History shows Biden’s China Policy is a Recipe for Catastrophe
History shows President Joseph R. Biden Jr’s (D-Delaware) China policy could lead to catastrophe for the United States and the world.
The Biden Administration and Congress are trying to sabotage Chinese development and undermine China’s industry and technology, Politico?alleges. Moreover, Biden is trying to make China poorer by slowing its economic and technological development.
For example, the US Commerce Department issued new rules that could keep Chinese firms from manufacturing advanced computers necessary for modern technology. Additionally, Biden will claim the authority to regulate US investments in China.
Biden’s War on the Netherlands?
Disturbingly, the Biden administration is pressuring the Dutch company ASML Holding NV to stop selling chip making machines to Chinese companies, CNBC alleges. Hence, Biden is risking a dispute with a third power and a member of the European Union (EU) in his “hurt China agenda.”
To elaborate, ASML builds extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) machines which they use in semiconductor manufacture. No Chinese company builds EUV machines. US officials are afraid that Chinese companies could build the “most advanced semiconductors in the world” with EUV machines.
What about ASML’s bottom line or the people who work for ASML? How is the United States supposed to have good relations with the Netherlands if US policy destroys Dutch jobs? Or the European Union? The Netherlands is a member of the EU.
Biden’s China Policy is worse than Trump’s
Biden’s “hurt China” policy goes far beyond Trump’s Trade War. Trump’s tariffs and trade tiffs were stupid, but the Donald did not try to hurt the Chinese nation or the Chinese people. In contrast, Biden’s policy is “Hurt China.”
Biden’s Hurt China policy is dangerous because much of it is reasonable and necessary. For example, the efforts to stop Chinese apps from harvesting US citizens’ data. Similarly, Biden and Congress’s efforts to rebuild America’s electronics industry through the CHIPS Act are long overdue.
Unfortunately, Biden’s agenda goes far beyond rebuilding American industry and protecting national security. If Politico’s?Gavin Bade is correct, Biden’s team wants to impoverish China by halting its economic and technological development.
“Security officials now seek to bring Beijing’s development – particularly in chips and computing, but soon in other sectors — closer to a standstill,” Bade writes.
Biden’s Hurt China Policy
I think Biden’s policy will turn the Chinese people against the United States and possibly democracy.
Biden and his advisors are telling the Chinese people “we want you to be poor and backwards.” Worse, they are making statement official US policy. Biden spokespeople claim they only designed their agenda to stall the Chinese tech sector, not halt Chinese economic growth, Bade reports.
Conversely, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan admits the US must stop Chinese progress in clean energy and biotechnology, Bade alleges. Hence, Sullivan would deprive the Chinese of the means to reduce climate change by abandoning fossil fuels and developing vaccines to combat the plagues of the future. Thus, Biden’s so-called National Security Advisor thinks hurting China is more important than protecting the planet’s future or human life.
I doubt Chinese people will see it that way. Instead, I imagine the Chinese will hear “we want you to be peasants and second-class citizens in an American world.” Cynics, such as me, detect an ugly undercurrent of racism and white supremacy, or western supremacy, in such statements. The message Chinese patriots will hear “is back to the rice fields where you belong coolies.”
The overall message Biden sends is that the United States wants to destroy China. Worse, many Chinese will see Americans as racists and imperialists who are out to destroy China. Such a message will turn all Chinese patriots, including many anti-Communists and democrats, against the United States.
How Biden’s Hurt China Policy will Backfire
I think Biden has handed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) a potent propaganda tool. If I were a CCP propagandist, I would have Bade’s Politico article posted on every Chinese news website and reprinted in every Chinese newspaper.
My prediction is that Biden’s “Hurt China” agenda could poison US relations with the People’s Republic for decades to come. The damage will be vast and the US will gain little.
It is obvious Biden’s advisors and the Congressional China Hawks are ignorant of Chinese history. If these people knew anything about Chinese history, they could see the harm they are doing.
A Century of Humiliation
China endured over a century of humiliation at the hands of European, Japanese, and American imperialists. For example, during the First Opium War,?the British East India Company and Her Majesty’s military forced the Qinq Dynasty to allow the import of British and Indian goods, including opium, into China.
In the Second Opium War, British, French, and Indian troops attacked Beijing and looted and burned the Imperial Summer Palace. Disgustingly, the British High Commissioner to China ordered the burning of the Summer Palace. After this war, they forced the Qing Emperor to give the Kowloon Peninsula to the British Empire. Moreover, in the Second Opium War, US Navy vessels joined the Royal Navy’s bombardment of Chinese forts.
In the Treaty of Aigun,?the Qing Dynasty gave the Russian Empire 600,000 miles of territory. The territory ceded included most of Outer Manchuria (the Qing’s ancestral homeland) and the modern city of Vladivostok. During the 1887 Convention of Peking?(Beijing), the Empress Dowager Cixi ceded all of Outer Manchuria and part of Korea to the Russian Empire.
During the First Sino-Japanese War, the Imperial Japanese Navy sank the Chinese Navy. The sinking allowed the Japanese to seize Taiwan, Korea, and many Chinese islands. The Chinese only kept the Liaodong Peninsula because the Russian, German, and French governments forced the Japanese to back down. In the ultimate humiliation, the Qing government had to cover the costs of the Japanese war effort.
