Points to Ponder

  • Why after all Army alone is made escape goat through political gimmicks ,whereas unruly politicians by handling proxy of terrorism (through domestically cultivated or by the foreign hand ),thus getting our young officers & jawans frequently blown up ,slaughtered & the rest of their family & colleagues demoralised.After all when our Top Leaders /Top Brass would come out of this cunning ploy of the imported / launched or chosen dynasty politicians & realize that out of seven shaheed one at least is an officer? In other armies one officer dies after an average 56 other ranks?Why Pakistani officer is different, the answer is he goes with his team leading from the front...on the contrary our mystery politicians stab us in the back by saying SIFC, CPEC Project ,IMF TORs & CHINESE Lives are threatened .What an irony folks ...get Armed forces people killed &levy heavy taxes on the people to meet out the expenditure of war against terror & Local& PSDP projects ,later keep looting tax payers money/deplete Pakistani Treasury, ultimately deny all charges of corruption & get corruption cases erased through Kangaroo courts & rented judes?
  • Pakistan Armed Forces always laid down their lives indeed for the people of Pakistan /defending motherland against enemies & saboteurs, but the political backing is always missing,yet they fight tenaciously .Now we strongly protest against this obnoxious behaviour of the political criminals & demand that our sons of the soil should go to the battle field together with the backing of politicians ,civil sector & people of Pakistan in general & the locals /Tribal Leaders consent /confidence in particular. Otherwise there would be no success & our Armed Forces ,para military,secondline forces & civilian victims sacrifices would go in vain? "LARREN GE TO EK SATH,EK QOM BANKAR" (IA)
  • After APS sad incident what we sang through our children “MUJHE DUSHMAN KE BACHON KO PARHANA HE…..MUJHE MAAN US SE BADLA LENE JANA HE ??? Why then forgetting that noble message Pak Army is persistently provoked by the politicians to sort out the TTP?Once Army get committed & the desired result is not achieved due to politician lack of will to eradicate evil/terror they blame Army for every thing . Then people like Khawaja Asif say on assembly floor "FOJ HUMARI BOTIAN NOCH KE KHA GAYI HE? What a hypocrisy & tragic gimmickry is that? Ladies & gentlemen we need to revaluate the criticality of the situation?
  • If we have enough resources /funds to help out the dying destitute & starving poor people of Pakistan, but if we do not & our liabilities do not allow us to be brawny / harsh against our own (rebellious) people or terrorist's, stop wasting resources by all standard of sanity, why instead of seeking peaceful solution our politicians are getting offended or too big for their shoes & asking Army to be more aggressive, they are foolish,no threy are not ,we Army people are blind perhaps???
  • If the sincerity of age old politicians is persistently debatable & their mindset highly rusty with overambitious lust for power, in their last regime PDM did the worst they pitched Army against TTP & PTI concurrently & tried to get military bogged down & then feeling relieved by saying “CHANGA HOYA,SAP WI MAR GAYA LATHI WI NOT TUTTI?
  • Why do the politician don't get serious about the state affairs & security issues .One of the reason is almost none of them have their children in the Armed Forces,so they feel no pain since it is no real loss of blood to them,very sad,very bad?
  • From Op Al-Mizan to Raddul fisad & till now Mian Nawaz conspires MUJHE KUN NIKALA SAGA & keep blunting Military Establishment vhemently,terrorist took full advantage of that political instability, Nation Action Plan went for a six (WARR GAYA)?
  • Interim Govt tenure was over extended & everyday of their tenure was used to degrade Afghan people ,govt & tarnishing the refugees in Pakistan image as saboteurs,smugglers, drug pushers,sympathisers of terrorists,illegal immigrants & strongly propagated that once they would be ousted the incidents of terrorism would considerably be reduced. On this folly of the PM Kakkar Sb. Interim Govt ,the forcible pushing of refugees back to Afghanistan was strongly protested by Afghan Govt. So te result was that instead of getting terrorism controlled the militants activity increased 10 times more? Since that time every day there incident of pure killing against Army Personals in particular,so the irritable, stubborn & dogmatic fluke of Interim Govt backfired???? This error was compounded by the folly of politically engineered election results & gross irregularities in the result of the election?The blame was thrown on Armed Forces shoulders,the political gurus & interim govt spin master miserably let down people of Pakistan,indeed??
  • From OP Almizan (Rahe Raast,Rahe Nijjat ) to Zarbe Azab ,Raddul Fissad,,,, all these operations were directed against the same people, what about rest of the trouble creators of Pakistan (KACHHA KA OPERATION,etc,etc)
  • Now Azame Istehkam is again in sight but all three main political parties of KPK & except PDM-II ?most of the politicians of Pakistan are against it,why the enemy of PTI ?want to see Armed Forces jumping into another quagmire without taking the stake holders into confidence & without backing of Trial Courts & hopeless about enactment of NAP in future too???
  • Why can’t we pause & offer leadership of KPK to resolve these issues ?w/o compromising sovereignty of the state, give them a month or so, after healing out ?PTI trauma &resolving PTI puzzle of form45/47?Meanwhile all senior veterans conference be held to propose solution of the looming crises??? ?????

