Hitler's Jewish Wife

Hitler's Jewish Wife

By: Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD

One of the most thriving and burgeoning industries during the Third Reich was genealogy research since the Nazis required Party Members, SS personnel and bureaucrats to have pure Germanic or “Aryan” ancestry in order to retain their positions.

The man in charge of these investigations was SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, the second in command of the SS, who also ran the Reichssicherheitsdienst or “Reich Security Service”, and he kept files on every person of interest, including Adolf Hitler and possibly even Eva Braun, his wife, who we will be discussing in depth.?

?Greetings. I'm Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, a retired Marine Corps Officer, author, former professor and historian, and we will examine how this strict racial policy of the Nazis was a failure, and how closely it affected Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in this episode of Forgotten History.

Hitler harbored an intense hatred for Jews, fueled by a deep-seated anti-Semitism ingrained in him during his youth through teachings of the Catholic Church. The theological notion that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus and were guilty of deicide contributed to his prejudiced views. As Hitler matured, his animosity towards Jews intensified, partly fueled by his disdain for Communism, which he associated with Jewish thinkers such as Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky.

Additionally, the aftermath of World War I played a role in amplifying Hitler's anti-Semitic sentiments, as some in Germany scapegoated Jews for the country's defeat. Blaming Jewish businessmen for perceived profiteering from the deaths of Christian Germans at the front, and the avoidance of military service by some ultra-Orthodox Jews, further fueled resentment.

Given this background, it's not surprising that Hitler implemented the Nuremberg Laws in 1935, restructuring German society along racial lines. These laws classified Judaism as a race rather than just a religion, enabling the persecution of those with Jewish ancestry. Compliance with this new code became crucial for inclusion in society, especially within the military. Military personnel, particularly officers, had to demonstrate that all four grandparents were of German and Christian descent without any Jewish or so-called "non-Aryan" ancestry.

For the SS, it was even more extreme—enlisted men had to prove “Aryan” ancestry back to 1800 and officers had to take it back to 1750. Tens of thousands of Germans would be dumbfounded and shocked by what they would find when looking back at their family trees, and many of these people were prominent members of society and the military during the Third Reich.????

During my ten-year research period that gave birth to my first book, “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” while at Yale University and Cambridge University, I uncovered many people who had Jewish ancestry who did not know it until the Nazis came to power and forced people to document their backgrounds, being forced to produce and carry on their persons what was called an “Ancestry Passport” (Ahnenpa?).?

Now, during my study, I am now not surprised when I uncovered major Nazi leaders having Jewish ancestry when one knows about how prevalent Jewish assimilation was in Austria and Germany for centuries.? Even Reinhard Heydrich supposedly had some Jewish ancestry through his father Bruno, as well as a supposed Jewish step-grandfather (Herr Sü?).?

Although there is no evidence that he actually had Jewish ancestry according to the definitive biography of him by Robert Gerwarth, the fact that this story followed him throughout his entire career is quite telling about how stories of people’s past became a huge part of their identities during the Third Reich.?

In contrast to Heydrich, I found many prominent people from the Third Reich who did indeed have Jewish ancestry.? The second in command of the Luftwaffe, Field-Marshal Erhard Milch, had a Jewish father.? The man who helped develop the operational concept of Blitzkrieg had a Jewish mother, Lt. General Helmut Wilberg, and one of the most successful naval commanders of the war, Vice Admiral Bernhard Rogge, had a Jewish grandmother.? All these men were “Aryanized” by Hitler since he concluded their “Aryan” blood were dominating their looks and behavior.? ??

Moreover, recent research shows that the First Lady of the Third Reich, Magda Goebbels, had a Jewish father, Richard Friedlander, one of the most radical Nazis during this time.? Tragically, her father died in the Buchenwald concentration camp and she refused to help him.? Even head of the Luftwaffe, Reichsmarschall Hermann G?ring, had some Jewish ancestry way back in his family tree, and his godfather was indeed Jewish, Hermann Epenstein—and Epenstein was probably the father of G?ring’s half-brother, Albert.

Ironically, Hitler was even “tainted” by possible Jewish ancestry.? In my research, I document that his father, Alois, born out of wedlock, most likely had a Jewish father.? Hitler, in fact, worried about this, and a recent DNA study of Hitler’s relatives show that he did indeed not only had some Jewish ancestry, but also African as well which is the E1b1b haplogroup!? My friend and fellow author, Dr. Fritz Redlich, former head of Psychiatry from Yale University, wrote in his book Hitler: The Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet that the one thing Hitler worried about his whole life was whether or not he had Jewish ancestry.? Apparently, he had good reason to be worried! ?

