WIll History Repeat? Or Are We Past That Point?

Few people might remember a guy named Joe McCarthy, and it’s NOT because it was before they were born, but because history is no longer taught in schools. That incident was a little before my time but I think I know how it went down. And why.

The nation was gripped in the threat of communism. When concern gets magnified, it turns into worry, and worry turns into fear. It was Joseph McCarthy who was out to eradicate the Commie scourge by going deep into the causes and the people involved in it. He held trials that were ruthless and relentless in his pursuit of exposing potential risks to the country and he was heralded as a hero because of it.

Until one day…

After aggressively questioning an Army General with accusations of being associated with people who sympathized with communist beliefs, the general's lawyer uttered those famous words – “Sir, have you no sense of decency?”

It seems so quaint. So mild. So inconsequential by today’s standards. But overnight, the tide of the country's concerns were flipped upside down. It can be compared to when the use of the guillotine was considered a form of entertainment during the French revolution. After all, it was eliminating criminals and they were getting what they deserve, right? The public loved it – until one day somebody said; “This is kind of gross.” And that was the end of that. They had enough and were sickened of it. Just as was the case with the gladiator fights in the Colosseum. Just as a few years back the public was enthralled by shows like “Fear Factor” where people were forced to do disgusting things like eat cockroaches. It’s fascinating – until it’s revolting. In the case with McCarthy, it became obvious that he was not so much of a patriot as he was a bitter man who enjoyed being a bully and the public got fed up with he and his hunt.

We may be at that point in the United States very soon.

Whatever anyone thinks of Trump, the facts remain.

They accused him of Russian collusion. It didn’t stick.

They tried to impeach him. It didn’t stick.

They tried to impeach him again. It didn’t stick.

After that, he was done, except for the fiasco of January 6th. The final stamp on his ultimate defeat.

But it still wasn’t enough.

There’s still a faint breath in a dying horse and they’re going to beat it until they’re sure it’s dead. But perhaps that beating brought that dying horse back to life.

So now they’re persecuting him on amped up charges that even the liberal media admit are a minor infraction – at best. The Trump haters are filled with glee, just as the peasants cheered as men were beheaded by the guillotine. But more and more people are becoming disgusted. I had a friend who hates Trump tell me that this debacle makes him want to vote for him! I can relate. I believe many others do as well.

This isn’t about defending Trump. We all know, or should know, where this is going. Next time out, the Republicans are going to have a prominent Democrat arrested. It’ll never stop. Chaos will ensue. The country is behaving like a Banana Republic where opponents are eliminated through force and abuse of power. And it is a disgrace. All Americans should be ashamed. We’ve gone down in the mud and there are those who just don’t see it.

And who can blame them? This is the United States of America. That stuff doesn’t happen here. So we thought. Though I’m sure there were still people who supported McCarthy and there were people who missed watching those heads getting chopped off.

Tyranny can only be stopped if it is recognized. Excusing it when it favors one position or the other is the very definition of it.

It’s time for the majority to speak out and say to the government – “ have you no sense of decency?”

They don’t. So let’s hope that the people do.


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