Hit Pause during your regularly scheduled program!
Holly St. John Peck, CLC
CEO | Executive Coach | Speaker | Champion of the 3P's of Leadership: Presentations, People Skills and Political Savvy to be more credible, influential and promotable!
We have an opportunity now to turn external chaos into an internal opportunity...Hit Pause.
I coach business leaders in the importance of placing pauses in their message during business presentations. That pause in speaking is critical to the overall speech success. It's designed to allow a speaker's message to be clearly heard, understood, related to, and the message ultimately retained for successful application of the learning from the speaker to the audience.
Isn't it the same in our own lives right now? We must pause in order to hear, understand, reflect and relate learnings to our own lives. If we live and work the same way we always have, at a break-neck speed without thinking about how we live, we will surely be worse off for it. So, let's learn from the pause during these chaotic and changing times, and use it to our advantage. After some reflection, I came up with these 10 ideas...
- Hit pause: reflect on your values, activities, and key relationships. What and who is most important?
- Focus on gratitude: what are you most thankful for?
- Keep perspective: this too shall pass
- Get back to basics: less materialistic, live more simply, create at-home date nights
- Enjoy nature: it’s one thing not cancelled
- Come together as humans: lift up one another and help people - get outside of yourself
- Remember everything’s relevant: someone has it worse off than you
- Connect and create: talk and play with your loved ones while at home; do virtual meetings with friends, family and colleagues
- Be Proactive: focus on what you can influence in your life (yourself, your relationships, your actions), not what you cannot control 'out there' (economy, a pandemic)
- Do something new: learn a language, an instrument, a technology, yoga/pilates, to cook, to grow a small herb garden, to do a remodeling project, or scan photos into digital format
Let's all turn chaos into opportunity to become the best version of ourselves!
Stay healthy and happy! Holly