1?? .Worthy readers ?what is being seen & propagated is not interpreted in the similar connotation by all of us e.g. civil-military leadership, social section of the society, religious factions, foreign diplomats /onlookers, the economic hitmen ,people of the KPK in general ,dwellers of tribal belt, opportunistic of media / pseudo think tanks & the hot headed youth of Pakistan. This indeed is very annoying for the Terrorists Groups as well as people of KPK & Afghan neighbors. They think the Pakistani Nation is not repaying their sacrifices for Pakistan in the same coin & that we are thankless & somewhat alienated Muslims, who are blunting Militants desire for “NAZAME SHARIA” so they call us followers of Un-Islamic Code of Life. Perforce, we the Non-Pashtuns are becoming more & more stringent towards Taliban & look as if giving cold shoulder to locals of KPK & Tribal Areas. What is more alarming is that we forget that for ages people of Khyber are exceptionally unique in their cultural & social heritage, mind & instincts, so to say:-

  • The orthodox approach of the people of remote Khyber Areas against Polio Vaccine is still very discouraging ,they think it is a drug to make their male children infertile, despite that a large number of their own new born babies are suffering from polio….Folks if they put the life of their children at stake over such a baseless dogma ?how can you expect wonders from them.
  • Inherent in their blood is the hatred against non-believers &breeding enmity against aggressors. They think they have blunted both the Super Powers & defeated USSR & USA both& saved Afghanistan &Pakistan from Communist Shackles. So they think themselves far superior fighters than Pakistanis. How could you defeat them? They all are ready to become suicidal anytime. They think their resistance is true Jihad?
  • How do you expect wonders from deprived masses of KPK /Tribal Belt once the NAP had failed to ensure the promised Administrative and development reforms in FATA with immediate focus on repatriation of IDPs. Would they ever remain calm over 10-18 hours load shedding due to no- payment of Electricity Bills. Ludicrous isn’t it? what do they have & what have we given them except more & more debris / dead bodies & persistent harassment by the terrorist ,who blast them in mosques, seminaries, markets, in the fields ,graveyards ,on roads & mountains.
  • What do they feel once their local leadership & most popular party PTI leadership is being marginalized so brutally at the behest of the imported politicians & there is no hope of betterment in future too. Would they respect PM, Parliament Judiciary, Executive & Military Establishment specially after a series of operation starting then why breaking the promise? Instead the same children were seen lamenting over 9 May 23 Incident & singing NAK DA KOKA ……..QAIDI # 804? What have we conveyed to the terrorists, who cares????? ????
  • Let us think over brain washing logic of the KPK /Tribal Areas, folks do they need any? What they hear from Palestine & Israel is sufficient to pollute their mind beyond remedy. Over & above everything, how badly the image of Pakistan Army has been tarnished /molested by the Pakistani Dynasty & imprisoned Politicians & Media who call the Military Top leadership “AQLE KUL& Dictators & make fun of COAS by calling him Haffiz Sahib……The truth is where popular support against the terrorists? gone? Another question is where is Vote Ki? Izzat?
  • Folks for the past over two years the Pak Economically is laid on ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit (IUC) & the country is socially and politically in a chaotic phase after London Conspiracy about “Project Imran” backfired and thereafter was the gravity sunk to some extent. All of this chaos exceeded by gross irregularity in the General Elections 2024 further compounded the risk of failure of any military operation due to people of KPK being fed up with it.?

2???? .Worthy audience, lot many things changed on domestic front & international scenario after 24 December 2014 National Action Plan & its ensuing failure to get implemented for obvious reasons of indifferent attitude of the civil leadership & lukewarm attitude of bureaucratic circles. It is also a fact that Pakistan fought against terrorism effectively through Operation Zarb-e-Azb which was followed by Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad. Everybody who has an interest in security dynamics knows the foreground, background, and result of these operations; The results were positive and security forces almost cleaned the country and Pakistan became a normal state to live in. However, it was short-lived and we saw things were not normal as the state of affairs was telling us by 2021. Thereafter Tehrik Taliban Pakistan (TTP) slowly but surely started coming back to Afghan-Pakistan border /tribal areas and then the situation became out of control by the beginning of the year 2022 when Swat Valley made an SOS call through huge public protests against the TTP regrouping. Nonetheless, the govt had been telling them there was no need to worry meanwhile quite a number of TTP members had arrived back from Afghanistan to rejoin their families. This regrouping was apparently the result of bungled up talks Pakistan initiated with the TTP on the advice of the Afghan Taliban. The public had no option just to accept what the state was doing and what the state was claiming. Censorship during the PTI era discouraged independent journalists from reporting the situation from the ground and TTP reclaimed areas it lost during several military operations in Swat Valley

3 .Worthy readers USA withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 was a watershed event for Pakistan-Afghan-Iran & India, resulting the rise of the Afghan Taliban, who took over Kabul immediately & after that TTP return to the tribal areas in 2021/22 the Militants have again been waging an uprising against the state of Pakistan, demanding stricter imposition of Islamic laws, release of its members arrested by the government, and a reversal of the merger of Pakistan’s tribal areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Keeping in view the KPK Provincial own difficulties ,the threat of terrorist gangs ?,mistreatment by the Federal Govt, the men / material losses suffered by Pashtuns at the hands of miscreants as well as Climate Disaster, besides politician flouting of PTI ‘s immense popularity through poor governance &. So now most obviously (recent agitation in the Parliament) & unfortunately majority of the KPK people are reluctant or unwilling to accord popular support for military operations in KPK, therefore the TTP & allied groups have been further emboldened, leading to a spike in its attacks against security forces & their harassment of the military sympathizers & extortion of money from the locals are touching tipping point? What is the solution, of course it is ?not any war whatsoever??.

Col (R) Hassan Yousuf

Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management

8 个月


Col (R) Hassan Yousuf

Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management

8 个月




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