Holistic A.I. Defense and A.I. Defense Due Diligence
Sean Lyons
Value Preservation & Corporate Defense Author, Pioneer, and Thought Leader #PlanetPreservation #AIsafety #ValuePreservation #CorporateDefense #ERM #ESG #GRC #IA
1.???? A.I. Scandal Pre-mortem Series
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
This series of articles has primarily focused on applying the Corporate Defense Management (CDM) philosophy and principles (see Corporate Defense and the Value Preservation Imperative) to the challenges currently posed by developments in A.I. technology. The 1st article, Pre-mortem of an A.I. Scandal(s): Anticipation of Future Hazards, outlined the anticipated A.I. defense weaknesses and deficiencies which are likely to result in future A.I. scandals and the resulting potential for value destruction and its exponential collateral damage. The 2nd article, A.I. Scandal Pre-mortem: The A.I. Defense Diagnosis, addressed the stakeholder requirement for robust A.I. defense programs and how stakeholders need to reflect on the current maturity, capability, and competency levels of their own organizations or groups.
2.???? The A.I. Value Preservation Imperative
“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Morticia Adams
The value preservation imperative is a concept that refers to the importance of safeguarding stakeholder value over the short, medium, and long term. It refers to the obligation to preserve, protect, and defend stakeholder value (i.e. financial value, manufactured value, intellectual value, human value, social & relationship value, and natural value). This obligation similarly applies to the stakeholder value derived from A.I. technology. While organizations and groups have traditionally focused on value creation, the value preservation imperative recognizes that preventing value erosion, reduction, or destruction is equally crucial. In fact, today's boards of directors need to be fully aware that value preservation is increasingly acknowledged as a primary purpose and fiduciary duty in the corporate world. Dynamic developments in A.I. mean that the normal order of things no longer applies and going forward effective A.I. value preservation will require superior levels of guardianship, stewardship, and leadership.
A.I. Value Preservation via Holistic Thinking???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The A.I. value preservation imperative is concerned with addressing the challenge of futureproofing and defending an organization or group against various forms of value destruction. Effectively addressing this challenge requires a holistic mindset in order to fully understand and appreciate the complicated challenges and complex dynamics posed by developments in A.I. technology. In this context holistic thinking involves a broad understanding of how A.I. related issues are intertwined, interconnected, and interdependent. Holistic thinking therefore incorporates a consolidation of different forms of thinking (i.e. strategic thinking, integrated thinking, systems thinking, and design thinking etc). The adoption of a holistic approach to A.I. defense can help reduce blind spots and eliminate any cognitive biases which could result in being rendered vulnerable to the dangers posed by risks, threats, and hazards.
3.???? Holistic A.I. Defense
“The only defense against the world is a thorough knowledge of it.”- John Locke
Naturally, a holistic approach to A.I. defense requires holistic thinking in order to develop the capability to design a holistic defense program. Holistic A.I. defense involves considering, assessing, and evaluating A.I. defense matters from multiple angles, outlooks, and points of view. Given the nature of the A.I. defense challenge and the associated dangers (risks, threats, and hazards), effective A.I. defense will require robust (full metal jacket) protocols and will require a holistic cross-referencing system of checks and balances. Such an approach will require due diligence, and it is important that stakeholder groups satisfy themselves that their organizations are taking the necessary steps in relation to A.I. defense due diligence.
4.???? A.I. Defense Due Diligence
“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.” - Winston Churchill
Due diligence consists of adopting a systematic approach to A.I. defense which involves considerable preparation, vigilance, and perseverance on an ongoing basis. A.I. defense due diligence is necessary because the challenges presented by A.I. technology have been described by various commentators as being complicated, complex, and wicked all at once. Therefore, the challenge of addressing A.I. defense due diligence will require a multi-dimensional framework.
