Holiday Safety Guide

Holiday Safety Guide

Crime is a year-round activity. Criminals hardly work a 9–5 schedule. Most crime is an act of opportunity. That opportunity seems to see a rise at the end of the year, or holiday time.

In December, larceny and robbery increase by as much as 20%. Acts of violence also rise. Some reasons for this increase are:

· Alcohol consumption. The holiday time from Thanksgiving to New Years brings about higher levels of alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption can lead to crimes such as battery, DUI, and destruction of property.

· Higher frequency of financial transactions. Stores start their deals earlier and earlier every year. Pretty soon, Black Friday will start in August. However, this increased time of spending and possession of retail goods make a perfect target for thieves.

· Emotions. Holiday time can bring about a lot of emotions, both good and bad. This can include depression and anger. Both are factors in multiple types of crime.

· Opportunity. People are busier during this time of year. You may go to home and work from January to October, however the end of the year includes shopping, events, etc. This is cause for a higher number of people on the road, in stores, and more targets in the general public.

How can you stay safe during the holiday time and not become a victim for Christmas?

· The world is a 360 degree place, so should your vision be. You may have a dozen things on your mind from shopping, to parties, to planning. None of that should trump awareness. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in busy places. You are not too busy to be aware. Avoid looking at your phone or having tunnel vision. Making a straight line from your car to the Wal Mart sale may seem productive, however, the bad guys are looking for the people who are not paying attention. Cops call this having your head on a swivel. Look around you as you walk anywhere in public. A person who is aware is not a favorable target. A person not paying attention is asking to be a victim.

· Be smart when you park at shopping centers. Try to shop during the day. Remember it gets dark by 4:30 p.m. so try to wrap up your trip by 3:45, earlier if the lines are long. That means at 4:00 you are in your car headed home. If you must shop at night, be sure to do so tactically. Park in well-lit areas as close to the store as possible. If something or anything in the parking lot or the store looks off to you, leave. Humans have the ability to sense danger. This comes from the way olden days of Ug the caveman. He had to avoid being eaten. You have to avoid being a victim. If something in your head tells you the situation is wrong, DO NOT avoid this. It could be nothing, or it could be a risk to your safety. Don’t get in the habit of saying “it will be ok.”

· Don’t leave purchases in plain view. Nothing says break in my car like a Macy’s bag in the back seat. Place purchases in inconspicuous areas or place them in the trunk. Avoid covering things with a blanket or anything that looks unnatural and intentional. If you’re at the mall and want to lighten your load before getting more, load the car, then drive away. Wait five to ten minutes then park in another section of the mall. Even better, when you load the car take a mental inventory of the cars nearby. If you see those cars again, avoid them and park somewhere else. And while it may seem time consuming, consider braking up your shopping by taking purchases home before going go get more

-When headed home from the store watch the cars around you. If you think you’re being followed DO NOT go home. Go to the nearest police station or major public place like a hospital ER. Use the 10-5-2 Rule. When ten minutes from your destination take an inventory of the cars behind you. Five minutes out check again, is the same car still there? Two minutes out, is the same car still there?

· When loading your trunk be sure to look up after you place every bag inside. Be aware of your surroundings.

-Hands kill, hands save, hands defend. It is not unusual to have both hands filled with bags during a shopping trip. Try to keep your dominant hand free in case you need to defend yourself. Consider the fact that when confronted by the bad guy you may freeze and not drop the bag thus making your hands useless for defense.

· If you are approached by the bad guy and he wants to use force or a weapon to take your goods, let him have them. Your life is not worth whatever is in that bag. The store carries multiple of every item. There is only one of you.

· Avoid letting packages pile up at your door. Either be sure you are home or consider alternative delivery sites like Amazon lockers.

· Try not to shop or go to events alone. If you are going to an event that serves alcohol, ensure at least one person in your party stays sober. People who have been drinking are easy targets.

· Sob stories skyrocket at this time of year. If approached by someone looking for a handout, politely and confidently say you can’t help and move on. Don’t allow them to hook you into their sad story. There is a reason the sad story has multiple parts; it is meant to get your attention and rope you in.

· When disposing of shopping bags, boxes and receipts, be sure to destroy them. Again, nothing says break into my house like the box to your new 60-inch LG TV on the curb. Also place shopping bags in regular trash bags. Finally destroy all receipts. A receipt is nothing more than an itemized shopping list for thieves along with values.

· If traveling, be sure to outfit your car. Place blankets and extra water in the trunk, especially if you reside in an area with a harsh winter climate. Also, don’t ask your car to exceed its ability. I once saw someone try to drive through a snowy mountain road in a Honda Civic. All due respect to Honda, their cars are not built for snowy off roading.

· Be sure to eat and stay hydrated. Hunger and dehydration lessen your ability to recognize threats in your environment. Also get enough rest. A tired person is a great target to the bad guy.

· Christmas lights and attractions are fun to look at. However, make them secondary. Be aware of your surroundings. Every ten seconds or so scan your area. If anyone or anything looks off or makes you nervous, move away with confidence.

· Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings. And be aware of your surroundings. Get the idea? Being aware can prevent so many bad things from happening.

Don’t get ready, stay ready and stay safe!


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