"A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away" - Phyllis McGinley
EP Business in Hospitality
Leading communicator in #Hospitality Industry. Runs numerous events, campaigns and consultancy & publishing.
Encouraging Emerging Talent To Pursue Outside Interests
Encouraging emerging talent to foster outside interests is like nurturing a garden beyond its boundaries. In the dynamic landscape of career development, the development of varied interests holds great significance. Having hobbies provides us with a dimensionality in our lives; making us feel well-rounded and balanced individuals with a broader scope of fulfilment beyond our paycheck. As we start a new year, does it give an opportunity for employers to actively encourage employees to invest time into other interests? ?
At the heart of this notion lies the understanding that multidimensional individuals bring unique perspectives to their activities. Next generations are often immersed in the excitement of their growing careers might find themselves overlooking the enhancement that hobbies, arts, sports, or other interests can offer. But these hobbies aren’t just things that distract you – they’re important parts of how you grow and develop and shouldn’t be undervalued or ignored.
Exploring diverse interests serves as a catalyst for creativity. Mixing differing interests can create new ideas and solutions, taking their career in unexpected directions. Exploring hobbies can help us feel empowered, stimulated, and at ease, allowing us to stay concentrated, energised and more equipped to tackle work challenges.
Engaging in diverse activities fosters adaptability and resilience. Stepping outside the comfort zone of a professional niche challenges the mind to navigate unfamiliar terrain. An aspiring marketer who immerses themselves in wilderness trekking learns the art of strategic planning, resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges, and the invaluable skill of teamwork—a treasure trove of qualities transferrable to any professional setting.
The pursuit of outside interests nurtures a sense of balance in an individual's life. In the relentless pursuit of career milestones, the risk of burnout looms large. Immersion in hobbies or extracurricular passions serves as a sanctuary—a space where stress disappears, creativity flourishes, and personal well-being takes centre stage. This equilibrium not only makes you better at getting things done but also equips you to navigate tough times in the professional world. ?
Outside interests can also foster a network of diverse connections. Engaging in activities beyond work opens doors to interactions with individuals from varied backgrounds. Outside connections bring in fresh ideas and perspectives that might not exist within the company. This can lead to innovative solutions and approaches to problem-solving. By engaging with others outside of work it provides opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, which can bring in business opportunities as well as creating a vibrant working environment where it’s easy to learn and grow. Taking part in arts or sports can help employees develop skills that might be useful in their roles which indirectly can benefit their performance. There are numerous benefits when emerging talents pursue hobbies outside of work, all of which can significantly contribute to the success of businesses as a whole.
Encouraging emerging talent to undertake hobbies also develops the imperative skill of empathy. The ability to relate to others on different planes—be it through music, literature, or a shared passion for a sport—nurtures empathy, an invaluable trait in any professional setting and life in general. Understanding diverse viewpoints and experiences equips people with the ability to navigate complexities with grace and understanding.
Supporting emerging talent to cultivate outside interests isn't just a suggestion; it's an investment in their holistic development. It's an acknowledgment that diverse experiences are where creativity, resilience, balance, and empathy can take root and grow. It's an invitation to explore, learn, and grow beyond the confines of a singular focus, creating a multitude of skills and perspectives that enrich not just their professional lives, but them as individuals.
How can employers actively encourage and support emerging talent to invest in hobbies for both their holistic growth and the collective success of businesses?
Written by Izzy McHattie, EP Business in Hospitality