Holistic Leadership for the Future of Humanity
Sonja Klopcic
CEO, Developer of AEIOU Leadership, Innovator * Author * Coach * Mentor * Country Chair G100 Leadership & Entrepreneurial Education
In just a few years, humans will no longer be the smartest beings on our planet. This position will be taken over by artificial intelligence, the result of human intelligence that will vastly surpass its creator. Due to its incredibly rapid learning abilities, the intelligence of artificial intelligence will have grown to a level in two decades where comparing it to humans will be akin to comparing the abilities of Einstein and a fly. (1)
Take a moment to consider what you do when an annoying fly buzzes around you. Do you let it do as it pleases? Can it land on your nose? Do you shoo it away? Perhaps you grab a fly swatter and squash it? How would you convince Einstein not to kill a fly that's bothering him while contemplating something as significant as the theory of relativity? And what role does kolistic leadership play in this?
What Is Holistic Leadership?
Holistic leadership is based on ethics, which deals with values on a societal level. On an individual level, morality takes on this role. Morality consists of practical rules that serve as the foundation for decision-making. Morality concerns human behavior in everyday life. (2)
Morality, therefore, arises from ethics, which can also be referred to as the theory of good and evil. In the extreme pace of technological development, we often fail to establish moral guidelines and rules quickly enough. Therefore, it is crucial to lean on ethics during the creation of new technologies. To do this, a high level of awareness among leaders of development teams and experts is required.
We must demand that at least the leaders of development teams, in addition to their technological considerations, also address ethical questions. I understand that this is a challenging task, but this is where holistic leadership is crucial. Holistic leadership systematically develops all aspects of human intelligence: rational, emotional, and spiritual. It places special emphasis on an individual's inner world and their consciousness.
Consciousness is the greatest blind spot for leaders (3). It pertains to the motives and intentions behind their leadership. Is it a desire for dominance? Is it the abuse of emotional intelligence for manipulation? Or is it leadership with the purpose of supporting people, nurturing their talents, and uniting them in the co-creation of value for all? The difference in decisions and actions can be the difference between war and peace.
Holistic leadership recognizes that an individual's well-being is not solely linked to their physical and psychological well-being but encompasses the whole, including the spiritual dimension. Holistic leadership involves systemic thinking and is attentive to the environment and the planet. It considers all sources of knowledge—besides what has been learned and gained through experience, it also takes into account intuition, insights, and hunches. It adheres to the rule that more people know more, thus promoting collaboration and co-creation.
What Do We Typically Seek in Leadership Candidates?
Let's honestly ask ourselves what we typically seek in leadership candidates.
The ability to act quickly, make objective decisions, think rationally, perform under pressure, maintain focus regardless of circumstances, and goal orientation are certainly highly valued competencies. In addition to these, we usually expect the ability to establish control and oversight.
Often, we seek abilities that can be attributed to machines and technology. Why do we forget about human qualities when assessing leadership potential? Do we want to be led by robots? What about the ability to build interpersonal relationships? What role does trust play in this? What about inspiration? How can we inspire ourselves and others? Where do we find meaning? How can we connect individual missions to the organization's mission? What about creativity and innovation? How can we encourage new ideas? How will our organization contribute to a better world, ensuring a decent life for future generations on this planet?
Human Intelligence Is Also Increasing
People want to be seen and heard. They desire attention and inclusion, to be respected and considered. Perhaps this is also a result of increasing intelligence. An average intelligent person from the year 1900 would be considered almost mentally challenged by today's standards. The average Jane Doe today is smarter than 89% of scholars from 1900. (4) It's not just the intelligence quotient that's increasing; life expectancy is also rising. However, there's an interesting twist here. People's life expectancy is growing, but the life expectancy of companies is decreasing.
At the beginning of the 1950s, life expectancy was 46.5 years. Today, the life expectancy for a Slovenian-born man is 78.7 years, and women have even better prospects. For companies, the life expectancy in 1900 was 67 years, but today it's only 7. Hence, constant adaptations and continuous change are necessary to keep the organization in good shape.
Holistic leadership understands that in new situations, we cannot rely on old knowledge, and it is open to learning from the future. It embraces all dimensions of knowledge. It is connected to a high level of consciousness or spiritual intelligence. Such leadership is evident in respectful action, inclusion of everyone, encouragement of creativity, and an expanded understanding of responsibility. This kind of leadership creates an environment that supports innovation and the realization of the organization's mission. With a generous intent, it forms a collective consciousness that transcends individual satisfaction. This supports spiritual intelligence, which also has the ability to transform difficult situations, greatly impacting an individual's and organization's resilience.
