Holding Health Care Designers Accountable to Ethical Principles and Violations

Holding Health Care Designers Accountable to Ethical Principles and Violations

Health care is complex and rarely does one size fit all. All involved in health care must be accountable. This accountability includes those who deliver the care, those who do human subjects research, and those who design health care. This is a most important Triple Aim

Vulnerable populations should be protected, but often lack protection. Poor design fit is understood for vulnerable rural, ethnic, and racial minorities but little appears to change. Medicaid has major issues and special patches and federal shortage area designations have been required. Medicaid issues are common across the various minority populations.

The focus on insurance expansion has hidden worst quality health insurance. Public and private employer based plans fail the 2621 counties lowest in health care workforce due to concentrations of elderly, poor, disabled, and weakest employers. The failures involve populations growing fastest as their health care is designed away.

Unlike physicians or human subject researchers where the numbers impacted by abuses are small, health care designers can harm tens of millions by their designs. Designers can be so wedded to their assumptions and the resulting designs that they see few consequences and fail to explore for consequences resulting from implementation of their designs. This resembles a violation of informed consent. Instead of more caution, more study, or design change; the harm is multiplied as Congress, states, and payers make decisions based on information that is missing or biased.

Quantitative studies and regression studies often fail in major areas of relevance and awareness. The quantitative and spreadsheet focus requires some element of balancing. This can be provided by qualitative/mixed methods research and specific studies of practice environments and patient situations. Quantitative predominance will cause problems where there is lack of awareness of the American populations behind and their health care.

Metrics, measurements, and micromanagement can distract. The Norden bombsight was praised for its accuracy and WWII strategies were based on these claims. But designs and technologies far above can cause much collateral damage and they can fail to be efficient and effective down below.

This diagram demonstrates hits by antiaircraft fire. Many reviewing this data wanted to reinforce these hit areas not realizing that planes often survived these hits. It was the engine and pilot areas and fuel tanks that needed protection. Data used incorrectly in health care can result in designs and designers focused on the wrong areas. The focus on damage can miss the strong points that can improve outcomes

The designs for health care should prioritize the development and maintenance of most and best delivery team members. The focus on improved outcomes via health care delivery can add substantially to costs of delivery and team member burdens and this can impair most and best team members.

What is lacking in health care design is the inside out perspective. This perspective is not easily obtained across the origins, training, and locations of typical health care designers. Also few arise from team member roles serving populations behind to help the designers to awareness and better designs.

The inside out perspective is ever more important as health professionals are walking away from health care careers.

melting across decades of designs where Americans are growing fastest in numbers, demand, and complexity. What has been assumed for 40 years has not worked and likely will not work. Hemorrhages of nurses, physicians, and others from health care must stop. It will also take ethical health care designers who do not just talk health equity, they must live health equity especially equity for most Americans most behind. It would also help if many of these designers and researchers were distant from the academic versions of health equity and research and the role of training - so that problems arising from academics and research and training can be identified.

Ethical Violations in Physicians, Researchers, and Health Care Designers

Ethical violations in health care design are not as obvious as were the human subjects violations of Nuremberg, Tuskegee, or San Antonio that took the last half of the twentieth Century to address.

Health care designers so far have been above accountability. Explorations of innovations and assumptions are quite intriguing. Entire constructs have been shaped on their assumptions. Bringing awareness and accountability can be difficult when nothing appears amiss and the damage is predominantly to low valued basic services and virtually invisible American populations.

The designer harms are not as obvious as the physician problems that took the last half of the nineteenth Century to address. But the violations involve 40 - 50% of the American population - depending upon the degree of harm caused.

The bullet points in the remaining text are mine. They suggest areas that must be addressed regarding health care designers, building awareness, and developing accountability.

The numbered items are from Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Participants. Almost every numbered area has some relevance to those who provide care and those who design health care. In many ways the artificial separations of accountabilities for those who provide care, those who research health care, and those who design health care should be minimized and ethical principles common to all should be emphasized. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2825290?

From Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Participants

1. The World Medical Association (WMA, via JAMA) has developed the Declaration of Helsinki as a statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human participants, including research using identifiable human material or data.

2. While the Declaration is adopted by physicians, the WMA holds that these principles should be upheld by all individuals, teams, and organizations involved in medical research, as these principles are fundamental to respect for and protection of all research participants, including both patients and healthy volunteers.

