Hitting the Slopes
Spring is on the Horizon my fellow DynGP users. And when I think about the last few months and what my take-aways are for the coming season, my mind seems to hover over a memory from this year's ski shenanigans. So I thought I would use this month's newsletter as an opportunity to share with you a story about a snowboard and a dude named Kyle.?
Hitting the Slopes (A reinforcing lesson)?
We went skiing and snowboarding several times this season (still hoping to get one more good day in).? This particular day was a perfect “blue bird”.? The air was crisp, the sun was out and fresh corduroy ruled the day.? We were in line for the lift when out of nowhere some kid yelled “Dude!!”.? I didn’t think anything of it at first. I mean come on, Who me? A Dude? I hear it again, “Dude that's a sick board!” I finally realized he was talking to me. It was a wicked cold day and it would have been tough to tell how old I actually am given the gear I was wearing.? And for continuity, the board I ride now is the first really nice board I have purchased in a long time. I do like it, it’s technically “really sweet”.? I’m thinking to myself, this kid might know what he’s talking about, nevermind that he isn’t timid about engaging in discussion.? Turns out he knew what he was talking about, the style, make, model and just short of the serial number this kid was on point.? As he is talking, I’m thinking to myself, here’s a kid that is fully engaged in confident discussion with someone he does not know but shares a common interest with.? I was impressed, to say the least.
I commented on his board too, as it was the other model I was looking at before I bought mine. It was the same brand as mine and “almost” as cool!!? He went on to tell me “These are not cheap boards, are top quality, the best, they’ll easily last 10 years if you take care of it.”? Then he says “You know man, I only paid $80 bucks for mine.” I said “80 bucks, good for you dude.? That’s easily a $400 board. Where did you score that deal?" He replied with “FB Marketplace but that’s not even the best part.”? And this is where he went from “kid” to “young man”,? “Now that I'm set for the next 10 years, I have all the time in the world to plan out my next board." He went on to tell me the exact board he wanted from style to colors, bindings, everything and I thought to myself this kid really has a vision and a plan to get what he wants.? We parted with knuckles and a “have fun” but this kid reminded me that dreaming and planning should never stop, being prepared should be ever present and that it is vital to plan ahead for what’s next BUT to make sure you take care of what you have now and have fun while you are on your way.
The Moral of the Story is…..
Interestingly enough, that young snowboarder dude got me thinking about, of all things, our beloved Dynamics GP and how although we love it, use it, support it, rely on it and appreciate it, in about 10 years or so, we’ll have to say goodbye.? So just like the snowboarder dude who has a board that will last 10 more years, let’s all plan ahead together and make sure we are prepared for our next ERP solution.? After all, it’s important to be prepared right??
We are starting to do so over here at Reporting Central.? With that in mind, we are ramping up a bit for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and would like to engage with others considering the same thing.?