Holy Cow...! To eat or not...?

Holy Cow...! To eat or not...?

Do Not Tread the Path of Sheep & Goats!
“You feel good to be a part of a circle of friends, relatives, community or religion which gives you a feeling of bonding, may be, security in the belief or perception that your grouping will stand by you and rise to protect you from another predator group you perceive as hostile.
For that sense of security, you accept the social order, absurd mores, norms and rules of your grouping and do not think they are bondage; restraining for the freedom you often desire. Even if you find them restraining you brush aside your resentment.
Ditto the other ‘adversarial’ grouping which perceives you and your group as vicious predators. Have you ever wondered who ignites and fuels this feeling or perception of hostility? If you and your so-called adversary, a member of another grouping or religion, were left to yourself as individuals, will you still perceive another fellow being- just like you, who eats, drinks, sleeps, loves and is loved, man, woman and child- as hostile?
To preserve your social bonding, your perception of security, you often think and act in a manner which goes against the grain of your inner being, your soul, your conscience. Yet, you choose to compromise for that feeling of security! How? By submitting to an unreasonable, often volatile, external authority to which your noble mind and soul would normally rebel!
Is that not submission to a totalitarian authority akin to slavishly bowing to dictatorship wherein your noble spirit is brutalised and crushed at the altar of others’ egocentric, predatory greed? You become the unwitting victim of others’ greed.
No society or religious belief can invade and batter your soul/spirit without your explicit permission. Yet you choose to concede, covering up your shame. Remember always that your satisfaction at your perception of security is gathered at a heavy price, that is, your own personal integrity, killing a bit of you, your noble spirit.
Mindless submission to a mindless authority is not the human way. It is the way of the sheep and goats, who are led to slaughter to satiate others’ insatiable greed. Save your soul, your noble spirit! Do not buy a false sense of security by bondage of your spirit, pawning your soul to the Devil. Save yourself! Reach out to the Almighty for succour. Seek security in the “Oneness of Human Spirit, Oneness of Humanity.” Cherish and honour the Almighty’s holy messengers- Allah, Jesus Christ, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Buddha…, who have all taught us the virtue of harmony, peace, love, compassion, kindness and joyful co-existence with fellow beings- His creation.”
Anoop Saxena, author of “With God in the pocket…” a journey into the quest for Truth; seeks answers to existential questions for a life of harmony, peace, love and joy, and a story of a band of spiritual warriors; available on amazon, kindle and flipkart.


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