The Declaration is intended to be read as a whole, and each of its constituent paragraphs should be applied with consideration of all other relevant paragraphs.

  • My Comments - The Declaration should be applied to researchers, physicians and other health professionals, and those who design health care.

General Principles

3. The WMA Declaration of Geneva binds the physician with the words, “The health and well-being of my patient will be my first consideration,” and the WMA International Code of Medical Ethics declares, “The physician must commit to the primacy of patient health and well-being and must offer care in the patient’s best interest.”

  • The health and well being of patients, populations, and entire nations should be the first consideration of designers. Twice too much spending on health care is harming the entire nation. Half enough basic health access for 40% is harm by design.

4. It is the duty of the physician to promote and safeguard the health, well-being, and rights of patients, including those who are involved in medical research. The physician’s knowledge and conscience are dedicated to the fulfilment of this duty.

5. Medical progress is based on research that ultimately must include human participants.

Even well-proven interventions should be evaluated continually through research for their safety, effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility, and quality.

6. Medical research involving human participants is subject to ethical standards that promote and ensure respect for all participants and protect their health and rights.

Since medical research takes place in the context of various structural inequities, researchers should carefully consider how the benefits, risks, and burdens are distributed.

Meaningful engagement with potential and enrolled participants and their communities should occur before, during, and following medical research. Researchers should enable potential and enrolled participants and their communities to share their priorities and values; to participate in research design, implementation, and other relevant activities; and to engage in understanding and disseminating results.

7. The primary purpose of medical research involving human participants is to generate knowledge to understand the causes, development, and effects of diseases; improve preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic interventions; and ultimately to advance individual and public health.

These purposes can never take precedence over the rights and interests of individual research participants.

  • These purposes can never take precedence over the rights and interests of most Americans that are most behind - a vulnerable population steadily made worse
  • Researchers/health care designers should enable potential and enrolled participants and their communities to share their priorities and values; to participate in research/health care design, implementation, and other relevant activities; and to engage in understanding and disseminating results. (and assessing consequences).
  • Health care designs have not been evaluated continually before, during, and after implementation of policies, regulations, and applications.
  • If the design fits with the current assumptions, it appears to be rushed into implementation without adequate study and without regard to the consequences where health care is most limited. This is a violation of informed consent since the legislation, regulation, and administration has not benefited from the studies and trials over 3 or more years to begin to gain awareness of the consequences.
  • This can be complicated by health care leaders representing those left behind, such as primary care, who latch on to medical homes or value based care as a solution, only to find continued decline by design facilitated by the higher costs of delivery and added burdens.
  • Social workers and other activists suffering for decades of designs my see some hope in the social determinant waiver but what about the team members that suffer from the 3% cut in Medicaid funding and now have added complex duties before, during, and after patient encounters - especially at Community Health Centers packed with complex Medicaid patients and families. The duties for team members have multiplied as tasks are added across 3 different situations - before encounters to arrange, during encounters to make connections spending much time, and after encounters on follow up tasks. These will add multitasking to team members already most strained and threaten the primary missions - health access and team member support. Why discuss Quintuple Aim when all 5 points are violated by design
  • Addressing one or two social determinant areas that may or may not result in improvements in outcomes is a poor assumption as populations behind have had decades of previous life influencing experiences not easily addressed in a few minutes of an encounter - especially when the financial design shapes fewer team members and more team member tasks, burdens, and distractions
  • Populations inherently behind in outcomes and many dozens of drivers of outcomes will be harmed by more compromises and closures of their hospitals and practices and team members due to performance based designs. They have already lost hundreds of hospitals and countless practices and now face penalties and poor ratings mostly due to serving such populations. The measures are often inaccurate. Violations can be tripped by small numbers variations year to year and also providers less able to game the measurements. Assumptions cause harm as one size does not fit all.
  • Overutilization continues to be the justification for cost cutting but do policies curtail the providers and patients that driver overutilization. Certainly overutilization is possible where there are concentrations of workforce and services, but deficits of access and workforce and services impact half the nation. Overutilization focus is exactly wrong for most Americans with numerous designed (geographic, plan restrictions, lowest payments) access barriers shaping underutilization and inappropriate utilization.
  • The damage done to vulnerable populations and the delivery team members has been consistent over 40 years of designs. Cost cutting has not been effective and has been most damaging to the populations least powerful and most distant from political, health care, and economic powerhouses.
  • There have been harms by design that took years and decades to discover regarding PPS/Diagnosis Related Groups as patients with certain diagnoses were harmed. Hospitals not the largest were harmed. The type of health professional most harmed is hospital nursing. Funding maladies shape survival focus for some hospitals. Profit focus shapes cuts in personnel costs with lower ratios in key areas such as nursing.
  • The designs for US health care have not taken into account the fatal flaw of low paying public plans where the weakest employers are concentrated and their plans cannot bail out the public plan deficits.

