even though we live in the Age of Grace of the New Covenant, God has not changed. God is still a Holy God and He has given His Holy Son Jesus Christ as Atonement for our sins so that we do not end up in eternal separation from God and hell
God's grace leads us to Sanctification because God is a Holy God who does not accept any sin or wrong. God is Light in which there is no darkness. God has saved us from darkness and sin into God's light and purity and holiness in Christ Jesus. God has given us the Lord Jesus Christ as Salvation. He is our Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption. We are Saints in Christ Jesus. In the Bible, those who believed in the Lord Jesus are called Saints. Even this Word tells us that God's will is sanctification and a holy life. A person and his life and value changes when he is saved and reborn as a child of God. Man no longer walks in darkness but in God's light. Man no longer walks in sin but in sanctification. Man no longer walks as a slave to sin and Satan, but as a free child of God in Christ Jesus. Man no longer walks as a child of disobedience and an enemy of God in rebellion against God's Word, but man has begun to obey God and His Word, the Bible, and wants to live a holy life according to God's Word. Man no longer lives a proud life by seeking human honor and status in the world, but man wants to give all the glory to God and does everything as for God and not for people to please them. Man no longer loves the world but he loves God and understands that His true home is in the glory of heaven with the Father where our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ has gone and from where He will soon take us from the world to the Father's home according to His promise John. 14. We no longer do as we will but as God wills. We implement God's plan and His will on earth and not the will of the world. We walk according to the Spirit of God and not according to the spirit of the world. We no longer follow Satan, but we follow and obey the Lord Jesus Christ and do according to His commandments. We love and obey God more than people if people don't want us to follow Jesus. We are no longer without God and hope and peace, but we now have God and God's peace and hope in Christ Jesus. Jesus does not give as the world gives, but He gives His own peace. He gives eternal life. He gives what is good and perfect. He gives what is holy and true. He only gives what is according to God's will. God does not give or do anything bad or wrong to us. God is a Good God. God is our Savior. We praise and serve now and forever the Living and Only God, which only the Bible, the Word of God, tells us. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever! Amen!