Hiworks & Housetop Associates Building Remodeling Propositions

Hiworks & Housetop Associates Building Remodeling Propositions

 Building Remodeling Services is the reconstruction of an existing building (with monitored, minimal impact on structural integrity that can be replenished), to fit a different intended use, to improve the economic value of the facility, to make the facility more functional and for aesthetic reasons among other purposes.

Hiworks & Housetop Associates are a Team of JV-Design-Build Services Provider poised to provide both Design and Construction Services. Dealing with two separate entities comes with a special set of challenges, from finding an architect and a contractor who are on the same page to lining up schedules. But with design-build services you get it all from the same company.

Advantages of Design-Build Services

1. Everyone Is On the Same Team

When the Architectural-MEP designers and the builders are all batting for the same team, you get total accountability. There’s no passing the buck if a problem arises because everyone wants to provide the best possible customer service. Whether you’re updating your kitchen or gutting and remodeling your entire home, you want a team that will work together as a cohesive unit in order to resolve problems and get the job done right.

2. Experience and Expertise

While many firms claim that they provide both design and building services, typically, they end up specializing in one or the other. It’s best to work with a well-rounded team where all of the members really do have expertise in both sides in order to get the best possible results — from the planning stages on through the actual implementation of the design.

Another benefit of design-build services is that the two parts of the whole are experienced at working together as a team. They’re able to do this in a seamless manner to ensure that everything moves along as quickly and smoothly as possible.

3. Continuous Consistency

Using a design-build firm means that you have one company involved from the beginning of the process until the last wood chips are swept up and flecks of construction dust wiped away. This helps ensure that the entire project is laid out in a way that’s organized and structured, with all steps receiving the same amount of care and attention. Nothing becomes an afterthought or falls to the wayside, only to be discovered down the road (or even worse — to cause problems after the project is complete). A design-build company works like a well-oiled machine from start to finish.

4. Communication and Collaboration

Because everyone on your design-build team works for the same company, this makes communication constant and fluid. The team works seamlessly together to know what’s going on. Most importantly, this means that you only have one point of contact, rather than calling back and forth between two separate firms to find out who currently has the ball.

Easy, open, and honest communication with the customer is one of the biggest benefits of design-build services. The process isn’t just about the professionals involved; it also requires collaboration with the homeowner in order to ensure that the end result is one that fulfills everything they originally envisioned.

5. Save Time and Money

While remodeling is an excellent investment both in terms of home value and quality of life, the initial cost can creep ever upwards. This is especially true for kitchen updates and bathroom remodels. Because of this, it’s important to save money wherever possible.

Design-build strategies help save both time and money. For one, the entire team works together with a calculated approach, figuring out the most effective way to get the job done. There are a lot of moving parts involved in a building project — and especially a large and complex one. When one firm is responsible for laying out and following through with the timeline, the process moves at a faster pace.

This especially holds true when hurdles arise or changes need to be made. Quick and easy communication between the client, as well as the design and building team, ensures that everyone involved can help make decisions about the best way to achieve an optimal end result without causing huge delays. Using a design-build firm can result in financial savings of as much as 10% of the entire project.

Facilityowners also benefit from lower operating costs. The shared overhead costs of the combined design-build team are lower; welcome savings passed on to the homeowner.

Also, having one point of accountability at the same design-build firm eliminates the headaches, wasted time and over-budget issues that come with conflicts and phone tag between multiple parties. When the entire design-build team works together, those conflicts are drastically minimized, making for a smoother, faster, more enjoyable process for everyone involved.

6. Collaboration for the success of our clients.

We all want our clients to win, and we all put our heads together to ensure that this happens.

No matter who you speak with on our team, we all will meet and discuss your needs and desires. There is no one trying to push other suppliers down to boost themselves up in your eyes. Rather, we are all trying to win for you.

This collaboration sets Design Build teams apart for many reasons. Timelines for projects are typically shorter and more precise, cost savings are generally higher because fewer mistakes or miscalculations are made, and communication between the team and the client is much stronger. This delivers not only a quicker turn-around for less but it also delivers exactly what the client is looking for.

7. Minimal Change Order Cost

Cost implication from change order by designers does not impact the project except the changes are significant and initiated by the client. We are very thorough in detailing to cut down on our losses from avoidable design changes. We also allow for client minimal change order and engage with client throughly for efficient briefing to minimise changes.

