AFP Security and Safety Holiday Tips
- Have your ever felt like your head was on a 360° swivel constantly looking ahead and behind yourself when you are out in public? If so one thing you need to remember and to always consider is to physically look into your car including the backseat area before you enter it.
- Develop a partnership with your fellow neighbors. Have a security plan having them watching to see anything suspect or suspicious on your property. If you ever arrive home and see a window or door ajar call local law enforcement immediately.
- Consider new technology that allows you to answer your door anywhere in the U.S. with your mobile phone preventing anyone from knowing if you are home or away.
- Never use social media to announce your personal family’s business such as trips, vacations and travel plans.
- Never let burglars and other's know that you have a lot of new purchases by leaving boxes and other items on your lawn on garbage day.
- If you have kids or other young adults in your home please check sexual offender registers regularly to know who and where they are on your street and in your neighborhood.
- Get references and check on line for reviews on all contractors you have working in and around your home or business.
- Please keep your mail boxes clear of mail and do not allow newspapers, magazines or fliers lying around on your porch.
- Maintain and trim your shrubs, bushes, grass and weeds. Why because this could prevent someone from hiding behind your bushes and having access to your window from a blind spot.
- Research neighborhood crime stats and increasing crime trends. Ask for your community Police Department to advise you.
Last but not least.....Finally, general common sense, good safety practices and awareness of your surroundings will give you an advantage and hopefully get you though the holiday season and everyday safely. If you are a nonprofit, membership organization or school, AFP could send a representative free of cost on a first call basis to talk or do a safety audit. Are customer service representatives are standing by to answer your questions and concerns at 216-321-1369 or Toll free at 1-877-321-2288. Advance Federated Protection would like to wish you and your families a Happy Holiday season filled with joy, love and laughter!