A.I. Defense-in-Height
A.I. defense-in-height involves value preservation through hierarchy (via command and control oversight). Effective oversight requires competent and capable leadership at all tiers of the organization or group. A.I. defense-in-height refers to the lines of defense hierarchy present along the vertical axis which incorporates the top-down delegation of authority and assignment of responsibility, with the bottom-up provision of assurance and enforcement of accountability. Oversight includes the governance and supervision of all A.I. defense activities from the top of the organization (Boardroom) to the bottom of the organization (Front lines). Oversight also includes external supply chain monitoring and stewardship. Appropriate oversight of A.I. defense activities needs to be in place at strategic, tactical, and operational echelons and ideally this should be applied at organizational, national, international, and global levels. A comprehensive oversight framework should incorporate the traditional Three Lines of Defense model plus Executive Management and the Board of Directors (Guardians of Value) as the all-important 4th and 5th strategic lines of defense (see Corporate Oversight and Stakeholder Lines of Defense).???
Stakeholder Question: Does your organization currently operate A.I. defense-in-height?
A.I. Defense-in-Width
A.I. defense-in-width involves value preservation through diversity. This includes a wide diversity of thought, systems, and activity in order to help ensure that A.I. defense challenges are viewed from different perspectives and are viewed through different lenses. A.I. defense-in-width refers to the sharing of information and exchange of knowledge across the horizontal axis which includes trans-organizational, inter-disciplinary, and cross-functional, collaboration, co-operation, and co-ordination. A.I. defense-in-width requires an inclusive approach and can involve incorporating a wide spectrum of expertise, experience, and skills within an organization or group. In particular, it must specifically involve both an individual and a collective focus on the eight critical A.I defense components (i.e. A.I. Governance, A.I. Risk, A.I. Compliance, A.I. Intelligence, A.I. Security, A.I. Resilience, A.I. Controls, and A.I Assurance). Individually these components can help provide different layers of defense and collectively they can actually fortify and reinforce one another (see Corporate Defense Insights: Dispatches from the Front Line).
Stakeholder Question: Does your organization currently operate A.I. defense-in-width?
A.I. Defense-in-Depth
A.I. defense-in-depth involves value preservation through maturity. This requires appropriate levels of maturity across the entire organization or group, particularly across all the critical A.I. defense components (both individually and collectively). A.I. defense-in-depth refers to the level of maturity present throughout the front to back axis which reflects the insights, knowledge, and wisdom present within the organization or group. A focus on defense-in-depth helps to ensure that defense-in-height and defense-in-width measures are not just theoretical in nature, simply window dressing, or merely defense theatre. A.I. defense maturity can be ascertained by the extent to which the current A.I. defense approach reflects an implicit informal undocumented unstructured program or an explicit formal documented structured program. This can include the existence (or non-existence) of a formally documented and approved A.I. Defense Charter (including Purpose, Vision, Mission Statement, Strategy, Framework, Plan, Policies and Procedures etc). The level of maturity present can indicate the strength of defense in practice. A simple 5 step maturity model (1. Dispersed, 2. Centralized, 3. Enterprise-wide, 4. Integrated, 5. Optimized) can help stakeholders to evaluate their organization's current maturity levels (see Optimized Corporate Defense Programs: A 5 Step Roadmap).
Stakeholder Question: Does your organization currently operate A.I. defense-in-depth?
5.???? Unified Defense: A.I. Defense-in-Unity
"Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy." - Saadi
Logically, when operating together defense-in-height, defense-in-width, and defense-in-depth can provide an organization or group with a higher level of defense (A.I. defense-in-unity). Unified defense involves uniting all defense related initiatives under the one umbrella so that they are strategically aligned, tactically integrated, and operating in unison towards common A.I. defense objectives. Typically, unifying defense objectives should incorporate the four cornerstones of the A.I. defense cycle (i.e. Anticipation, Prevention, Detection, and Reaction). Holistic A.I. defense must be regarded as being dynamic in nature and will require continuous learning, constant improvement, and ongoing refinement. This means utilizing hindsight, insight, and foresight on a daily basis. Logically, holistic A.I. defense will improve over time as the organization’s defense insights, knowledge, and wisdom also improve over time. Wisdom in A.I. defense decision-making combines the knowledge acquired through past experience, with an understanding of the present environment, and an expectation of future developments (see Corporate Defense Management (CDM): A Multi-dimensional Framework).??? ??
Stakeholder Question: Does your organization currently operate A.I. defense-in-unity?
6.???? Holistic A.I. Defense by Leveraging A.I.'s Superpowers
Terra In Cognita: Beyond this point there be Dragons!
