History forgotten by COVID Economists?

History forgotten by COVID Economists?

World history is full of revolutions. If we understand the root cause of these revolutions, most of them happened due to the masses struggling while the rich became richer. Whenever the rich of the society exploited the poor it ended up in a revolution. The poor of the society tolerate the rich only if the rich earn their right to be rich by taking care of the poor through providing jobs and other amenities.

The current lock down has resulted in a lot of misery to the poor. The rich and the upper middle class are managing. The middle class is surviving. However, we have to see what happens when many businesses are forced to shut down leading to job losses.

The solution being proposed by many industrialists and economists is that we should end the lock down and open up the economy so that businesses will run and people wont lose jobs. Sound theory and logical too. However, with no vaccine in sight for the next two to four years, can we ensure that there wont be any loss of lives due to this exposure? We may be able to maintain social distance and tale precautions but would they be adequate the moment we step out on to the streets?

We have seen the appalling chaos last week in front of the liquor shops. I empathize with those people craving for their drinks. But what happened to all the precautions? People just through caution to the wind. Can we afford such behavior and episodes? We are not having a major issue today in India, only because we have been lucky enough not to have too many deaths around. What would happen if that number really goes up? Would anyone be willing to step out and save the economy then?

I have also seen reports saying that the lock down has really enhanced the gap between the rich and the poor. How can we address this dilemma?

We essentially need to survive together by taking care of each other through these tough times. Money can be made and businesses can be salvaged only if people survive this. This is where I would like to urge all the economists to come up with innovative ideas. I can only think of ensuring that every family gets to eat and medical care is made available as required. I see a few good Samaritans taking care of the poor. But I am also seeing many businesses laying off people. Is it too difficult to ensure that the staff is maintained on a survival salary? Everyone understands that much economics even with out education. I am not seeing or hearing about that.

These are desperate times and we need desperate measures. There is no point in expecting the government to do everything. If they put in a lock down on lay offs and ask every business to continue providing half the salary to the staff, would businesses appreciate that? Then we will blame the government for being draconian.

We just need to ensure that people are not going hungry and people are helped to survive these tough times. If the masses feel that they are being neglected and the rich continue to make money at their expense, it can lead to another revolution with disastrous consequences. Don't expect the governments to protect you then. Might as well take care of everyone so that we survive this chaos and live to see better days.

PS: I am not an economist, but I don't recall discussing any revolution while studying a little bit of economics. What am I missing please?


