The Hive Nation Week in Review
Across much of Canada this weekend, families will be celebrating Family Day on Monday. Every day of the year is family day, though, isn't it? Where would any of us be were it not for those we love and who love us? So Happy Family Day!
New Coaches
This week in The Hive Nation we continued to make progress adding new Coaches in multiple Hives:
If you are Coach and still wondering about signing up, check out FAQs for Coaches.
Frequently Asked Questions
We added another FAQ this week, this one for companies considering joining the Hive. Check it out.
If you have a question we haven't addressed in any of our FAQs send an e-mail to Admin and we'll get back you within 24-48 hours. If the question is widely applicable, we'll add to the appropriate FAQ. Either way, we provide an answer for you.
Hybrid Work Part 2: Do's and Dont's
In Part 2 in our series our Hybrid Work we look at the Do's and Dont's. Is it a technology-first or a people-first problem? Is it fad, or is it here for the long-term? Hear insights from leadership author and keynote speaker Rod Collins, Andrew Down Director of Sales at our strategic partner Vendasta, and Amanda Bernardo, a transformation leader in the Government of Canada, as well as Carol McEwan , Agile Program Director at iObeya and former Managing Director at the ScrumAlliance. Carol draws on her time at ScrumAlliance to provide insights on what it's like to go the other way - from a fully remote team to a hybrid work team.
You'll have to wait until March 1st to read Hybrid Work Part 3 - Strategic Considerations to coincide with our podcast interview with Rod. It's one filled with leadership lessons and insights for our hyper-connected and hyper-changing world covering the role of Hybrid, innovation, and emergence in shaping our ability to thrive through uncertainty and ambiguity. You won't want to miss it!
As always, we would love to hear what you have to say, what your experience has been, what would you change, what has worked and not worked, and any other insights that could help others make better choices.
This Weeks Podcast
On Ep. 10 of The Hive Nation Podcast Grant Douzeich discusses On-boarding and Retention. When and where does it start? How long does it last? How does it relate to attracting and retaining top talent? What are the three must-do's in the on-boarding process? Plus much more!
You can find Grant in the HR Hive.
The Hive Platform
This week we started work on The Hive Store. So what does a store have to do with coaching and coaches? As a Coach, you probably have more than one coaching services that you sell. The store is where you will be able to create as many different coaching services as needed to represent your business. You'll also be able to combine services into packages so they can be bought with one selection instead of multiple ones.
Some of you also have developed digital assets that you sell to clients or other coaches. You'll be able to add those as well.
Next week, we'll provide an example of what it looks like. We hope to have it up and running very soon.
More to come!
What's Next?
This week's blog "Unleashing Your Resilience through Self-Reflection and Mental Toughness with Tony Fahkry" is a follow-up to our Podcast featuring Tony Fahkry . We share some of the blog highlights as well as other great insights from Tony. Tony's mission is in "helping you awaken your authentic self to realise your highest potential".
Where to find us