In the past the concept of holistic defense has perhaps been considered too difficult and complicated for certain organizations. Indeed it could now be argued that the advancements in A.I. technology have actually made this challenge even more complex. Ironically, these same advancements in A.I. technology which rightly raise concerns, also have the potential to actually make this challenge much more manageable, provided (like all things A.I.) it is addressed in a prudent and conscientious manner. A.I. technology can now be leveraged to enhance the management of A.I. defense by supporting, supplementing, and augmenting human capabilities in this space. Holistic A.I. defense is now a realistic expectation because of A.I.’s superpowers in an increasing number of disciplines, in which its capabilities have already surpassed that of humans. Though still in its infancy the use of A.I. to supplement human capabilities in this field is already occurring in many of these areas, particularly in the cyber defense (e.g. cyber intelligence, cyber security, and cyber resilience etc) space. This potential does however come with notable health warnings. A holistic approach to A.I. defense is now increasingly possible by employing these evolving A.I. superpowers however this too needs to be done in a safe and secure manner.
Further Reading and Related Information
The Value Preservation Imperative (The Journal of Creating Value 2022)
Corporate Intelligence and Its Role in a Corporate Defense Program (Competitive Intelligence (C.I.) Magazine 2018)
Corporate Defense and the Value Preservation Imperative: Bulletproof Your Corporate Defense Program (CRC Press 2016)
Corporate Defense Management (CDM): A Multi-dimensional Framework (YouTube Video 2012)
Corporate Oversight and Stakeholder Lines of Defense (The Conference Board 2011)
Security as a Critical Component of Corporate Defense (The Conference Board 2010)
Optimized Corporate Defense Programs: A 5 Step Roadmap (EDPACS 2009)
Corporate Defense Insights: Dispatches from the Front Line ?(The RiskCenter 2008)
Value Preservation & Corporate Defense Author, Pioneer, and Thought Leader #PlanetPreservation #AIsafety #ValuePreservation #CorporateDefense #ERM #ESG #GRC #IA
10 个月A.I. Value Preservation and the Paradox of A.I. https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/ai-value-preservation-paradox-sean-lyons-bswye/
Integrated Management Community past chair.
10 个月Great article Sean. I do believe that managing the likely upsides and downsides of AI applications requires the same approach using the same basic principles and tools as when confronted with any other potential innovation and change anywhere in space and time. A holistic stakeholder centric approach is essential defined by integrated management. The measures require stakeholder equitable agreement + transparency + competence + formal justification + peer review + regulatory approval and control that is proportionate to the perceived worst case intended and unintended consequences. This mirrors major hazard industry best practice. However, it is inevitably an imperfect approach because of actors with differing levels of consciousness, i.e. spanning a spectrum from the criminal to the enlightened with self-serving and serving the greater good behaviours, respectively. AI applications have the problem of being able to be developed much faster than most, if not all, previous evolutionary innovation. The regulatory controls above will dampen the process. Violation of these controls must entail heavy individual and corporate sanctions. The biggest threats are 'individual and group rogue actors' and 'incompetent' actors.
Value Preservation & Corporate Defense Author, Pioneer, and Thought Leader #PlanetPreservation #AIsafety #ValuePreservation #CorporateDefense #ERM #ESG #GRC #IA
11 个月Center for AI and Digital Policy Lorraine Kisselburgh Merve Hickok Marc Rotenberg Dr. Pablo Molina Karine Caunes Maria Helen Murphy
Value Preservation & Corporate Defense Author, Pioneer, and Thought Leader #PlanetPreservation #AIsafety #ValuePreservation #CorporateDefense #ERM #ESG #GRC #IA
11 个月Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment #AIAdvisoryCouncil Patricia Scanlon Deirdre Ahern Abeba Birhane Bernard Harbor, FPRII Stephen Kinsella Susan Leavy Sean Mullaney Ronan Murphy Barry O'Sullivan Emma Redmond Bronagh Riordan Sasha Rubel Barry Scannell Alan Smeaton
Value Preservation & Corporate Defense Author, Pioneer, and Thought Leader #PlanetPreservation #AIsafety #ValuePreservation #CorporateDefense #ERM #ESG #GRC #IA
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