History Says 1950AD-1700AD =250 Year Time Delay From 1)Solar Irradiation Rise  =>2)Ocean Temperature Rise  =>3)Global Warming =>4)Atmospheric CO2 Rise

History Says 1950AD-1700AD =250 Year Time Delay From 1)Solar Irradiation Rise =>2)Ocean Temperature Rise =>3)Global Warming =>4)Atmospheric CO2 Rise

Global Warming started in 1700AD as the solar irradiation started rising after the LIA="Little Ice Age" during the Maunder Minimum.

Ocean water accumulates the full spectrum (bleu curve IN below) solar irradiation heat and radiates (red curve OUT below) it out again in long wave out radiation unless the heat can get conducted or convected from equator hot to polar cold ocean for melting the polar ice and the permafrost :



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