Holiday Greetings from Cornwall
Regatta Pope with the Fowey Town Band by The Safe Harbour, Cornwall

Holiday Greetings from Cornwall

Attended Fowey Condensed Regatta last week which is part of Cornwall’s summer season of events after lifting of the COVID restrictions.

Started at the Classic Car event on the edge of town where it was brilliantly organised, social distanced and masked. People were friendly and owners of the 110 vehicles happy to give insight into their prized possessions.

Then to the pub for a pint.

Like a set from a movie, The Safe Harbour, was decorated as Davy Jones’s Locker with an x through the er and re-placed by in, making it into Davy Jones Lockin. ?The bar staff dressed as creatures from the deep with a mermaid, dead sea captain and half alive/half dead maiden looking particularly realistic. (Later winning the award for best decorated Regatta pub).

In the distance, a parade could be heard getting closer. Headed by the Regatta Pope, in a Cornish-style Pop-mobile, blessing us all. Followed be The Fowey band in full swing, loud and enthusiastic before stopping for liquid refreshments.

After eight months of lock down it was strange to watch what was clearly mass fun. Few masks, little social distancing and a cacophony of joy.

Yesterday the media reported Cornwall has more cases of COVID than Turkey.

To quote Churchill Winston when brought news of two guardsmen caught misbehaving in a park on a ' bloody cold last night …and now with Cornish celebrations in almost post pandemic … makes you proud to be British!'