8. While new knowledge and interventions may be urgently needed during public health emergencies, it remains essential to uphold the ethical principles in this Declaration during such emergencies.

9. It is the duty of physicians who are involved in medical research to protect the life, health, dignity, integrity, autonomy, privacy, and confidentiality of personal information of research participants. The responsibility for the protection of research participants must always rest with physicians or other researchers and never with the research participants, even though they have given consent.

  • Vulnerable populations should never be charged with the responsibility of protecting their remaining health care or bailing it out when worst quality health insurance results in revenue too low and costs too high. They have been attempting to bail out a harmful design for decades via fund raisers, bond issues, or taxation. Once again worst designs, and worst plans cause more problems where incomes, employers, and land values are worst.

10. Physicians and other researchers must consider the ethical, legal, and regulatory norms and standards for research involving human participants in the country or countries in which the research originated and where it is to be performed, as well as applicable international norms and standards. No national or international ethical, legal, or regulatory requirement should reduce or eliminate any of the protections for research participants set forth in this Declaration.

  • Designers must consider the ethical, legal, and regulatory norms and standards which no one should compromise.

11. Medical research should be designed and conducted in a manner that avoids or minimizes harm to the environment and strives for environmental sustainability.

  • Financial designs harm the home and practice environments of delivery team members and are driving them away from health care. Financial designs help shape higher turnover costs where the financial designs are worse - resulting in a worsening cycle of decline that is reaching end stage for too many.

12. Medical research involving human participants must be conducted only by individuals with the appropriate ethics and scientific education, training, and qualifications. Such research requires the supervision of a competent and appropriately qualified physician or other researcher.

Scienti?c integrity is essential in the conduct of medical research involving human participants. Involved individuals, teams, and organizations must never engage in research misconduct.

13. Groups that are underrepresented in medical research should be provided appropriate access to participation in research.

  • Research involving health policy decisions must involve the populations in the 2621 counties lowest in health care workforce that include rural counties predominantly Native American, African American, and border Hispanic.

14. Physicians who combine medical research with medical care should involve their patients in research only to the extent that this is justified by its potential preventive, diagnostic, or therapeutic value, and if the physician has good reason to believe that participation in the research will not adversely affect the health of the patients who serve as research participants.

15. Appropriate compensation and treatment for participants who are harmed as a result of participating in research must be ensured.

Risks, Burdens, and Benefits

16. In medical practice and in medical research, most interventions involve risks and burdens.

Medical research involving human participants may only be conducted if the importance of the objective outweighs the risks and burdens to the research participants.

17. All medical research involving human participants must be preceded by careful assessment of predictable risks and burdens to the individuals and groups involved in the research in comparison with foreseeable benefits to them and to other individuals or groups affected by the condition under investigation.

Measures to minimize the risks and burdens must be implemented. The risks and burdens must be continuously monitored, assessed, and documented by the researcher.

18. Physicians and other researchers may not engage in research involving human participants unless they are confident that the risks and burdens have been adequately assessed and can be satisfactorily managed.

When the risks and burdens are found to outweigh the potential benefits or when there is conclusive proof of definitive outcomes, physicians and other researchers must assess whether to continue, modify, or immediately stop the research.

  • Decades of what has been considered progress in health care design, must be re-examined with regard to risks, burdens, consequences, and outcomes. Experimentation continues in the CMS Innovation Center and the results have been poor regarding cost and quality improvements. Numerous innovations have been praised for decades and long before costs and burdens and consequences were understood.