Shifting from "I" to "We," from Ego to Ecosystem Awareness
Holistic leadership encourages a shift from "I think, therefore I am" to "I co-create, therefore something new is emerging." A leader must have the courage and trust that the team will find the most optimal solution. This represents a significant change in leadership, moving from directing to facilitating. It involves supporting the group in achieving a common goal, which can be solving a problem, brainstorming ideas, planning, or innovating. In these cases, the leader primarily creates and maintains a safe space for the group's collective intelligence to generate the right answers.
Understanding organizations as living organisms greatly supports this approach. They are communities of people in relationships with each other, helping, collaborating, and giving meaning to their work. They are also spontaneous, informal networks of friendships where informal communications take place. The more developed these informal networks are, the greater the organization's ability to learn and adapt. The vitality of the organization comes from these community practices, where every voice matters. The fluid part of the organization changes with each individual.
By viewing the organization as a living organism, we realize its remarkable ability to allow the emergence of new ideas, approaches, and relationships, constantly transforming the organization. The organization is constantly changing, adapting, and improving its agility.
Knowledge of systems also informs us that lasting organizational change is not possible through pressure but through meaning. Meaningful disruptions trigger transformations. This requires a shift from dominance, control, and regulation to partnership and holistic leadership.
A Simple Way to Boost Collective Intelligence
A very simple, widely accessible, and cost-free method is available to promote collaboration, co-creation, and the strengthening of collective intelligence: dialogue.
Dialogue means building on an idea someone has expressed before us, rather than using arguments to challenge it and striving for our idea to prevail. Engaging in dialogue means a kind of spiral listening, where we build upon the thoughts expressed by our predecessors. Real dialogue simultaneously occurs on multiple levels—between team members and intimately within each individual.
For dialogue, we need an open mind, an open heart, and open will, says Otto Scharmer.
An open mind is demonstrated through unconditional listening, without judgment, merely bearing witness to what is said. An open heart is shown through respect for everything, the moment, the interlocutors, and the potential. Open will is demonstrated through the readiness to perceive the essence of what is said, even that which was left unspoken.
This requires three steps. The first step is the shift from "I in me" listening, where I compare everything I hear with what I already know, to "I in this" listening, where I listen with an open mind. This can also be called a debate, as it involves the intellect. The second step happens when we engage our open heart in listening. This deepens the dialogue. It is a state of "I in you," where I listen as if I were in your shoes and simultaneously observe what is happening within me. This involves shedding our limiting beliefs and expanding the boundaries of understanding.
The third step involves listening with open will, listening in the "I now" state, in a state of connectedness with other people. This allows us to reach the point where collective intelligence emerges, where we can collectively perceive, shape, and co-create the future.
We also co-create with nature. When we pay attention to signals, symbols, and impulses from our surroundings, we can recognize messages within them. Each of these can change the flow of the dialogue and the course of events. Sensitivity to these messages and the decision of what to consider depends on our level of consciousness.
We Cannot Change the System Without Changing Our Consciousness
Therefore, the first step in the process of selecting leaders should be to ensure that people with strong ethics, who know what is right even if the rules are not yet written, are placed in decision-making positions. These positions require individuals driven by internal positive motivational states such as exploration, sociability, and collaboration, inner strength, and care for future generations. In addition, we need to write more about good practices to build a repository of positive examples from which artificial intelligence can draw knowledge. This way, we can ensure that artificial intelligence is also nurtured in the spirit of ethics.
(1)??? Gawdat, Mo, Scary Smart: https://youtu.be/Q3UtWZlVb9A
(2)??? Jelenk, Ale?: Razmerje med moralo in etiko;? https://homocumolat.com/2018/11/17/razmerje-med-moralo-in-etiko
(3)??? Scharmer, Otto: Turning Toward our Blind Spot: https://medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/turning-toward-our-blind-spot-seeing-the-shadow-as-a-source-for-transformation-aff23d480a55
(4)??? Pinker Steven, Razsvetljenstvo zdaj, V zagovor razumu, znanosti, humanizmu in napredku, UmCo 2019
The article was first published in HR&M, Slovenia.
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