Hit snooze
Nyeleti Furumele
Video Editor | African Storyteller | SAFTA nominee for Best Achievement in Editing - TV Comedy
A few weeks ago I had my first real close to home, face-to-face stare down with Covid-19; and for the 24hrs it took for me to get my results back, it felt like my life had hit the ultimate snooze button. You know those scene in the movies where everything seems to be moving at a snails pace, the music is somber, the main lead in the movie is walking aimlessly - by the way this is the part in the movie where out of nowhere the rain starts to fall and the predictable fade to black transition comes in slowly to indicate a change of scene. I was living life like in the movies, everything felt delayed and for the first time in months I was stuck - not knowing if I should move or stay put. I had hit the proverbial snooze button.
While in self isolation waiting fro my results to come back to me, a lot of things kept running through my mind. The most significant of them was my new business that had started to consume me in every way possible. I was in such a rush to have it grow into this vision that I had in my head but the reality was, it was moving at a snooze button pace, slow, sluggish and sometimes disorientating. I would make real progress the one day, then the very next day would feel as if everything is moving at a very sluggish pace - the way I feel after hitting the snooze button several times before eventually dragging myself out of bed.
I've had to learn that growth, is not always going to be at a rapid and fast pace, #BossGirl won't jump from 10 followers on Instagram today to 100k the very next day - it would be great but not realistic. Growth is slow and steady, it moves gradually until eventually you won't need to hit the snooze button before getting out of bed. The lie of constantly pushing and making chess like moves for your business will only serve to harm you in the long run. Sometimes you have to hit snooze on your main ambitious in order to enjoy the process of growth and building new things. I learnt this lesson the hard way.
I want to be able to enjoy building a community for women to come together and build their own version of #BossGirl, but I need to not be exhausted and tired out of mind in order for me to celebrate with them. So I decided to hit snooze on working 24/7, hit snooze again on missing family functions, birthdays, anniversaries and plain get-togethers'. I've had to make these hard decisions now so that in 10-15 years time I won't be having these hard discussions with myself or my family. My business will grow and I do need to put in an extra amount of effort while it's still in the infancy phase but that doesn't mean I must put my life on hold for future glories. The mistake I think most entrepreneurs make, is they forget to hit snooze on work so that they can spend time with family and friends, which is an integral part of growth on it's own.
Covid-19 snoozed a lot of things for me, my family, business and the world in general and I am not saying that all the changes that came with this pandemic were good, but Corona did teach all of us to slow down and take care of ourselves and the people around us. I'm still a workaholic - that hasn't changed just yet - the difference now, is that I'm aware of the fact that I need to make time for other things, things that make me happy, that give my life meaning and balance; and I can't have those things if I'm not hitting snooze on other things. Go ahead and give it a try - HIT SNOOZE
P.S. I tested negative for Covid-19 but I embrace the lessons it has taught me
Instagram: @TsongaBossGirl
Twitter: @TsongaBossGirl
Article Link: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/lie-busyness-nyeleti-furumele/