Individual, Group, and Community Vulnerability

19. Some individuals, groups, and communities are in a situation of more vulnerability as research participants due to factors that may be fixed or contextual and dynamic, and thus are at greater risk of being wronged or incurring harm. When such individuals, groups, and communities have distinctive health needs, their exclusion from medical research can potentially perpetuate or exacerbate their disparities. Therefore, the harms of exclusion must be considered and weighed against the harms of inclusion. In order to be fairly and responsibly included in research, they should receive specifically considered support and protections.

20. Medical research with individuals, groups, or communities in situations of particular vulnerability is only justified if it is responsive to their health needs and priorities and the individual, group, or community stands to benefit from the resulting knowledge, practices, or interventions. Researchers should only include those in situations of particular vulnerability when the research cannot be carried out in a less vulnerable group or community, or when excluding them would perpetuate or exacerbate their disparities.

  • The health care of most Americans most behind remains in the hands of health care designers that do not understand this majority as vulnerable or the need for protections and special considerations with each change in the design.

Scientific Requirements and Research Protocols

21. Medical research involving human participants must have a scientifically sound and rigorous design and execution that are likely to produce reliable, valid, and valuable knowledge and avoid research waste. The research must conform to generally accepted scientific principles, be based on a thorough knowledge of the scientific literature, other relevant sources of information, and adequate laboratory and, as appropriate, animal experimentation.

The welfare of animals used for research must be respected.

22. The design and performance of all medical research involving human participants must be clearly described and justified in a research protocol.

The protocol should contain a statement of the ethical considerations involved and should indicate how the principles in this Declaration have been addressed. The protocol should include information regarding aims, methods, anticipated benefits and potential risks and burdens, qualifications of the researcher, sources of funding, any potential conflicts of interest, provisions to protect privacy and confidentiality, incentives for participants, provisions for treating and/or compensating participants who are harmed as a consequence of participation, and any other relevant aspects of the research.

In clinical trials, the protocol must also describe any post-trial provisions.

Research Ethics Committees

23. The protocol must be submitted for consideration, comment, guidance, and approval to the concerned research ethics committee before the research begins. This committee must be transparent in its functioning and must have the independence and authority to resist undue influence from the researcher, the sponsor, or others. The committee must have sufficient resources to fulfill its duties, and its members and staff must collectively have adequate education, training, qualifications, and diversity to effectively evaluate each type of research it reviews.

The committee must have sufficient familiarity with local circumstances and context, and include at least one member of the general public. It must take into consideration the ethical, legal, and regulatory norms and standards of the country or countries in which the research is to be performed as well as applicable international norms and standards, but these must not be allowed to reduce or eliminate any of the protections for research participants set forth in this Declaration.

When collaborative research is performed internationally, the research protocol must be approved by research ethics committees in both the sponsoring and host countries.

The committee must have the right to monitor, recommend changes to, withdraw approval for, and suspend ongoing research. Where monitoring is required, the researcher must provide information to the committee and/or competent data and safety monitoring entity, especially about any serious adverse events. No amendment to the protocol may be made without consideration and approval by the committee. After the end of the research, the researchers must submit a final report to the committee containing a summary of the findings and conclusions.

Privacy and Confidentiality

24. Every precaution must be taken to protect the privacy of research participants and the confidentiality of their personal information.

Free and Informed Consent

25. Free and informed consent is an essential component of respect for individual autonomy. Participation by individuals capable of giving informed consent in medical research must be voluntary. Although it may be appropriate to consult family members or community representatives, individuals capable of giving informed consent may not be enrolled in research unless they freely agree.

26. In medical research involving human participants capable of giving informed consent, each potential participant must be adequately informed in plain language of the aims, methods, anticipated benefits and potential risks and burdens, qualifications of the researcher, sources of funding, any potential conflicts of interest, provisions to protect privacy and confidentiality, incentives for participants, provisions for treating and/or compensating participants who are harmed as a consequence of participation, and any other relevant aspects of the research.

The potential participant must be informed of the right to refuse to participate in the research or to withdraw consent to participate at any time without reprisal. Special attention should be given to the specific information and communication needs of individual potential participants as well as to the methods used to deliver the information.

After ensuring that the potential participant has understood the information, the physician or another qualified individual must then seek the potential participant’s freely given informed consent, formally documented on paper or electronically. If the consent cannot be expressed on paper or electronically, the non-written consent must be formally witnessed and documented.

All medical research participants should be given the option of being informed about the general outcome and results of the research.

