History Of Social Media
Social media as we know it is only 20 years old, but it has altered the fabric of daily life. In little more than a decade, the impact of social media has progressed from an amusing extra to a fully integrated part of nearly every aspect of many people's daily lives.
Social media allows people to freely interact with others and provides marketers with numerous ways to reach and engage with consumers. It is important to remember that the media not only communicates but also offers its own perspective on every event that occurs. It is our responsibility to analyse the information we receive and draw our own conclusions. To briefly understand it, We first need to know its history of it and how it has evolved.
History Of Social Media:
Social media has much deeper roots than you might think. Although it appears to be a new trend, sites such as Facebook are the natural result of centuries of social media development. Written correspondence delivered by hand from one person to another was the earliest method of communicating across great distances. Letters, in other words. The first form of postal service dates back to 550 B.C., and this primitive delivery system would become more widespread and streamlined over the course of the next centuries.
The telegraph was invented in 1792. This enabled messages to be delivered over long distances much faster than a horse and rider could. Although telegraph messages were brief, they were a revolutionary method of communicating news and information. Although it is no longer widely used outside of drive-through banking, the pneumatic post, invented in 1865, provided another method for quickly delivering letters between recipients. A pneumatic post transports capsules via underground pressurised air tubes.
In the last decade of the 1800s, two significant discoveries occurred: the telephone in 1890 and the radio in 1891. Both technologies are still in use today, though modern versions are far more sophisticated than their forefathers. Telephone lines and radio signals enabled people to communicate instantly across great distances, which humanity had never experienced before.
Technology began to change very rapidly in the 20th Century. After the first supercomputers were created in the 1940s, scientists and engineers began to develop ways to create networks between those computers, and this would later lead to the birth of the Internet. The first recognizable social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to upload a profile and make friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular, creating a social media sensation that’s still popular today. Social media exploded in popularity after the invention of blogging. In the early 2000s, sites like MySpace and LinkedIn rose to prominence, and sites like Photobucket and Flickr facilitated online photo sharing. YouTube debuted in 2005, ushering in an entirely new way for people to communicate and share with one another over long distances. By 2006, both Facebook and Twitter were available to users all over the world. These are still among the most popular social networks on the Internet. Other social networking sites, such as Tumblr, Spotify, Foursquare, and Pinterest, began to emerge to fill specific social networking niches.
There are numerous social networking sites available today, and many of them can be linked to allow cross-posting. This creates an environment in which users can reach the greatest number of people while maintaining the intimacy of face-to-face communication. We can only speculate on how social networking will look in the next decade or even 100 years, but it appears clear that it will exist in some form for as long as humans exist.
The Evolution Of Social Media:
Social Media started as a way to connect to people, for long-distance friends or family to stay in touch. Now, it is a hostile landscape filled with drama. Social media has become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. It is more than just a place to share photos; it is also a platform for people to interact and share their thoughts and opinions. In today's society, it is critical for us to be aware of social media trends because they influence our culture. Social media has provided a platform for people to freely express themselves without regard for time or space constraints.
Early Social Media Platforms:
Bolt and Six Degrees were the first social networking sites to launch in 1997. Bolt was created by Dan Pelson as a platform for young people aged 15 to 20 to use for email, voice mail, voice chat, message boards, and instant messaging. Bolt announced in its forums 11 years later that it would close down.? Then comes friendster. Friendster.
Friendster, which debuted in 2002, was intended to be a dating site that would connect people who had mutual friends. Create a profile, include "status updates," and share your mood. Messages between "friends of friends of friends" were also common. Unfortunately, the site's surge in popularity in 2003 caught the company off guard and put a strain on its servers, causing users to seek alternative connections.?
Disgruntled Friendsters said "sorry, it's not me, it's you" and jumped ship to Myspace, the Friendster competitor that quickly became the go-to site for millions of hip teens. Its customizable public profiles (which frequently featured music, videos, and half-naked selfies) were visible to everyone, in contrast to Friendster's private profiles, which were only accessible to registered users.
In 2004, "Facebook" arrived. After registering its one-millionth user that same year, the site dropped the "the" to become simply "Facebook" in 2005, after purchasing the "Facebook.com" domain for $200,000.
LinkedIn appeared, aimed at the business community. Photosharing sites such as Photobucket and Flickr, social bookmarking site delicious, and the now-ubiquitous blogging platform WordPress all arose.
YouTube debuted in 2005 as well.
Despite its 2004 birth year, 2006 was arguably the year Facebook truly took off: it opened registration to the public and transitioned from an exclusive Harvard-only club to a global network.
Twitter, the site that became known as Twitter, also took off in 2006.
Mobile First Social Media:
What is Mobile's first social media??
A mobile-first approach entails creating a desktop site first with a mobile version that is then adapted to larger screens.??
According to research, only LinkedIn and Tumblr have a majority share on desktops among the largest social networks. Newer social networks, such as Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat, are almost entirely used on mobile devices. Instagram is the leader of the mobile-first social network gang, especially now that it has introduced video functionality. Vine had a pretty glorious USP with its short-form video capture.?
All these apps have made it easier for anyone to use social media however they like.?
