Holocaust Survivor Marceline Loridan-Ivens #WeRemember
Milla Agai Photography

Holocaust Survivor Marceline Loridan-Ivens #WeRemember

#happybirthday in heaven to #marcelineloridanivens  #legendsneverdie - Have you seen The Birch-Tree Meadow (2003)? Myriam is a French Jew & a Holocaust survivor. Sixty years after her imprisonment in Auschwitz she decides to do something daring. She returns there to finally confront her painful past.... #womandirector #marcelineloridanivens with #anoukaimee #augustdiehl & #marilumarini - #thefutureiswoman - #weremember #theholocaust  #thebirchtreemeadow - #lapetiteprairieauxbouleaux - #holocaustsurvivors #holocausthistory #jewishwoman #jewishwomanportrait #womanportrait - Marceline Loridan-Ivens born Rosenberg - #bergenbelsen - #aushwitzconcentrationcamp - #fromonecampaigntoanother - #photodiary2021 #photobyme @millarolleiflexphotos Marceline Loridan-Ivens was born on #march19th 1928 in #epinalfrance where her parents had fled to escape pogroms in their #nativepoland - Marceline Loridan-Ivens - #auschwitzsurvivor & writer who educated about the horrors of the #holocaust - "An 89 year-old Holocaust Survivor worries: What happens when we're all gone?" #washingtonpost @washingtonpost - @yadvashem @yadvashemusa @shoahmemoire @shoahmemoiresfoundation @fondation.memoire.shoah @memorialshoahofficiel @uscshoahfoundation @licra_org @remember_shoah @carnets_d_histoire_de_la_shoah @holocaust_survivor_portraits @holocaustcenterseattle @holocaustmuseum @holocaustmuseumla #shabbatshalom #fromgreecewithlove


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