27. When seeking informed consent for participation in research, the physician or other researcher must be particularly cautious if the potential participant is in a dependent relationship with them or may consent under duress. In such situations, the informed consent must be sought by an appropriately qualified individual who is independent of this relationship.

28. In medical research involving human participants incapable of giving free and informed consent, the physician or other qualified individual must seek informed consent from the legally authorized representative, considering preferences and values expressed by the potential participant.

Those persons incapable of giving free and informed consent are in situations of particular vulnerability and are entitled to the corresponding safeguards. In addition to receiving the protections for the particularly vulnerable, those incapable of giving consent must only be included if the research is likely to either personally benefit them or if it entails only minimal risk and minimal burden.

29. When a potential research participant who is incapable of giving free and informed consent is able to give assent to decisions about participation in research, the physician or other qualified individual must seek that assent in addition to the consent of the legally authorized representative, considering any preferences and values expressed by the potential participant. The potential participant’s dissent should be respected.

30. Research involving participants who are physically or mentally incapable of giving consent (for example, unconscious patients) may be done only if the physical or mental condition that prevents giving informed consent is a necessary characteristic of the research group. In such circumstances the physician or other qualified individual must seek informed consent from the legally authorized representative. If no such representative is available and if the research cannot be delayed, the research may proceed without informed consent provided that the specific reasons for involving participants with a condition that renders them unable to give informed consent have been stated in the research protocol and the research has been approved by a research ethics committee.

Free and informed consent to remain in the research must be obtained as soon as possible from a legally authorized representative or, if they regain capacity to give consent, from the participant.

31. The physician or other researcher must fully inform potential participants which aspects of their care are related to the research. The refusal of a patient to participate in research or the patient’s decision to withdraw from research must never adversely affect the patient-physician relationship or provision of the standard of care.

32. Physicians or other qualified individuals must obtain free and informed consent from research participants for the collection, processing, storage, and foreseeable secondary use of biological material and identifiable or re-identifiable data. Any collection and storage of data or biological material from research participants for multiple and indefinite uses should be consistent with requirements set forth in the WMA Declaration of Taipei, including the rights of individuals and the principles of governance. A research ethics committee must approve the establishment and monitor ongoing use of such databases and biobanks.

Where consent is impossible or impracticable to obtain, secondary research on stored data or biological material may be done only after consideration and approval of a research ethics committee.

  • Policies should not proceed without addressing the huge and growing problem of informed consent. Those who make designs must know the consequences impacting vulnerable populations and those already behind by previous designs.

Use of Placebo

33. The benefits, risks, burdens, and effectiveness of a new intervention must be tested against those of the best proven intervention(s), except in the following circumstances:

If no proven intervention exists, the use of placebo, or no intervention, is acceptable; or

If for compelling and scientifically sound methodological reasons the use of any intervention other than the best proven one(s), the use of placebo, or no intervention is necessary to determine the efficacy or safety of an intervention; and the participants who receive any intervention other than the best proven one(s), placebo, or no intervention will not be subject to additional risks of serious or irreversible harm as a result of not receiving the best proven intervention.

Extreme care must be taken to avoid abuse of this option.

Post-Trial Provisions

34. In advance of a clinical trial, post-trial provisions must be arranged by sponsors and researchers to be provided by themselves, healthcare systems, or governments for all participants who still need an intervention identified as beneficial and reasonably safe in the trial. Exceptions to this requirement must be approved by a research ethics committee. Specific information about post-trial provisions must be disclosed to participants as part of informed consent.

Research Registration and Publication and Dissemination of Results

35. Medical research involving human participants must be registered in a publicly accessible database before recruitment of the first participant.

36. Researchers, authors, sponsors, editors, and publishers all have ethical obligations with regard to the publication and dissemination of the results of research. Researchers have a duty to make publicly available the results of their research on human participants and are accountable for the timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of their reports. All parties should adhere to accepted guidelines for ethical reporting. Negative and inconclusive as well as positive results must be published or otherwise made publicly available. Sources of funding, institutional affiliations, and conflicts of interest must be declared in the publication. Reports of research not in accordance with the principles of this Declaration should not be accepted for publication.

