Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
Holocaust Memorial Day - January 27, 2025

Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

This Holocaust Memorial Day everyone is far more motivated to talk about the atrocities of the Holocaust, now that we've witnessed first-hand how this can happen all over again in our time.

As I've been saying for many years, it's good that we remind ourselves of this lowest point in our modern history - but it won't prevent the next great atrocity from happening.

October 7th was literally a mini-Holocaust right inside the only place in the world that Jews are supposed to be completely safe - and it's still not over. This process is so painful for Jews all over the world. Israel may not have been on their mind so much over the last decade, but now it is on a daily basis.

All the tragedies of the last 14 months have changed us far more than we realize. But still not enough to truly want to get to the bottom of how to prevent them.

Our Common Destiny

There is one answer to all these negative things taking place throughout the course of our lives, especially for us, the people of Israel. Later on we'll connect it to the entire world. But right now I'm talking about Israel.

The answer is the law of mutual guarantee (??? ??????).

All the good things we want achieve in life will come from getting closer to, and beginning to implement this law.

All the bad things that are happening to us, and that will happen to us in the future, are from us distancing ourselves from the law of mutual guarantee.

This is the most fundamental element of our nation. Just like the sails of a boat when it's moving, and the anchor when it's standing in place.

These are the things that define the entire essence and purpose of our lives.

The mutual ties inside our nation are an existential necessity - not a luxury.

Precisely now, in this confusing time when we feel like we're in a fog with regard to everything happening around us, let's get some clarity.

There is no nice way of putting it - our nation is torn.

No one really understand where all this is heading, and in the meantime we're busy throwing mud at anyone who disagrees with us.

The law of Arvut, that mutual connection that's been nurtured between people - and especially between us Jews - is what's at stake here.

The more we ignore nurturing this mutual connection like we're supposed to - the more we're attracting negative reactions from the world.

Naturally - we'd rather run in the opposite direction.

Because feeling responsible for someone besides myself during the course of this life we're in here - sounds like some kind of bad joke.

But there's no way around it - sooner or later we'll have to deal with it. Ideally it will be sooner because this is the true foundation of our people.

Our image is not defined by winning this or that Nobel Prize, or by the success of this or that startup.

We are a people whose roots are essentially about being one nation, and we have the inner preparation for this state. That inner connection we've maintained throughout our history - but have now forgotten. It's time for us to reevaluate all these things.

The first thing we need to focus on is the independence of our country - first economically, and then afterward, socially.

Ultimately we don't have much choice in this process We're going to need to switch from being focused on ourselves, to caring more about everyone around us. A process that was kicked into high drive on October 7th. Then things started going back to how they were before.

The only thing that Israel really lacks is accepting the law of mutual guarantee. And that will be the correction of the world (Tikkun Olam).

We need to try to feel our common destiny, so we can discover the law of mutual guarantee there.

What is Mutual Guarantee?

When we talk about union, we are talking about connection, a formal connection between opposing, different parts in our world.

When we talk about mutual guarantee, we are talking about the inclusion of each part in all the parts. This takes place on a higher level because the power of nature enters and already controls all these parts that are connected to each other.

Like I said earlier - we know this on some level, how we're all connected. It's just more convenient to forget.

On this Holocaust Memorial Day - let's try to remember.


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