Holiday Greetings from ATCA

Holiday Greetings from ATCA

Happy Holidays,

It has been a busy year for all of us as we excitedly returned to?in-person events?and got back to business. This year we?implemented?ambitious ideas,?executed?a packed schedule, and?set?goals to take the association to the next level following a tough two years of quarantines and doing many things virtually. At the heart of it all, we remained focused on you, our great members who we continue to serve each day throughout the year.

?Our association took time to reflect during Covid. We re-examined our vision, mission, and focus, and are now squarely dedicated to all facets of achieving total airspace integration. Our mission reflects this new direction,?to serve airspace users, providers, and industry partners by promoting cooperation, development, and safety in all aspects of airspace integration, and to further the efforts, needs, and success of our members.

?We began 2022 by hosting our last ATCA Annual virtually, which was rescheduled from 2021. The two-day event?featured?45 speakers and?hosted?600 attendees who tuned in to the virtual event. Following the Annual we hosted the final World ATM Congress in Madrid after nine successful events. At the World ATM Congress, we hosted 200+ exhibitors, 300 speakers, and 8,000 registrants, from over 120 countries.?We look forward to seeing you back in Madrid at our new?Airspace Integration Congress?that will be held in September. Then, in the fall, we hosted the inaugural ATCA Global Conference & Expo in Washington, DC. At ATCA Global, we hosted 94 exhibitors, 160 speakers, and 2,000 registrants from over 40 countries. Having planned and executed these three major events, we are sure you can appreciate that 2022 was quite the whirlwind.

?Beyond events, ATCA was excited to kick off the new mentorship program.?Mentors and mentees were paired for a yearlong program?where?they will meet regularly, and the mentor can provide guidance based on their many years of experience in the industry. In 2023 we look to expand this program so more members can participate.

?This year we were pleased to partner with the FAA on a new initiative that will provide recommendations on how to operationalize the Automation Evolution Strategy (AES). Next year be on the lookout for more details if you would like to help with this program.

?Additionally, we partnered with the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF), the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), and the William J. Hughes Technical Center to better bring you, our members, a more informed look at the challenges surrounding airspace integration and the solutions that will take us there. Finally, we partnered with Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC) to work on ways to create a more resilient, efficient, environmentally responsible, and scalable airspace systems.

?ATCA’s scholarship program continues to be successful, and we were excited to present nine scholarships totaling $75,000. The scholarship program has been around since its inception in 1983 when it recognized one student with a small scholarship award. It has grown exponentially since then, now supporting 8-12 students each year. As of this year, ATCA will have given away nearly $1.4 million to deserving students.

?The excitement continued as we brought back our ATCA awards program presented in person at our ATCA Global Conference & Expo. We presented 16 individuals and organizations with awards for their contributions to air traffic control and flight safety. ATCA also proudly presented Massimo Garbini its highest honor, the Glen A. Gilbert Memorial Award, for his lifelong achievements in the field of aviation.

?Our?board of directors began their new term?in November,?now?led by Rachel Jackson, our Board Chair; Paul Feldman, our Chair-Elect; Sean Morris, our Treasurer; Massimo Garbini and Dr. Parimal Kopardekar, who serve as Area Directors; and our Directors-at-Large Dave Ford,?and?Michael Hawthorne. Newly elected Directors-at-Large are Jim Eck, Chris Rocheleau, Melissa Rudinger, and Rachel Seibert. I can’t thank each of them enough for volunteering their time and expertise to our association.

?I hope?to?see each of you?in 2023?at?all?of our events. Please save the dates for our?ATCA Tech Symposium?in Atlantic City, NJ, in April,?Airspace Integration Congress?in Madrid in September, and?ATCA Global?in Washington, D.C. in November.

?On behalf of the ATCA staff, we wish you a very happy holiday season, and we look forward to serving you in the new year.

Brian Bruckbauer

President & CEO



