Hit it Out of the Ballpark
Jennie Louwes
Founder, Owner, Author, Consultant; Facebook Ads and Social Media Manager; Professional Encourager!
Be all in,
Make Contact;
At just the right moment,
You'll hit it out of the ballpark!
and the "ballpark" of our surroundings,
may all be different
and yet the majority of us all reach the home-run
in similar fashion.
Success is rarely handed to us.
It's diligence,
and perseverance
that take us there!
like me,
might be a current solo-preneur;
the Founder and CEO of an entity that,
on the surface,
doesn't look like much
but is filled with promise.
You lack capital,
so you try various small campaigns
and you finally turn to crowd-funding;
why not?
It works for some,
why not you?
Even if the funds don't come in,
it doesn't mean all is lost;
there's always another inning.
You see,
our time is now!
We're up to bat. It's not just our team-mates
(our families)
counting on us,
it's the world!
Due to social media,
and God's guiding hand, prompting and promotion,
MomPro is currently reaching people in 43 different countries.
90,000+ people waiting on me to move,
do something,
be more;
to champion
and encourage them.
If not Kick-starter,
then look for the capital that's needed elsewhere;
it might be right under your nose!
Sell belongings,
restrain your buying habits,
and live by the budget you set;
let your hair go grey.
(I have,
and at 38 years old,
salt 'n pepper suits me just fine)!
There's always a way.
Be all in,
Make Contact;
At just the right moment,
You'll hit it out of the ballpark,
The world will never be the same again!
"From one man, He made all the nations,
that they should inhabit the whole earth;
and He marked out their appointed times in history
and the boundaries of their land."
(Acts 17:26)
Our time is now;
we're up to bat.