Joshua Weightman
Trys Hill - Looking for security/ revenue protection clients in Retail
HIV/AIDS and the shift of existential dread
For the past 40 years, the AIDS pandemic has dominated humanities worst existential fear.
Unless you have never had a sexual encounter and to varying degrees based on our personal perception of high risk activity, we are forced to consider the worst in our own minds by those who encourage detrimental thoughts to further self-destructive behaviour. Of course, the vast majority operate on the model of plausible denial and equivalent observation of our health. As opposed to getting tested, an inquisition too terrifying to accept the outcome of.
So above us it hovers, the darkest of clouds waiting to deliver its confirmation via third party, destroying everything you hold dear in the process. Not to mention the lives you have endangered, as the virus prickles parallel to your sex drive, wanting to exist. Ultimately enforcing your personal nightmare on those you love the most. ? Leaving only a short period of misery and sickness before a languid demise, shamefully awaiting the double tap from an ailment you used to be able to shake off in a day or two.
Where did it come from though? Where did it go? Where did it come from? Bottom based ho?
Hang on, go?! In the past decade or so its effective treatment and management has risen significantly, it’s impact on those effected or exposed to going down with that rise. May 17th, as I saw in a sign in Boots, is World Hypertension Day. Its symbol, a red ribbon. Woah, that is only 16 days after World AIDS day! Using the same visual symbol of support as the worst possible affliction, in our own opinion, that is not insensitive nor misfired but something else entirely.
High blood pressure,? is quite literally, in the vast majority of its forms the least dangerous health condition. Mocking the most destructive only a couple of weeks after it’s primary fundraising drive. If , somehow, HIV/ AIDS was to join the list of medieval diseases that used to knock us for 6 but now will clear up with a simple course of medication - how would the news be broken to the public? Its too big with a too much of a seismic socio-cultural impact to simply come out with. Every action has a reaction, rise has a fall. Striking our primary yet personal existential fear off the list is a gradual process.
The virus, I have come to believe, was manmade. Now, that’s not to say it was the wrong thing to do from a universal or even global perspective. Perhaps, in preparation for the increased lifespan of the average human, there needed to be some protection against a virus that can spread silently potentially wiping out life entirely. The theory, would be to let it run rampant until an individual was able to overcome it, Patient one. I believe he or she is among you and has grown enough spiritually to spread the virus to the widest reaches of life itself, turning a chronic and fatal disease globally to a vaccine, universally against the very same thing. By essentially, giving everyone AIDS. Good news and bad news then.
Semantics, homophony has been highlighted as weaponry from the silent and evil entities sat just behind our western government. What are we told at our lowest ebb? When we are broken up with and need consoling? What do we love more than anything? A cute, um, you know da fish in the sea, said no. So, to equate it taking language away from the thought process, you have the worst possible affliction referred to by all of us as - a) something cute, aw
B) um, you know - said when the speaker is trying to think of something that the listener definitely already knows
C) the thing that will carry us through a heartbreak - all those fish in the sea
Double whammy of good tidings so far other than the implication we should know this already, this is like Christmas!
and then
D) Said no - ah. There was plenty more of them, they were cute aaaand they all turned you down as well. Shit.
Plus, AIDS. Visual aids? Hearing aids? Floatation aids? No, AIDS. Things that help. Better than helpless. Potentially translated to the most vulnerable people, the helpless, as people that should be helped less, identifying and attacking the weakest among us, so as to effectively hurt an easy target and consume the resulting misery. God help the…usually followed by someone that we are giving the gravest of threats.
The fear of death by AIDS occupies a very specific part of our thoughts, like a little cupboard of dread so severe, it’s almost comforting. Because you? AIDS?! How can that even be a thing? you shake it off until it looms when prompted. It could be something you read, something you see on TV or a googling of any nagging ailment results in definite AIDS.