All these facts just show you how bankrupt Hitler’s racial science was and how societies are not made up of distinct races, but all societies are a blend of the ethnicities that surround them. I will explore this reality more at the end of the program.?

Most of the people I have documented with partial Jewish descent during this time period were not leaders in the Third Reich or high-ranking officers.? Most of them were common people trying their best to survive the Nazis.? I just listed some of the prominent people now to show one just how prevalent it was through assimilation that people had mixed heritage back then.? I estimated that around 90,000 “Quarter-Jews” and 60,000 “Half-Jews,” as the Nazi termed them with their Nuremberg Racial Laws, also called Mischlinge, served in the Wehrmacht during the Second World War.? On average, each man I documented lost between 6-7 relatives in the Holocaust showing one just how tragic this history was.?

Most of them hated Hitler, but they were too fearful or too young to take any proactive steps against the regime.? Those who had the courage to do so probably did not live very long and I was not able to interview them.? However, there were several people involved with the 20 July 1944 bomb plot against Hitler, like Helmut von Gottberg and Hans von Dohnanyi, who were of Jewish ancestry and their ancestry had helped them be critical of what Hitler was doing.? Doing sociological studies of birth rates, assimilation rates, and Jewish population numbers research, I estimate that there were probably around a few million people out of the 90 million citizens under Hitler who would have been classified as either “half-“ or “quarter-Jewish,” as the Nuremberg Laws classified them.? ?

Recently, I just learned that Admiral Johann Günther Lütjens, the fleet admiral in charge of the battleship Bismarck and the battle cruiser Prinz Eugen during Operation Rheinübung, was a “Quarter-Jew.”? I always knew that his first officer, Paul Ascher, was a “Half-Jew” and that Lütjens’ wife was also a “Half-Jew,” but I never knew about Lütjens until recently.? And Lütjens did have to obtain special papers for his two “Quarter-Jewish” sons to serve in the navy and study in the schools where they attended. ??However, from my research, I am not surprised that a much larger percentage of Germans were of Jewish decent than thought, as this recent discovery about Lütjens proves.? Knowing this, it might not be that shocking that Hitler’s wife, Eva Anna Paula Braun, was most likely a “Quarter-Jew” according to the Nuremberg Racial Laws.? Before we go into her ancestry, people might be interested in learning about Hitler’s wife since few people study her---which is not surprising, because she was a superficial, uneducated, unintelligent, and simple-minded woman. ?There is little to really study because she is a huge disappointment when it comes to being an interesting person.?

Eva was born in 1912 in Munich, Germany.? Her parents were lower-middle class with her father being a Protestant and her mother Catholic.? This mixed marriage did lead to the couple divorcing a few years later, but after almost two years being divorced, they actually remarried due to family and social pressure.? Eva experienced some social chaos during this time and had to live with her grandparents creating some resentment against her parents.? ??

Consequently, due to her resentment about her parents’ divorce and reunion, and due to her personality as a strong-willed child, she often rebelled against her parents.? She was raised Catholic, but it seems she was not overly religious and hated the Catholic schools she was forced to attend.? When she was 17, in 1929, she started working for Hitler’s main photographer, Heinrich Hoffman.? That is when she met Hitler.? Dressed in a very sexy way with a skirt too short for the times, Hitler was taken with her beauty and attractive legs.? Two years later, they started seeing each other.? Some reports say that Hitler may have started seeing her earlier.? If so, since Hitler was 40 at the time, he could also add pedophile to his distinguished resume.?? At the time Hitler first met Eva, he was also dating his niece Geli Raubal (you heard right—his niece, the daughter of his half-sister, Angela Hammitzsch).? Geli was 19 years younger than Hitler and he had probably taken up with her when she was also 17 starting in 1925 when she and her mother had moved in with Hitler!!? So, Hitler was a serial pedophile. ?

Due to Hitler strange sexual demands on Geli and keeping her locked up in their apartment in Munich, she shot herself dead with his pistol in 1931.? Now, although grief stricken, Hitler felt free at that time to accelerate his relationship with Eva.? But due to his controlling nature of locking Eva up in places where she had little freedom and not showing her much attention, she also tried to kill herself in 1932 with a pistol like Geli.

However, unlike Geli, she was unsuccessful and only wounded herself.? Even though Hitler showed her more attention and showered her with gifts thereafter, he still had a difficult time balancing his political career, especially after he became Chancellor in January 1933, and his love affair with Eva.?

