Holding power accountable is not slander or libel
Jim Csek, CPA, CMA
"In a world where AI accelerates change like never before, every moment is crucial in building a better tomorrow for all."
Hoping this article will help educate the self-deputized Linkedin /Liberal police out there.
My recent Linkedin article entitled "They need you to hate, best ask why?" drew this comment from what I assume to be a Linkedin and or Liberal deputy marshal, perhaps a judge as well as he did accuse me of an actionable offence in his world.
The comment from Vince
"The Liberals and NDP will always find you someone to hate" - "Where do you get off making a slanderous comment like that? Do you suppose the Conservatives are any better? That was a stupid remark and you should know better. I saw that exchange and I also felt there was something amiss; Wayne seemed caught between the proverbial hard and a hard place. I wouldn't have characterized a few raised eyebrows as "hate" and I certainly haven't read any Liberal or NDP posting professing hate for Wayne Gretzkey. Speaking of hateful speech, have you considered listening to P.P.'s hateful rants? You're out of line mister!" Vince Walzak
An Education in Law & Free Speech for Vince
First off: It’s Libel, Not Slander
First off, Vince—if you’re going to throw around legal accusations, at least get the terminology right.
Since my post was written, if you actually believed it was defamatory, you should have accused me of libel. You do want to be accurate at the very least when picking from your ticket book. But let’s be clear: it’s neither.
As for the slander and or libel: If criticizing political parties was illegal, every journalist, columnist, and political commentator in Canada would be in jail.
Your sentence "That was a stupid remark and you should know better" is dismissive & derogatory language and is a form of belittling or verbal put-down meant to undermine my credibility. Instead of engaging with my argument, you attack my intelligence and judgment that I am clearly in my right as a Canadian to make.
That’s not debate, that’s bullying.
As for your last two sentences.
Speaking of hateful speech, have you considered listening to P.P.'s hateful rants? You're out of line mister!
Ironically, while accusing Pierre Poilievre of hateful speech, Vince is engaging in the same type of inflammatory rhetoric that is somehow ok if directed to a Conservative Party of Canada MP.
Saying "You're out of line" is an attempt to control the conversation by framing me as irrational or extreme. Instead of discussing my post, Vince positions himself as a moral authority who can decide what is "in line" and what is not. ( I assume that is authority is vested in the badge ) I would suggest posting the badge on your profile so that we lesser people can know when it is ok for us to share our political opinions.
The reality is simple: Criticizing political parties is not hate. Demanding accountability is not defamation. Calling out hypocrisy is not extremism.
You don’t have to agree with me, Vince, but you don’t get to silence me, either.
Now—if you actually have an argument instead of name-calling and false legal accusations, I’d be happy to hear it. Otherwise, your outrage is noted and dismissed.
To the rest of you reading this—what do you think? Should political leaders and parties be immune from criticism? Or is accountability more important now than ever?
The next time you get attacked the virtuous ask to see their badge and what special rights they have to suppress your rights provided under the Charter of Rights.
Principal at Allterra Entertainment
6 天前Man - you guys don't give me much room! ?? I don't mind a spirited argument, but I guess you and I grew up in different circles - in my world, if someone bullied you, you NEVER admitted it, much less writing about it, for fear of looking like a wus. Instead, you dealt with it mano a mano, (or face to face). Take a serious look again at what spews of of P.P.'s mouth - how he denigrates others and how he attempts to glorify himself at their expense. This "gentleman" is a Trump wannabe. What exactly are his accomplishments? Contrast his achievements to Mark Carney's.
Principal at Allterra Entertainment
6 天前Had to post my response in several sections. I apologise for any inconvenience. I do agree with you that public officials should be held accountable, but I also believe that there should be a less vitriolic way of expressing one's disfavour - a way that does not encourage an equally vitriolic response. Re: P.P. - this guy has NEVER had a real job. One wonders how a gent of his ilk could ever have achieved the stature of major political party leader - musta had some kick-ass coolaid recipe. (pardon the metaphor). He uses hateful speech - I use inflammatory rhetoric. There's a difference. Hateful speech is akin to childish finger-pointing, whereas inflammatory rhetoric connotes a desire for a more intellectual, or at least argumentative response.
Principal at Allterra Entertainment
6 天前?? My God Jimmy - you are something else indeed. Talk about sensitive! Notice I said "sensitive" and not wimpy. Firstly, your declaration that the two major political organizations, (Liberal Party and the NDP Party), in our country somehow pervert their members enough to make them all "a party of haters" is laughable. Do you really think that people who take on a career in service of the citizenry can be co-opted en mass to become haters and deceivers? Certainly some may, but to brand their entire party as such is not only a discredit to them, but to yourself as well. (Hence my "out of line"), comment. Secondly sir, regarding your intent to school me on the difference between slander and libel, I might remind you that your nasty comment was, if memory serves, a quote - and, as such, it would not qualify as a libelous remark. Had you proffered your opinion rather than parroting someone else's words, it could have been interpreted as libel. Anyway, I thank you for caring enough to try to correct my words even if it could could've ended up being at your expense.
Principal at Allterra Entertainment
6 天前Sorry Jimmy - my comment was a bit over the limit so I posted it on your page.
Director at Span Canada Ent Ltd.
1 周There are all sorts of distractions, remours, stay focused on your agenda. Seriously, if each MP take one issue from his/ her riding we can solve over 300 Canadian issues in a year, for the Canadian Public and make our country great. Follow the Pierre and his policies, implementation and follow up programme. Canadians will much better off in coming years and decades.