Hollywood is Not Evil - The Debate
Credit: Entertainment Now / Marvel Credit: Entertainment / Marvel

Hollywood is Not Evil - The Debate

What I just shared with a friend who saw that I’m backing Harris who is a republican and someone I care for deeply. My response:

I know. That does not bother me. People are free to choose what ever they wish. You are not like others as you have unplugged yourself and are willing and have reflected your willingness to do such, that is all that matters because it is what allows for discourse to occur.

Most on the right have a stick so far up their ass they don't know how to self reflect because of their programming. It's only in lack of control of our emotions and self that we allow fear of who we actually are to speak for us (the devil) because we are afraid to be different (pre/frontal cortex - Devil inside) and attack for it with our words and behaviors.

Jesus taught what he did knowing this is how the human mind works. The devil has since its inception hijacked the church as social media and technology have allowed us to witness. The world sees this hypocrisy and is ready for a new, as all are ready to receive what was actually promised and that is knowing of self and the promise of the kingdom that comes from getting to the own I Am.

And as long as much harmonies of your I am stay in resonance within you, and mine with me then the reflection of me can be seen and found In the reflection of each other. And this is how GOD not God or god but GOD works. Old programming was designed either intentionally or by happenstance and just wound up that way, but here we are.

We are good my friend, as Iron sharpens Iron, people sharpen people, but only when both are whole otherwise the metal will break.

And almost in the same breath the following happend. Facepalm. I just saw through to the other side clear as day in a close friend whom I’ve been trying to guide out of the matrix for 8 yrs. A brilliant Screenwriter and patriot lost to fact that his empathy and ability to self reflect upon anything that looks different than himself, he considers an enemy and he thought it was about who he was voting for when I took away the opportunity I had designed specifically for him, when in fact the take away was because he refused to look at himself. Can you see the reflection now?

We can only find ourselves in people who also reflect for themselves, so we can reflect for each other and work towards the same goal walking towards the very same thing we both say we want. As we are designed to do.

But that requires team work and the ability to take personal responsibility for self. But his persistent string of failures (nothing but lessons) continues to be the fault or blame of someone else, the never seen "them" and "they" are at fault, but never really able to put a pulse on anything legit or real world, but just enough coincidental data points to validate a reality that does not exist but was rather created from the sheer prison of their own mind in which their own fear to look at and seek self created.

Not even seeing that he and the mindset he holds is by far the only common factor throughout and yet he wonders why he doesn’t gain traction. Knock knock Neo, did you miss the point of the movie? Let me spell it out for you.

The debate as the world has seen by now was not in fact a debate but rather a production to show the world the true nature of the narcissistic bully tactics and mindset of thinking of how he alone is going to solve the worlds problems.

And how the supposedly God fearing people of our nation seem to have not seen through his illusion is beyond me. But perhaps it's becuase a lot of American Christians believe in the return of Christ as the only thing to save us, they have been imprisoned to fear programs intentionally created by those who desire to divide us and if you listen and watch the performance of the debate (it was a performance, it was on TV), you will see, hear and feel what I am saying sheerly by paying attention to his mannerisms and language.

The "I" is less than He, yet he (small "h"Trump) seems to have pulled the wool over the eyes of the religious right by driving American Christians to the point of where their beliefs and frequencies are now in alignment with that of those who were in the same resonance as the people who made Hitler's rise to power possible. Who is the actual bad guy here?

And since He is WE. WE>he. #HarrisWalz2024

Yet many still bend the knee to this bully who thinks he alone can solve the world’s problems. That's fucking privilege.

Oh please sir, may I have another. We're grateful for what you alone did Mr. Trump, we are so grateful that you are standing up to the establishment of your ego and maybe thinking about us along the way. Hard Pass.

Fuck that.

This is our country and we are all the same regardless of where we are from and live. Watch the debate again and see if you can hear and feel the fear mongering.

And if you’re a vet, ask yourself would you really throw this 4 yr old butter bar in charge of the nuclear suitcase again at this point knowing what I just told you and knowing that you can longer not know it? Everything is a choice.