8. The Design-Build Process Simplifies Remodeling

The build-design team creates the initial designs, working in-house with the people responsible for bringing those creative ideas to life. This dynamic means far fewer change orders during the facility remodeling process. The old design-bid-build process was famous for triggering time-consuming and often expensive changes to original plans. When the design-build team works together, the original designs usually require far fewer changes.

9. Another Essential Difference in The Design-Build Approach

When you work with a professional, experienced design-build team like us, we work out every detail, flushing out your every need. We listen to what you say about your goals, learning everything there is to know about the scope of your Facility remodeling project. This goes beyond just listening to your direct requests—it involves reading your facility and between the lines of your lifestyle. We’ll take time to learn how you use your space every day. We also ask a lot of questions:

?          How many people will use the space?

?          How do you use this space?

?          How does traffic flow between these areas?

?          What is working about this space—and what isn’t?

?          What are your absolute must-haves?

?          What would be nice to have?

?          Does your space need to be child, people with special needs and/or pet-friendly?

?          What kind of entertaining do you need?

?          What color palette speaks to you the most?

?          What is your budget?





Before the first meeting, spend some time pondering these questions yourself and then discuss them with our team.

Initial budget discussions are essential to help us built to your budget rather than the other way around.

Before the first meeting ponder the questions above, as well as the ones below. Your design team will work with you on planning and designing your space, helping you select finishes and details and help you achieve the dream space you desire. When owners come to this meeting prepared with these details, we find the collaboration process runs smoothly and gets started on the right foot:

1. Prepare Your Written Wish List

Break your wish list into two sections: the “Must-Haves” and the “Would-be-Nice-to-Haves”. Spend some time analyzing how you currently use the space against how you would like to improve the flow and use of that space. Discuss these issues with your design-build team. They will need to understand this in order to create the most functional and beautiful space possible, tailored to your needs and style preferences.

So, whether your project involves remodeling a kitchen or bathroom, adding a new accessory dwelling unit or changing any other aspect of your home design, the more specific and clear your wish list is, the better your design-build team can deliver on your remodeling project objectives while staying on time and within budget.

2. Create Idea Books

When you’re in a remodeling frame of mind, your mental antennae are constantly scanning for potential design and style elements. This is one of the most fun and enjoyable parts of the remodeling process! Collecting paint chips, carpet swatches, and magazine clippings—or organizing your Pinterest boards or Houzz idea book can help you and your designer pull together the right elements that will make your remodeling project shine.

3. Prepare for the Budget Discussion

Be sure to work the numbers of your budget before sitting down with your design-build team for the first time. This will help them make the best recommendations that fit within that budget.

Our design-build team is knowledgeable about the best vendors and product lines that will get you the best materials and project outcome, all while staying within your budget.

Part of our job as a Design-Build company is to understand all the constraints. This includes problems we are trying to solve, budget, schedule, design goals, special considerations, quality requirements, etc. Once we have a full understanding of these parameters, we can make an assessment on the viability of the overall project. Based on these factors, we are in a position to make design recommendations that fall within these guidelines.

4. Prepare Questions to Ask Your Design-Build Team

In addition to the classic, “How much will it cost” and “How long will it take,” questions, we love it when our clients like to dig into deeper questions about their spaces. Ask for suggestions about optimizing space, selecting the right countertop material and choosing appliances. Ask us about concerns you have regarding structural, plumbing and electrical issues.

What If I Don’t Know What Design I Want?

That’s OK! As experts with a wealth of knowledge about architecture, design, style, and construction, we excel at helping owners identify what they like, don’t like and what suits the architecture of their facility. As we discuss options, we can educate and guide you to the point where decision-making is a breeze.

A great design-build remodeling firm is passionate about the details, full of fresh ideas and understands that no two clients are alike. They also relish the opportunity to design creative solutions that speak directly to the needs and desires of their clients, making each element look like a natural extension of the facility and not something just “tacked on”. Working with a design-build firm like us brings the best of all of these things together because collaboration is built into the process from the beginning. The client will be able to get what they asked for—meeting their budget, style, and functional desires.

Why Choose US Instead of the Traditional Build-Bid-Design Process?

Hiworks & Housetop Associates is truly a team—a team that works for you. Our clients are like family—building your ideal living space is a personal matter for us. We are there to guide you through each decision and then work to create a space that you will be thrilled to call home.

Whether your home remodeling project is a matter of appearance, design, functionality, privacy, sustainability, accessibility, safety or any other concern of importance to you, Our design-build team is here for you. Contact us for a consultation today.

For Enquiry, email hwsL2014@gmail.com or call, sms or whatsapp Hiworks & Housetop Associates on +2348033472972 & +2348037871708

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