This Breakfast is a Hole-in-One! Golf Fitness, Charlotte
To me, breakfast is the most enjoyable meal of the day.
?I love to make it and I love to eat it!
Eating a full breakfast provides me with the energy and staying power to maintain a productive morning and even into the early afternoon.
This is one of my favorite combinations because it combines healthy fats and protein, is low in carbs, and is super easy to make. I hope you enjoy it.
An egg and avocado hole-in-one.?
Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F, slice a ripe avocado in half, take out the pit, and crack an egg into the middle of the avocado. Add sea salt and pepper, top it off with a drizzle of olive oil, and cook for 25 minutes.?
By the time you towel off from your shower breakfast will be ready.?
Eat well, Stay healthy
“Adding Distance To Drives And Years To Lives”?since 2010