Current State Of Social Media:
Without a doubt, social media has altered the way we consume content. We frequently find ourselves in a never-ending loop of scrolling from one piece to the next. Because many of us are spending more time at home these days, we are consuming far more content than ever before, spending an increasing amount of time online and glued to our phones. Because of the increase in content consumption, brands' social media presence is now more important than ever. More than 3 billion people use social media at least once daily. With 80% of social media users following at least one brand, effective social media marketing has the potential to place brands at the top of consumers' minds. The number of social media users globally grew from 4.2 billion in January 2021 to 4.62 billion in January 2022. This accounts for a 10.1% growth YOY of global social media usage. In comparison, January 2023 saw a modest 3% growth of +137 million users. We're bounded to use it in our lives.?
Future Of Social Media:
AI in social media holds the potential to transform how brands market across platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. AI can now create social media posts for you. It can create and target social advertisements. It has the ability to automate monitoring. It also powers the majority of what you see on any given social network. According to Markets and Markets, the "AI in social media" market is expected to grow from $633 million in 2018 to more than $2.1 billion by 2023. But AI is more than just a buzzword. It's real technology that social media marketers can use right now to achieve amazing results.?
What Is the Definition of Artificial Intelligence?
DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis refers to artificial intelligence as the "science of making machines smart."
The process of optimising social interactions through the use of automated tools is known as social media automation. This can include things like pre-planning social media posts or republishing popular articles. The hours spent on maintaining and growing brand accounts are reduced by automating social media publication, engagement, and management.
Some of the ways social media automation could be put into action include:
1. Chatbots to respond to user messages.
2. Schedule Facebook posts weeks ahead of campaigns.
3. Send tweets when your audience levels peak.
Will it be wrong to comment that social networks have become the centre of the modern Internet? Perhaps not! We live in an era of Internet-led socialization, with social media being the most used and popular activity on the Internet. We can't help but notice two related issues:
1? One is personal data privacy and security.
2. The concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals who control the centralised systems.
One might think about the safety of their data and their privacy. For this reason, Blockchain-based social media exists.?
Blockchain Social media platforms are decentralised networking platforms that are built with blockchain platforms that allow the development of applications and smart contracts. Some of the blockchain protocols that support the development of social media DApps include Ethereum, Steem, and Stellar, to name a few. Because Blockchain social media networks are decentralised, there is no centralised proprietary authority that controls all data. Rather, data is stored in a homogeneous and decentralised manner across servers in each network node. Blockchain-based social media platforms enable social networking, content sharing, and even blogging, but because they are decentralised, end-to-end encryption is enabled for every interaction.
Blockchain technology plays a vital role in Social media. It not only ensures security but also provides end-to-end encryption.?
Social media is a big part of our lives. It's the connection between you and the world. Social media has changed the way people communicate and interact with one another. Their influence on the world can be seen in a variety of ways.
Social media has changed and will continue to change the way we live our lives. That's because social media is a great place to learn new things, meet new people, and express yourself. Previously, you could only communicate with people in person or over the phone. It was difficult to make friends that way because you had to be around them for them to consider you a friend. Social media has changed that by allowing you to connect with people from all over the world in your daily life. This has enabled us to broaden and connect our social network.? Having such a big influence on our lives, Social media has quite an impact on it. It affects you mentally and socially. It has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's get you through it briefly:
? Social media can be both a blessing and a curse. They can bring people together as well as tear them apart. People use social media because they enjoy it. Social media is a fantastic tool for connecting with people who are unreachable in person, making our voices heard, and staying in touch with all of our friends. They're also excellent for social media marketing.
It provides new opportunities for interactions and connections. It also helps people stay in touch and share moments spontaneously. While on the marketing side, it helps with branding and building their brand presence.
While it has numerous pros. It also has its cons:
? The more time you spend on social media, the more likely you’re to become disconnected from the real world. Social media can be a two-edged sword. They can be an excellent way to connect with others, but they can also be an excellent way to waste time. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, who should understand better than anyone that time is a precious commodity.
Your personal information is at risk. Anyone, including potential employers and government agencies, can access the information you share on social media. Third parties, such as websites and companies that create databases to target potential customers, can track the information you disclose on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts.?
When it comes to politics, the internet and social media are widely regarded as disruptive, and people are increasingly divided in their political views. Some of this may be due to the perception – shared by 44% of respondents across the 19 countries – that access to the internet and social media has led to people being less civil in their political discussions. Despite this, slightly more people believe connectivity has made people more accepting of people from different ethnic groups, religions, and races than believe it has had no effect.?
Social media has impacted privacy by allowing the collection of personal information. Social media platforms can collect information about their users through website logs, search engines, cookies, third-party apps, and other means. As more and more information gets placed online, there is an increased danger of hackers, companies, and malicious interlopers mining your data in ways that undermine personal privacy. And in some cases, your data is outright stolen. In this world of social media where everything is at the fingertips, one must take precautions.?
Because it is so heavily involved in everything, social media is extremely important in our lives. We can't deny that its popularity is growing by the day, and it's also useful. It has taken over our lives, from calling a friend to closing a business deal. It may have started from nothing, but it has a promising future. Its growing influence in our lives has had a significant impact on our lives, both mentally and socially. Because social media makes everyone and everything an open book, knowing the right tactics to use for the betterment of yourself or your business is critical. Through the use of social media, we have changed the way we communicate with others.
Social media will continue to evolve. Social media will always change to stay relevant as technology evolves. Social media is constantly evolving and changing. Social media will always change to stay relevant to its audience as technology advances.
Hope this was helpful.
Araaf Zeeshan
Sheikh Ahmad
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