Also, during this relationship, he made it clear he was not interested in marriage.? Hitler preferred to keep the allure in the public eye that he was a single man, knowing that this attracted millions of German women to him since he was still, in their eyes, “available.”?

Moreover, he did not want to be tied down to a wife and did not want to present Eva at official functions as his spouse, still wanting his freedom and his sexual toy when he needed her.? This led to Eva’s second suicide attempt with sleeping pills in 1935.? As one can see, their relationship was not the healthiest of ones.? Thereafter, Hitler overly spoiled Eva giving her anything she wanted, allowing her to buy hundreds of outfits, multiple dogs, unlimited cosmetics and access to Hollywood movies, many of which were banned by the Nazi Party of being too decadent. He also provided her with a staff of over a dozen people who waited on her hand and foot. He took on a role of a father-figure for her, and she in turn, devoted herself to Hitler.? Later in the war, to provide an interesting insight into their relationship, when Hitler learned Eva’s favorite film was Gone With the Wind and that Clark Gable was in England in the Army Air Corps, Hitler put a bounty on Gable of 100,000 Reichsmarks to the pilot who shot down his bomber because Eva wanted to meet him (assuming Gable would survive the ordeal!).?

It is pretty mind numbing to see that this woman, who was involved with one of the most powerful men in history, really relegated her days to exercising, playing with dogs, trying on new outfits and watching movies.? She was the arch-typical ditsy, obedient, blond, idiot woman who are often made fun of.?? As Hitler’s Armament Minister, Albert Speer, rightly noted, “Eva will be a big disappointment to historians.”? I can say that Speer was right, and I find myself shaking my head when studying how vacuous and stupid this woman was.? Lt. General Hans Baur, the WWI ace and Hitler’s personal pilot, said, “Eva Braun was as relevant to Hitler as loose bolts on an airplane.” ?

As the war turned against Hitler, Eva pledged her loyalty to Hitler and told many people that she could not possibly live without Hitler and would share his fate no matter what that would be.? As the Russian and Allied onslaught continued to encroach on Berlin, Eva decided to join Hitler in his bunker in April of 1945, pledging to die with him.? Ironically, the German general in command at this time of the defense of Berlin was Gotthard Heinrici, who was married to a “Half-Jew” and who had a “Quarter-Jewish” son in the army as an officer.? Like with many others, Hitler had “Aryanized” Heinrici’s wife and son, once again showing one how prevalent assimilation was in Germany.??

Returning to the topic of Eva, all throughout this time, although she knew about the atrocities and crimes of the Nazi regime and Hitler extreme hatred towards Jews, she never once intervened for anyone.? Not once, looking through her diaries and her photograph books, did she ever leave any evidence that she cared about all the suffering going on in the world at that time.? She did complain in 1943 that cosmetics were no longer available, and that Hitler should order that they be produced again—at least she had her priorities and knew when to raise her voice, right??? However, as the Russians encircled and destroyed Berlin and came closer to Hitler’s bunker in April 1945, she did show remarkable courage that she was not fearful for her impending death.?

One has to wonder whether she really was tough and courageous knowing she would die, or rather was she too stupid to realize that her decision to come to Berlin would really lead to her death since life had been nothing but a cake walk for the vast majority of her adult life.?

In recognition of Eva’s loyalty, Hitler finally gave her the ultimate wish she had wanted; namely, to be made an honest woman and no longer live in sin and become married.? So, on 29 April 1945, an official ceremony took place in the bunker and Hitler married Eva.? When she wrote her name on the marriage license, she started to sign her name Eva B, but then caught herself, crossed out the B and then wrote Eva Hitler.? The day preceding this ceremony, Hitler ordered the execution of SS Lt. General Hermann Fegelein, who happened to be the husband of Eva’s sister, Gretl.? Fegelein had been condemned to death due to his attempt to desert to either Sweden or Switzerland. Despite the tragic loss of her brother-in-law at the hands of Hitler's command and the fact that her sister was nine months pregnant with his child, Eva still proceeded with the ceremony alongside Hitler.

The next day after her marriage, with the artillery rounds from the Russians pounding the compound, Hitler and Eva decided to commit suicide, together.? It was indeed a bizarre honeymoon.? Eva took a cyanide pill and died laying on the couch in Hitler’s office.? Once Hitler confirmed she had died, he bit down on a cyanide pill at the same time he shot himself in the head with his Luger pistol.? Soon thereafter, Hitler’s bodyguards Otto Günsche and Rochus Misch, and a few others, took Hitler’s and Eva’s bodies outside the bunker, put them in a ditch, covered them in gasoline and lite them on fire.? Thus, their union was consummated and ended in an ad-hoc cremation.?

