Holly...Coming Nov 4th
A special look today at the new Christmas 2024 Holly Collection.
Each of the three pieces in this new collection is made of hand stamped sterling silver with no two the same. A little piercing, an oxidized finish and red coral beads are used to give them that touch of holly berry red.
Each piece of jewellery will be custom made to order for you.
I worked with Sticks & Doodles to create these beautiful custom designed wreath ornaments seen here. I am offering them as an add on to your jewellery or separately as well. Each pendant will be attached as in the photo for presentation. Easily removed once received.
The collection will be released and available for purchase on Monday Nov 4th on my website in it's own category called Holly 2024. More details will be available then.
All prices will be subject to pst.
Local delivery is $5.00, curbside pick-up and shipping available.
All Roxanne Brown Jewellery items come gift wrapped and ready for gifting.
Roxanne Brown Jewellery, hand crafted, one of a kind.
Photography by Roxanne Brown
#roxannebrownjewellery #handmadejewellery #customjewellery #oneofakindjewellery #jewelleryartistsguildofregina #jagr306 #saskcraft #saskcraftcouncil #christmasiscoming #hollypendant #sterlingsilverhollypendants #hollyearrings #redcoralbeads #redcoral #jewelleryforchristmas #oxidizedfinish #oxidized #christmaswreathornaments #wreathornaments #shoplocalregina #shoplocal #yqrsmallbusiness #yqr #shoplocalyqr #wearcanadaproud #riojeweler