Hit the Reset Button!
What if you had a reset button for your life? What if you had a reset button for your mind? For the way you think?
One of my favorite words in the Bible is the word PEACE. The word PEACE in Hebrew is SHALOM, and it is very similar to the New Testament word for salvation – which includes divine health, wealth, prosperity, general well-being, and security. It is a complete picture of the fullness of what Christ came to accomplish for us. For most people, peace is a feeling. “Well, I just felt a peace about it.” Peace is so much more…it is an experiential reality that brings your entire spirit, soul and body (every part of you) into alignment with God’s purposes for your life. The Greek (New Testament) word for peace literally means “to set at one again.” Remember that phrase – set at one again. Most people, when they think of PEACE, they think of the absence of war or conflict. That’s true to an extent. But with the PEACE that God gives, there can be trouble, struggle, conflict, terror, whatever happening all around you and yet a total absence of conflict on the inside of you.
You see, the peace that God gives is not about the absence of conflict, there will always be external conflict. The PEACE of God is about the PRESENCE of Someone. Ephesians 2:12 says “And Christ is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation” (NKJV). CHRIST IS OUR PEACE.
Here is the principle, wherever Christ is at the center, there is oneness, there is stillness, there is peace. Jesus stood up in the midst of a storm that was so bad that it had seasoned fisherman who spent their lives out on the water in absolute panic, thinking they were about to die. The Amplified Bible says that it was a fierce windstorm with waves breaking over the sides of the ship. Jesus, throughout the whole event, was sleeping. He was resting. When they finally woke Him, He spoke to the wind, He spoke to the sea and said, “PEACE BE STILL” (see Mark 4:35-40). He was AT PEACE, so He was able to SPEAK and DECLARE peace over the storm that was surrounding them. How was He able to respond differently than everyone else? Because He was not OVERSHADOWED by what was overshadowing everyone else. He had an internal peace that was more real than the external storm. He had a restful confidence that superseded the conflict.
You see, conflict can be swirling all around you, but if you will simply remember who you are, who you belong to, who’s image you were created in, and who’s life reigns on the inside of you…then no matter how crazy, how out of control, how frustrating, how terrifying, how catastrophic things become you always have this reset button called PEACE. Peace says, “I have a sure footing, a have a strong foundation, I have a secure place. In the midst of every storm, Christ is my peace.”
So, what do you do when you find yourself in fear, anxiety, depressed, humiliated, frustrated, sick and tired, feeling useless, feeling like a failure, when people are telling you that you’re not good enough, walking through tragedy, and all the other stuff we deal with as we walk though life? Whatever the case may be, simply pause for a moment and remind yourself, “HOLD ON! I’m a child of God.” Sometimes things get to swirling and spiraling out of control and we can get into a panic or a frantic mode of living. Let’s face it, life can be violent at times. Life can be full of uncertainty and confusion. But when you find yourself getting into a mindset of panic or anxiety, remember that Christ is your peace. He died for your peace. Sometimes you have to stop everything and reset your thinking. Remind yourself, “HOLD ON! I don’t have to spiral out of control like this. I actually belong to the God, the One who is seated on the throne in absolute power and authority. Christ Himself is my peace. That means that PEACE lives on the inside of me. I know what it looks like out here, but Christ died to secure my PEACE!”
So how do you hit the reset button when things are out of control? Sometimes, all it takes is that simple reminder that you belong to God and that He has secured your peace. There are times, however, when your mind might get so messed up that it takes more than a simple reminder. In those moments, just begin to worship. When you take your focus off of the stuff and put your focus on Him, remembering that He is at the center of the conflict WITH YOU, what happens? Well, wherever Christ IS, there is oneness. Peace Himself sets everything at one again. Peace will reset your thinking every time.
When you hit the reset button, you can now elevate your thinking, elevate your perception to see above and beyond the problem. When you can’t see beyond what’s in front of you, you can’t make the right decisions. Jesus was able to calm the storm because He was able to see beyond the storm. When your thinking resets and comes back into alignment with His, you can think RIGHT and make healthy decisions.
So, one more time, how do you reset your thinking? Job 22:21a says, “Now acquaint yourself with Him and be at peace” (NKJV). This word “acquaint” means to minister or to be of use or service to. In other words, minister to the Lord and be at peace. Peace is always restored in your ministry to the Lord. Peace is always restored in worship.
When you choose worship instead of worry, the enemy gets ticked off, and he actually flees from you because he knows that he’s already been defeated. You are untouchable in worship. Worship is the safest place in the world. When you worship, heaven fights on your behalf. What is restful for you becomes a terror for all that opposes you. Just come back to a place of worship. Remember who He is and what He’s done. Remember that you belong to Him. Choose worship over worry, and you will see a shift in your thinking that will cause you to live a more abundant and victorious life.