Now, how do we know Eva Bruan was Jewish?? Well, through several personal collections and auction houses, some of her hair from one of hear combs was taken and the DNA was analyzed in 2014.? Scientists commissioned by the Dead Famous DNA program reviewed the hair and found that she had Jewish ancestry through her maternal line, haplogroup N1b1, which is “strongly associated” with Ashkenazi Jews.?

Now, what is ironic is that Hitler supposedly would not date Eva until his private secretary Martin Bormann investigated her background and found that she had pure Aryan roots.? She even claimed this on their wedding day 14 years later.? So, Eva probably did not know about her Jewish roots and thank God Hitler’s scientist did not know about DNA back then.? The Nazis, ironically, had to depend on religious records to “document” someone’s race.? So, Eva’s Jewish ancestors probably had converted many generations before she ever met Hitler.? ???

Now Eva’s maternal grandmother, Josefa Winbauer (1851-1927) was a Catholic, but many people with that name were also Jewish.? Eva’s paternal grandmother was Maria Anna Friedrick Gauss (1848-1927), apparently a Protestant, but many people believe this name, Gauss, comes from Jewish Ashkenazi origins and comes from the Hebrew name “Gershon” which means “exile.”? Now, Eva’s surname of Braun simply meaning “brown,” and was both given to Jews and Christian alike so there is no proof that it was predominately Jewish or Christian in its origins.? In Dietz Bering’s book Stigma of Names, often Jews were given names like “Weiss,” “Schwarz,” or “Braun” to describe the color of their hair when they took on last names.? In looking at Eva Braun’s ancestry, there is no definitive document going back at least four generations that shows a conversation.? When I interviewed Hitler’s secretary, Traudl Junge, she told me they heard some rumors that Eva Braun’s grandmother was Jewish, but that was all.?

So, historically, what does it mean if Eva Bruan was actually a “Quarter-Jew”?? It just shows how bankrupted Hitler’s racial nonsense was and how any group out there, especially political, like DEI or the Nazis, who try to define society according to races and ethnicities, ultimately create more chaos than alleviating any supposed societal pressures.?

It also shows that what society needs to focus on is that we are part of one race, the human race, and that societies are not groups like the Blacks, Whites, Jews or Christians or “Aryans” or “non-Aryans.”? Society is made up of relationships and we are a blend of many things, religiously, ethnically, and racially.? There is one truth out there and that is that we are all Homo sapiens and what bonds us as humans is so much more plentiful than political ideologies, ethnic origins and religions convictions that may divide us.? We need to focus on the fact that we come from one family, the human family, in order to prevent situations of hatred, bigotry and genocide like we saw happening under Hitler.?

It is ironic that the one person Hitler supposedly loved the most, besides his mother Klara, was Eva Braun, a person of Jewish descent, a person who came from a group of people Hitler preached would destroy the world if left to their own devises.? Yet, in the end, even Hitler could not see that what he hated most he ended up loving the longest.?

For more information on this topic, see “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” at: https://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Jewish-Soldiers-Descent-Military/dp/0700611789/ref=sr_1_1?crid=21X43DL5SS4ZX&keywords=Hitler%27s+Jewish+Soldiers&qid=1706320398&s=books&sprefix=hitler%27s+jewish+soldiers%2Cstripbooks%2C127&sr=1-1


William C.F. (Bill) Jackson, Jr.

The Greenwood Group LLC/USMC Veteran

1 年

Very interesting and enlightening article.

Interesting artice. Is it known how far back G?ring‘s Jewish heritage was?

Rony Michaely


1 年

Thank you for sharing! I studied such oxymorons, Nazis had many of them. You might also find interesting oxymorons of homosexuality and weak men pretending to be master race. When it comes to deeper understanding of the murderous aspects of humanity, I find Nazi Hungary even more interesting. It could be because Anti-Semitism remained more prevalent there. Large percentage of Jewish ancestry, some Anti-Semites are ignorant to their ancestry till this day. The hands that murdered Jewish children were also Jewish in many cases. As you know, I see Antisemitism as different kind of racism that is based on feelings of inferiority towards the Jewish people rather than feelings of superiority. Inferiority complex is common human phenomena. The murderous aspect aligns with inferiority complex, people will prefer to enslave the ones they perceive as inferior. I don't see Judaism as religion only, nor ancestry. I would be able to identify your Jewish soul anywhere.


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