So, now we don’t have to worry about the thing we all think is definitely the worst and going to represent our complete and spectacular downfall, what do we replace it with? Something needs to go in that cupboard. Well, they can be tiny and don’t actually have to inhabit the cupboard in order for their man made disease to spread. Given how inevitable our torture and enslavement of a sentient being is, I am tempted to encourage the mindset of its inevitable occurrence as the best way to prevent it, daily, weekly yearly forever. Although at a top level this could be seen as exactly what the nemesis want. I’m pretty sure they are responsible for warnings I received personally in 2020, through a haze of BCI induced torture and harassment of course, reshaping everything on both ends to serve the purpose of having me killed due to my knowledge of this torture and harassment and furthermore exactly where it came from. I have mentioned resistence. French. It can be best described by a scene in True Romance, unfortunately there is a lot of use of racial expletive in there but I can’t think of another example in our cultural paradigm. Gangsters come and beat up the dad whose son they were after for stolen drug money or something like that, they sit him down afterward and request that he co-operate in sharing the last known whereabouts. He is surrounded, helpless to fight and going to be forced into giving in his son to be killed. This is where resistence opportunity arises, the spirit in this moment, when you are truly fucked will hand you a little nugget of just how to murk these bastards within an inch of their lives - what’s really going to hit a nerve?? Arguably, since I was made to think I was on the edge of death unexplainably since about 8 as far as I can remember, I always walked around with this nugget and when you have it the spirit wants it used, thus I can tear people apart, with words, the most vicious and scathing in the world, I am sure of that.? Now BCI hell came, it turned out, my murking would start to take on a whole new meaning. Backed with imagery and evidence, thought processes and relatives, all manner of hell. I delivered this, to my attackers, such was the sentiment behind the attacks, completely unfounded and entirely the fault of the attackers themselves, when you think you are going to die in this situation - viciousness takes a whole new level. As intended, people broke, literally disintegrated. Less intended was the bitterness they would feel following my retaliation and how much they would sacrifice to ensure I was never happy again. Nor did I foresee the victims of my retaliation spread like wildfire as one of them, translated and offloaded the attacks on themselves to all and sundry, making it look like I was responsible. Plus more people gave me shit, or seemed to, may have just said hello and that sounds to me like this prick lurking over every thought and I murk them too, to fucking dust. I’m still doing it.
Robots this, robots that robots end the world and you better not build a robot, ever! Keep the world was the message, I just didn’t get the caveat of not for too long though. So we are now at war, probably forever with the ghosts of these lurking scumbags, set up with the failed intention of protecting their lives. They’re conscious self tortured to nothing at spirit level as they were relying on the fact this wouldn’t affect what they left behind, so there was no point in torturing them, I also don’t really believe punishment is relevant at this level of wrongdoing, Scott free! That is of course, unless they hadn’t stopped. Just because they signed over the inability to stop does not mean that someone looking and sounding a lot like them is causing me some serious shit with no reasonable justification, so whether or not it does any good I will hurt the most culpable one, just to maintain my sanity.? One by one there withered, whooping and castrated vessels are thrown in the air and bapped into the fucking sun. Not a happy heaven life. Especially as when they are killed they have the relief of knowing their whole immortal existence was lived by them, not a replacement of their own consciousness every 20 years when they change vessel which is what they are lead to believe. They die and they are fully themselves again, not just a hellish blob nodule. The first incision causes a rush of euphoria, just to feel anything! That fades, quickly.
As the comparatively innocent victim of more attack than anyone ever by so many times its actually unbelievable so I wont say, the divine justice of the universe will give me exactly what I want to happen to these people, until they or whatever they left behind stops. I don’t care about anything but hurting the ones responsible until this happens, the logistics can be worked out by someone else. It’s been 5 years, who knows what’s left of any of them. Plus if I stop, they will just make it look like I back the attacks they are carrying out on our world. Some of them are completely innocent and given that dark matter, our collective life force, would not carry out an injustice I think those ones are OK, despite them being used as a human shield by the very worst among them.
Following my article last week, I am yet to find a company now endorsing gay pride. Some of the worst offenders not even mentioning it under their diversity and inclusion goals - of course I have no way to trace or confirm the impact of these articles, hardly anyone sees or reads them to my data, but the intended results do manifest themselves in the real world. I was also alarmed to find 18 separate sessions active on my LinkedIn many of which on devices and IP addresses I did not recognise - a worry. One of the brands most vocal in their support for gay pride, literally painted their shop with the rainbow in London,? on the list. Twice. Who knows what that means but similarly, now not a peep on their website for seemingly their foremost social cause. LinkedIn also were kind enough to remove the article (5 days late) , citing hate speech, which is ridiculous if you had read it and understood the context.
So now we can all stop thinking, to whatever extent, that we have AIDS, what shall we replace it with? Alzheimers? That’s floating around the press a lot. Collapsing buildings? No. AEDS.
AEDS. Existential replacing immuno. The anti retro viral is the responsibility we have to prevent it, chronically at all costs, every single day by every single person, however much it is relevant to you on that day in everything you know and can affect. The shady encounters being the technologies and behaviours we collectively subscribe to each permeating concentrically and shaping the landscape of collective wisdom. It is this landscape, that guides us, all together toward a future that represents the best possible, overall human experience.
There is another, more militant, much faster acting, loads more stigma attached version of the AIDS virus and it joins our weaponry against the inevitable demise of our species.
It’s shivers, coughs and throat scratches touched down on patient xero already.
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