As we bring another Black History month to a close, I believe it is fitting I give some kind words of wisdom to ‘YOU’, yes you, the person who feels your life is not worth living! This article is meant for those who truly need to hear a positive voice.
Yes, people will always remind you of your mistakes, you failings, and some will constantly say “You're not worthy!” THIS IS A LIE or A FALSE TRUTH! Do Not fall for the trap of others who want to keep you as a prisoner in your own mind! Your history is YOU! Your failures and successes are YOU! But they do not define You! You Define You! Therefore, from now on, live in the present better than the day before.
Perfection does not exist! There is Only Perception of Perfection! Stop believing you will get it right every day. This is a fallacy! Your Belief Defines Who You Are! Therefore, make today the very first day you change your belief from failure to success! Make today the day you alter your perception of You for the better! Make today YOUR BREAKOUT DAY for the rest of your life! Then watch your ‘Circle’ become brighter and better for you and those around you!
Never believe your future solid! Your future is forever changing like the waves of an endless ocean! What is solid is how YOU CHANGE with your future in order ride the waves of change. I know this sounds silly but actually this is a constant known fact of our existence and the universe. Everything Changes! Is how we DEAL with these changes that truly DEFINE US! Therefore, make the decision to ‘ACCEPT THE THINGS YOU CANNOT CHANGE…BUT GET THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CAN!’ And if you need guidance…just look at the ones who decided to change their future for the better!
So…Are You Ready For Your New Dawn??? Are you ready to accept who you are and keep on living regardless of your history, your present, and your possible future? Are you ready to commit to what you have done, what you are doing or what can you can do? Trust me…YOU ARE!
It took me almost 50 years to truly understand my life! For a long time, I believed that my life was solely defined by what others see! I was committed to my failures and what others thought of me! Now, Today, my life is defined by my own thoughts, my own dreams, and my own destiny! Do others still write me off as a failure??? YES! Do others still deny me access??? YES! Do I sometimes feel I am not worthy??? YES! However, am I still here moving and existing in my existence of life??? Absolutely YES!!!
Because I finally realized that MY LIFE is the Beautiful, Joyous, and an Exciting Journey that makes me who I am. And it is that journey…that truly and FINALLY MAKES ME HAPPY!
“…So, no matter what you been through
No matter what you into
No matter what you see when you look outside your window
Brown grass or green grass, picket fence or barbed wire
Never ever put them down, you just lift your arms higher
Raise 'em 'til your arms tired, let 'em know you here
That you strugglin', survivin', that you gon' persevere
Yeah, ain't nobody leavin', nobody goin' home
Even if they turn the lights out, the show is goin' on
Alright, already, the show goes on
All night, 'til the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder
When they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on…”
???????????????????????The Show Goes On! Song By Artist Luis Fiasco
For my son and daughter!
Joshua and Autumn!
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d/b/a Rally Point Mortgage MLO # 57260, Loan Factory, CO NMLS # 320841 , West Point Class of 1977
1 年I was going through my infantry company yearbook from Korea 82/83 , and looked upon the 100 or so faces of my men who I served with as a company commander. Even after all of these years, I remember very much their character and contribution to our unit. Corny as this might sound, I cared deeply for all of them as I got to know each of them better. I was especially close to my Radio Operator and remember him as a very personable, likeable, smart and dedicated soldier(who happened to be black). I reached out to him and he called me back last week hardly believing it was his long time ago CO. He reminded me how I vouched for him as one of my best soldiers(and he was) during a administrative punitive procedure(for smoking marijuana) and he had never forgotten this in all of these years. He explained to me that after he left the service, he got caught up in drugs and spend some time in prison before he changed his life forever when he developed a close relationship to Jesus Christ. He now runs his own counseling service helping troubled individuals with alcohol and drugs. He said to me "sir, I am a late starter", but I told him its not the starting in life, but the finishing that will ultimately define you. Love your message!
Retired Army Veteran
1 年Congratulations!!
Communications/Media Consultant MBE/DBE/SBE/SBA
1 年Very cool