Holiday Party Notes To Self
“So, what do you do?”
Option 1:
I’m a growth strategist. A fixer. Think of me as a Ray Donovan of the business world, but without the blood. What doesn’t need fixing, I punch up.
Option 2:
I’m the founding partner of a international consultancy. We specialize in helping our clients create and execute their growth strategy. In some instances, it’s brand awareness or a marketing issue, in others our work is more operational in nature. Often it’s both. But in all cases, we are resolute in our belief that everything an organization stands for and does begins with its Purpose. Its “Why.”
Organizations (and brands) with Purpose consistently outperform their competitors. Purpose is a genuine point of difference and a catalyst for transformational growth.
LBH believes a compelling Purpose serves as both a North Star and a magnet. A Purpose is why people, beginning with Employees, believe. Why, when facing tempting choices elsewhere, top talent remains loyal. Why prospects, customers, business partners and other potential stakeholders can be persuaded to join forces.
Purpose should be differentiating and it must be grounded in an authentic truth. It’s not a campaign slogan or strap line. It is why an organization exists. Its DNA. Purpose is inspiring! It speaks to the heart.
Want to double your revenue in three years? Want to protect against an economic downturn? Your business is outstanding, but you’re often left out, standing? Fine tuning a Purpose, or defining it, or re-setting it for a boost in growth – at Lowand B. Hold, that is our Job One.
May I get you a refill? More shrimp?