And any arguments against Biden are now moot, as I agree with you, but he’s out and she’s in so check yourself and the stories you feed, because those with eyes to see and ears to hear experienced, for what in what feels like a very long while….Hope. Hope for Women. Hope for Marginalized Populations and Hope from the Suppression of the the small minded in the world.

And the right continues to fight with their only weapon, that being fear and hatred. I’m sure some producer some day will do a documentary on how the concept of the deep state and where their lies and propagation of fear originally started with, but time will tell. Regardless, pick and choose which pill to swallow and reflect on how what each person says and how it makes you feel.

Don’t pay attention to the words, as they don’t matter as much as the energetics. Who made you feel good. Who made you feel bad? If you agree with a fear statement the you know it’s not real and a lie as fear is an illusion. Anyone with any ounce of faith will know this and remember it when they realize their prefrontal cortex has been hijacked and a reality that does not exist made to be true be the fear machine of people who latched on to a fictional story of Q to feed the hate machine that is Donald Trump.

And don’t get me wrong, I feel for the guy because as you watch the video you can see the little boy inside, especially when she brings up the generals who said he was a horrible person to work with, men his humongous ego were hoping would hope would just be his friend and ally with the new Toy (America ) which he was hoping to play with and do what he wishes to do on his own with. Because he knows best as does apparently the church and another institute that embraces the patriarchy and is resistant to change because they built on top of that single pilar of the patriarch. Keep your faith but do so from truth not hate and fear.

If you don’t have the foresight in your business and wonder why you are failing to get traction, it’s because you’re following a guy who filed bankruptcy 6 times and you argue it as it’s a badge of honor. No, it’s a sign and an indicator that the man has no fucking clue on how to build sustainable models yet you want him to run the country. No thanks hard pass. I’m with her because I know that as a woman she’s had to navigate that shit and then some as a BIPOC leader throughout her career.

What did the production show l? It showed us on which side of the fault line the blame actually can be found in who and what followers are actually dividing the country. Reflect on that as you continue to blame the world and continue to fail to take responsibility for your own actions.

#Hardtruths, but the reality we now face as our nation now gets to choose between cocks and swords programming and returning to the old. Or do we take the red pill, face and heal our past so we can focus on the present and build towards a better tomorrow as a humanity or do we continue to fight hoping Christ will magically return when that was not his command but rather what was sold.

Shit you not, what literally just played out was the scene in #drstrange when Strange found exactly what he was looking for only to have it taken away because of his ego and programming that kept him stuck in the matrix of his own programs.

This is a prime example of what Hollywood has been telling us.

Movies are not just there for your entertainment. They exist to help you unplug from the matrix and serve as a reflection for your own humanity, but you have to do the work to find the reflection in what you consume or not and stay a prisoner to your mind because you refuse to think on or look at yourself because you are afraid of what you will find.

#WokeandAwake there is a difference, people are just afraid to look at their reflections. If you know this give space. Allow for healing and always, as the Ancient one trusted the field of potentiality to do, open the door again and this time step through ready to surrender to something bigger than your self.

Want to change the world, start by changing yourself first.

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Don Saunders

Speaker, Author of "The Knowledge", The missing piece!

5 个月

Three words! “I Am In” Author of “The Power of Knowing; “How Life Works” “The Knowledge” arrived November 17th, 2009 at 6:24 AM. I was hired as the messenger and have waited for 15 years as humanly was not ready to receive “The Knowledge” it is raw and will not try to change any belief systems but rather explain how this thing we refer to as LIFE actually works. Everyone will be comfortable with the explanation because many notables have received “The Ancient Knowledge” in the past but only a few have listened. How is that working out for humanity. Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Joseph Smith, Mother Theresa tried the approach of teaching by example. Countless other teachers and philosophers from all walks of life have arrived to share and still nobody cares enough to listen. The upcoming election will be the indicator as to whether we turn the page and move forward or we go backwards. We will not go back. Study the rise and fall of the third reich Stop the madness live with Love and compassion for everyone, not the fear mongering of one egotistical narcissist, You can still maintain your conservative values no one wants to take your guns. The good guys with the white hats are on both sides of the isle. Enough for now, it is time!


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