Homeless men are now invading women's homes. It's called "hobosexuals" and it's a plague you know.
Women desperate for love and companionship let em in, without boundaries which are life-savin'.?
Whether homeless or just dependent, these men butter her up and the desperate female falls for it.
He just wants to get outa the rain or heat but she can't see that, thinking it's a real "relationship".
Once in he takes over and won't leave. When she goes to work he's still there and wants her keys.?
Tables have turned: you have handsome fit men [tens] coming into [twos/threes] sloppy/fat women.
She proudly thinks she has a handsome young man when all she is is a hotel [mommy again].
He abuses her pets or says "we need the TV over there" and she beams with pride about the affair.
Women must see this for what this new thing is: he's using you and taking over your house Miss.
This happened to me way back, beaming with pride and way too immature to wake up to this fact.
It used to be men had their own place see, and of course they'd always set boundaries.
Women today want love and companionship so go into denial about this kind of relationship.
Women must grow up and set boundaries. He must leave when you say & not bring his buddies.
He wants you to cook and clean and he won't pay half the rent. Gradually he gets as bad as it gets.
A hobosexual works very fast. He wants sex to seal the deal & take control of the house, that's a fact.
If he agrees to pay half the rent [a bad deal] he'll pay if after the month not before, what a heel.
Him being in control of YOUR home feels like fifty-fifty to him but if it was his that'd never happen.
There all handsome and fit while their victims are never it. She can't turn that down/it seems legit.
For the women not have boundaries is so unhealthy, walking around sad and waking up angry.
He asks personal questions right away. Where you work, who you know/how much you make.
He knows just what to say/wasn't born yesterday. She eats it up but a desperate female will pay.?
The price of acting like a silly schoolgirl is heavy but no one can talk her out of hew new steady.
He just wants a place to stay ok, and to get that he'll do and say anything especially a roll in the hay.
"You're special, like no one I've ever known" he'll say. She laps it up feeling like a queen for today
It's such a sad state of affairs it's a pathetic trend and coming in on us like a hurricane friends.
The trend is based on need not love. The woman has the home [the bait] but he controls the house.
In this atmosphere the status of the cougar [older woman] shoots way up, but watch out!
Everything has changed and you'd better be ready for it cuz it easily turns dangerous and deranged.
First off, don't let anyone in your house or at least make them leave when you want them to, or lose.
Secondly, see that you're the one with the home so you're the one in control, or be a dam fool.
Learn to set boundaries or you'll lose see. To lose control of your own home happens easily.
For precedents are all: once they've "moved in" it's hard to roll it back, even with your girlfriends.
Use my expression: "home is ALL--where I walk TALL." That is no longer the case with their control.
Don't let people drop by to charge their phone or use the bathroom. You're not a gas station!?
Don't let people use you as a sitting room for them and their friends. Boundaries are essential, amen.
Call first: don't let em drop by or use you as a pit stop. Notice how they always come at lunch?
You're not a saint for giving up your home. You're a dam fool cuz you're now mentally ill/can't grow.
Home is solitude and protection from others. It's your renewal like a cozy bed of feathers.?
Girl, they'll say anything to get outa the rain and heat. But you can't see that even if he's a cheat.?
Invading peoples homes: that's the horrible thing about wars. It's happening now & you see stars.
The victim will start to make excuses for her visitor, her tenant: busybody, user, lover, obligant.
She'll start to fix him breakfast before she leaves for work for he's tired and is NOT a jerk.
The sicker victims will lend him her car keys and credit cards, for he said he'd pay her back later.
The more she gives the more he takes until he's taken over completely like a ravaging viper snake.
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