History of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Eric Sia Siew Wei
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Electronic Engineering â—† Full Time Researcher â—† Graduate Research Assistant â—† PhD Scholar (YUTP) â—† Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) â—† EX-AMD PMO, SHP2E & IP Intern â—† Malaysia
400 Before Century - 18th Century: Early Concepts and Groundwork of AI
Task automation defined the first-ever concept of AI. In other word, automation referring to any machines that move independently without human intervention or computers that automate calculation. For instances, back in 400 BC, an ancient Greece mechanics, Archytas, invented the first autonomous mechanical pigeon [1] that capable to fly for 200 meters powered by steam. In the late 1490s, Leonardo da Vinci invented various robots and machines which automated tiring and respective tasks. In 1837, the time when industrial machinery and revolution occurred, Charles Babbage created computers, also known as analytical engine.
19th Century: ?Birth of Intangible AI tools
1920’s: Maturation of AI Conceptual Framework
In 1921, Karel Capek unveiled a science fiction play which highlights the idea of robot and its possibility of rebellion [3] in the future. AI first introduced in 1943, original named as “Automata Studies†[2] by John McCarthy. In the same year, Walter Pitts and Warren McCulloch introduced artificial neural networks, the foundation of artificial brain. AI robots have nervous systems which accepts external stimuli. This theory backed up with digital electronics, described that digital signal (cerebrum signal) could be implemented as a medium of information (neuron) transmission.
In 2015, resolution achieved between Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak and Stephen Hawking on banning the development of autonomous weapons to prevent devastating wars.
1940’s: AI achieved by Analogue Circuitry
In 1948, William Grey Walter invented autonomous tortoises’ robot [3] which capable to navigate and avoid obstacles using sensors without human interferences, notwithstanding that the control mechanism is merely by analogue circuitry without involving artificial neural networks. Aforementioned sensors accepting 2 sensory inputs, namely light intensity and touch. ?One of the remarkable milestones in the history of the AI was Turing Test [3], a methodology introduced by Alan Turing to test the intelligence of the AI machinery in accordance with his published work, “Computer Machinery and Intelligence†[4].
1950’s: AI for the Board Game
In 1952, Arthur Samuel started to develop the first ever board game using AI bot checkers program. In 1956, the AI checker bot was first demonstrated to the public through television. At that time, Arthur’s checker bot able to defeat novice player easily. After 10 years of program development, Arthur successfully upgraded the program to the extent that capable to defeat master checkers player. In this context, the AI program challenged and won the checker match with reigning checkers champion, Robert Nealy in 1962 under the witness of IBM. To further increase AI’s publicity, the term “artificial intelligence†and “machine learning†coined in 1956 [5] and 1959 respectively upon suggestion by John McCarthy.
In 1997, another IBM supercomputer, known as Deep Blue, had defeated Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion in a highly-publicized match under tournament rules and regulations.
1960’s: First AI Chatbot
???????????In 1966, Joseph Weizenbaum introduced ELIZA [6], an AI chatbot therapist which carried out realistic conversations with mankind. Despite the notable drawback that ELIZA would rephrase and return the question to the user if the question was not predetermined. Frankly, chatting with ELIZA was actually a conversion with the users themselves.
In 1968, Terry Winograd invented an AI object-lifting robot, SHRDLU [7] which capable to recognize natural language. Due to its nature of supporting Natural Language Processing (NLP), mankind could interact with SHRDLU using simple commands. SHRDLU was able to provide clarification on its object lifting actions, remember objects’ names and recognize their arrangement.
???????????Later in 1988, Rollo Carpenter released AI chatbot communicating with mankind in a more interesting and enjoyable way, mimicking the nature of human being. In 1995, another AI chatbot inspired by ELIZA, namely A.L.I.C.E (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity), developed by Richard Wallace with capability of collecting natural language data.
???????????In 2011, Apple introduced Siri [3], an AI-powered virtual assistants on IOS operating system. Followed by Microsoft’s release of Cortana in 2014.
1970’s: AI Humanoid Robot Development & AI Winter
In 1973, Ichiro Kato through Tokyo's Waseda University introduced the first anthropomorphic robot, WABOT-1 which capable to see, move and converse. The later version, WABOT-2 was aired in 1980 which included all functionality of WABOT-1 plus the extra features of music recognition and playing. In the same year, AI research and development activities in British decelerated. This bottleneck of rapid AI development was due to reduced funding support in AI research via the British government. In contrast to British, Japanese government [1] invested up to $850 million in creating AI-powered computers specialized in NLP translation, conversation and expression.
In 2000, Honda introduced the world's most advanced humanoid robot with astronaut appearance, ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility). In the same year, Cynthia Breazeal invented Kismet, the first robot which programmed to express human emotions on its face. In later 2016, Hanson Robotics dropped a bombshell in AI robot development by introducing Sophia, the first humanoid robot who received legal personhood in a country. She was renown of her rich facial expressions and fluent conversation with mankind.
20th Century: AI-inundated Era
In 2002, i-Robot unveiled Roomba, an intelligent floor vacuum cleaner that cleans without running into obstacles. Later in 2006, social media companies such as Twitter, Facebook, etc leveraged AI algorithm to slot in advisement, as based on user’s preference. Starting from 2020 onwards, several AI tools introduced by OpenAI such as Chat GPT-3 and DALL-E which uses Deep Learning in conversation and text-to-image generation respectively.?
[1] Anonymous, “What is the history of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?,†Tableau, https://www.tableau.com/data-insights/ai/history (accessed May 9, 2023).
[2] R. Cavanaugh, “John McCarthy: The father of artificial intelligence: Irish America,†Irish America, https://www.irishamerica.com/2020/06/the-irish-father-of-thinking-machines-2/ (accessed May 9, 2023).
[3] L. Adamyan, “Artificial Intelligence’s early history and future,†RSS, https://www.ai-bees.io/post/artificial-intelligences-early-history-and-future (accessed May 9, 2023).
[4] University of Alberta, “Arthur Samuel’s legacy,†Legacy - Chinook - World Man-Machine Checkers Champion, https://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~chinook/project/legacy.html (accessed May 9, 2023).
[5] N. Payne, “Tracing the history of Artificial Intelligence,†LinkedIn, https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/tracing-history-artificial-intelligence-nathaniel-payne/ (accessed May 9, 2023).
[6] O. Jarow, “How the first chatbot predicted the dangers of AI more than 50 years ago,†Vox, https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23617185/ai-chatbots-eliza-chatgpt-bing-sydney-artificial-intelligence-history (accessed May 10, 2023).
[7] R. Reynoso, “A complete history of artificial intelligence - G2,†G2, https://www.g2.com/articles/history-of-artificial-intelligence (accessed May 10, 2023).