  • With regard to the majority left behind, there have been numerous violations of research guidelines. Short term research over 1 or 2 years is far too short. Diagnosis Related Groups had little research and was done in a most atypical state of New Jersey before implementation across the nation. Closures of hundreds of hospitals due to insufficient funding by design selected out those smaller and populations most behind.
  • Other flaws include comparisons of apples to oranges, failure of proper controls, designs to demonstrate what is favored, the failure to pursue or publish negative results, strong bias in who is funded for the research and who does the funding, and the failure to explain away the hypothesis that the outcomes differences are really about differences in the two populations being compared rather than some intervention. Regressions have often been used and commonly explain low levels of the differences yet are often promoted into policy and support for policies.

Unproven Interventions in Clinical Practice

37. When an unproven intervention is utilized in an attempt to restore health or alleviate suffering for an individual patient because approved options are inadequate or ineffective and enrollment in a clinical trial is not possible, it should subsequently be made the object of research designed to evaluate safety and efficacy.

Physicians participating in such interventions must first seek expert advice, weigh possible risks, burdens, and benefits, and obtain informed consent. They must also record and share data when appropriate and avoid compromising clinical trials. These interventions must never be undertaken to circumvent the protections for research participants set forth in this Declaration.

  • When an unproven health policy intervention is utilized there are many dimensions of evaluations on the small scale that are required before potentially harming a substantial portion of the population or a vulnerable portion. Most importantly those in charge must be just as willing to find critique and terminate the intervention as they are to approve and promote this intervention, regardless of how this fits their assumptions.
  • When double sided risk is found to be must the same as single sided risk, the head of CMS should not promote double sided risk as the answer (Verma).
  • When designers need sufficient primary care by 2030 so that they can demand accountability, they actually have to fund primary care adequately. They should have show progress 1980 to 2020 rather than regression. They should have added sufficient funding to shape most and best delivery team members rather than the result of fewer and lesser. They should not mire 40% of the population in half enough primary care due to public plans paying too little and weakest employers with weakest plans - that shape deficits and access barriers wherever there are concentrations of elderly, poor, disabled, and weakest employers.
  • The designers have to show progress in future primary care years produced per graduating class - something accomplished only with billions more invested from the new Medicare and Medicaid designs 1970 to 1980 - something left behind after the class of 1980. The designers since the 1980s have failed to understand the decline of primary care, mental health, women's health, and basic surgical workforce by design. They never gave geriatrics a chance due to high complexity and the costly requirement for most and best delivery team members to be able to share that complexity and address it well. And where the complexities require most and best, our national designs shape half enough of each basic.
  • Not only will we have insufficient primary care by 2030, primary care is front loaded and not back filling. You start with more entering primary care at the start or you fail as the design sends primary care sources packing over the course of their careers.
  • After an adequate financial design requiring a complete change in public and employer based insurance for the 40% most behind in primary care, it will take about 10 class years to ramp up production (as in 1970 to 1980 from 125,000 to 250,000 future primary care years per class year) and then another 22 - 25 class years to reach sufficient. About 2050 is the earliest for sufficient primary care if, for the first time since 1980 the revenue reaches 110% of any and all costs of delivery including any designed increases. Also the salary, benefits, and environments of home and practice due to leaving primary care need to be addressed. Right now CMS votes 1.4 trillion against basic health access and most Americans most behind.
  • As far as training solutions - they have all failed for basic health access and for most Americans for decades. New types such as FM, NP, and PA have failed even with massive expansions. This points entirely to the financial design. Pipelines, programs, schools, or special training have many supporters and there is valid research indicating 3 to 10 times more graduates locating in target practices. This is where the research is deceptive. These rural or underserved or CHC workforce or lowest concentration 2621 counties remain much the same. This is valid research that fails to have relevance as a solution. This also gives a justification for more training involving more billions, which can only send workforce where the financial design is favorable. Any entry into needed workforce basics must be accompanied by a departure and this often results in experienced health professionals replaced by those with low and no experience. Also the research funding involves continued efforts to demonstrate some positive results for quality improvement and ignores studies of practice environments and the consequences of the least experienced front line health care workforce in our history.

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Article Information

Corresponding Author: World Medical Association, 13A chemin du Levant, 01210 Ferney-Voltaire, France ([email protected]).

Published Online: October 19, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.21972

Disclaimer: ?2024 World Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. All intellectual property rights in the Declaration of Helsinki are vested in the World Medical Association. The WMA has granted JAMA exclusive rights to publish the English-language version of the Declaration through December 31, 2024.


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