The Treaty of Portsmouth?after the Russo-Japanese War?gave the Japanese control over Manchuria by ceding ports and the South Manchuria Railway. Victory over the Russians gave the Japanese Empire total control over Korea.
?In 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army seized Manchuria?and established the puppet state of Manchukuo. Although both the League of Nations and the United States government condemned the invasion, they did nothing to counter Japanese aggression.
In 1937, the Japanese started World War II by invading the Republic of China. Once again, the US and European powers did nothing as Japanese troops killed 10 to 29 million Chinese. World War II horrors in China include the Rape of Nanjing.
The United States government only sent serious aid to the Chinese after the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. The Japanese invasion only ended in 1945 when the American, British Empire, and Soviet forces defeated the Japanese.
The Century of Humiliation finally ended in April 1949 when the Communist People’s Liberation Army?(PLA) attacked the British frigate HMS Amethyst. The HMS Amethyst was deep in Chinese territory on the Yangtze River, 70 miles from Nanjing.
The PLA soldiers, who were winning the Chinese Civil War, hated the sight of a British warship on a Chinese river. Consequently, PLA artillery fired on the HMS Amethyst, killing 17 sailors and fatally wounding the ship’s captain, Lieutenant Commander Bernard Skinner. The HMS Amethyst sank and got stuck in the river.
Three other British warships, the frigates HMS Consort?and HMS Black Swan and the cruiser HMS London,?tried to rescue the HMS Amethyst. PLA artillery drove the rescuers off. However, the HMS Amethyst escaped downriver to Shanghai in July 1949 after being trapped for three months.
The so-called Yangtze Incident?ended the century of humiliation and established the Communist Party as China’s ruling body. To elaborate, the PLA had done what the Qing Dynasty and the Nationalist Chinese Republic could not; it had expelled the foreign invaders. Notably, in 1949 the Nationalists fled to Taiwan, where they were safe behind the guns and planes of the United States Navy.
Given this history, I think Chinese patriots will see Biden’s idiotic agenda as a continuation of the Century of Humiliation. Consequently, even many Chinese democrats will view Biden’s policy as racist and imperialist.
I think Biden is creating a dangerous new Chinese nationalism with his idiotic policy.?
A Lesson from Nazi Germany
It is also obvious that Biden’s advisors have not studied what happened last time great powers tried to reduce a proud nation to second class power status. The result was Nazi Germany, the spread of World War II to Europe, and the Holocaust.
To explain, after World War I, the 1919 Treaty of Versailles?humiliated Germany. For example, the Treaty forbade Germany from maintaining an Air Force and severely limited the size of the German Army and Navy. Plus, the Germans had to surrender 10% of their territory. In the ultimate humiliation, the treaty forced German officers to test their tanks and planes deep in the Soviet Union beyond the reach of League of Nations inspectors.
Finally, the infamous Article 231, or war guilt clause, blamed Germany for World War One and forced the German government to pay enormous reparations to the victorious allies. The war debt was so crushing it took the German government 92 years to pay it. In reality, all the Major European powers eagerly fought in World War I.
Predictably, the Germans were angry at the treaty and the Weimar Republic government that signed it. Many Germans thought the Weimar Republic was illegitimate. Even reasonable Germans complained about a “stab in the back.”
Consequently, the humiliation gave legitimacy to the Nazi Party, which promised to rip up the Treaty of Versailles and rearm Germany. When Nazi leader Adolph Hitler became Germany’s chancellor and started rearming the nation. Many ordinary Germans who hated Nazism supported Der Fuhrer’s efforts because of his willingness to rearm Germany.
Between 1939 and 1945, the German people loyally backed Hitler’s barbaric war effort because he was “avenging the humiliation of Versailles.”?The efforts to humiliate and weaken Germany created a more powerful and aggressive German regime that was not interested in peace.
In 1938, when a British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, tried to negotiate a reasonable deal with Germany. Hitler used the resulting Munich Agreement to seize Czechoslovakia and prepare to enter World War II. After Versailles, no German trusted the British or French governments.
History shows that Biden’s Hurt China policy is a recipe for catastrophe. Unfortunately, few people in Washington are questioning this disastrous course of action. Instead, Politico?reports Democrats and Republicans are eagerly going along and attacking the patriotism of anybody who questions Biden’s policies.
A horrendous new foreign policy consensus that makes criticism of the Hurt China strategy impossible dominates political thought. Any dissident is silenced and condemned as unpatriotic.
“It’s become a second era of McCarthyism?— sorry to use that word, but it applies,” U.S. Representative Stephanie Murphy (D-Florida), a stalwart free trader leaving Congress at the end of 2022 told?Poltico. “Basically, no politician, Republican or Democrat, can be seen as soft on China, and so that pushes us in the direction of not [discussing] smart policy, but politics.”
Hopefully, the American people will wake up and vote out the fools behind this stupidity before it leads to catastrophe. If we want a peaceful future, the China Hawks need to go now.