The historical village of Masouleh

The historical village of Masouleh

The historical village of Masouleh

Did you make your decision and chose your travel destination? We want to tell you about historical village of Masouleh for traveling to Iran. Travel to Iran with us to get to know about it. Are you interested in experiencing that? what do you know about Iran destination tour one of the most famous Iran travel agency in shiraz and also Iran? This is great and you can be sure that the most exciting experiences will be waiting for you. In this article, we introduce all the requirements to travel to Iran. Also, they do and don'ts of traveling to Iran. Also, we answer this question: how to travel to Iran.

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Where is the historical village of Masouleh?

The city of Masouleh is located in the southwest of Gilan province and 60 km away from Rasht city in Sardar section of Fuman forest. Masuleh is only 35 km away from Foman city and about 20 km away from Maklevan city. This city reaches from the north side to Masal city, from the south side to Upper Tarem in Zanjan province, from the east side to Jalga city of Fuman city and from the west side to Khalkhal city in Ardabil province. The distance from the center of Masuleh to the border of Zanjan province is about 2 km and to the border of Ardabil province, i.e. Gilvan region, is about 10 km.

Masuleh Gilan is one of the famous sights of Foman and a traditional and old city that looks more like a painting or a postcard despite the yellow houses in the green background of the forest and colorful mountains in a foggy world. Masuleh is one of the few cities without motorized vehicles in the world, which has made it impossible for any vehicles to travel with narrow garden alleys and steps. If you are looking to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, seek refuge in Masuleh; A city that wakes up every morning with the crowing of roosters and the pleasant smell of local bread. Plan your trip to Masuleh Gilan so that you stay at least one night in this city; Because the night walk and the experience of walking in the misty morning of Masuleh is so wonderful that you should not simply ignore it.

Masouleh architecture

The architecture of Masuleh belongs to the Zandiyeh period and like many places in the foothills of our country, it is built in a stepped manner. Among the terraced villages and towns of Iran, we can mention Kong village in Razavi Khorasan, Oraman in Kurdistan, Kazaj in Ardabil and Vafs in Central Province. Masuleh was built in chain form according to the weather and the slope of the land, for easier defense against looters, and of course to have skilled architects.

The materials used in Masoleh staircase houses are wood, stone and clay. These houses are usually two-story, and one-story or three-story houses are less common in this city. In general, each Masuleh house consists of two parts; Winter part and summer part. The winter part, which is known in the local language as "Some", is a small room located at the back of the house and does not get much light. The only point of light in this small room is called "Lon". In the middle of the winter part of Masuleh houses, a furnace is installed for cooking and preparing food and of course providing heat. In this part of the house, you will also come across niches on which porcelain and copper dishes are arranged.

Masuleh weather

Masuleh is known for its foggy air filled with the pleasant aroma of chamomile and angelica, and its mountainous climate, lively springs full of rain-making clouds, mild and cool summers, rainbow-colored autumns, and cold and snowy winters. Masuleh spends more than one month of the year in severe frost. Most of the days the weather is cloudy and foggy, and this doubles the beauty of Masuleh. Relatively high humidity is felt in Masouleh due to the snowfall and rain, but this humidity is not only annoying but also very pleasant due to the coolness of the air. Masuleh has more than one hundred foggy days and the average annual temperature is about 12 degrees Celsius.

The best time to travel to Masuleh, Masuleh in spring and summer

Spring in Masuleh alone has four seasons in its sleeve. One day it snows and rains, one day it is foggy and sunny, and maybe even one day is both sunny and rainy. The weather of Masuleh in April is mostly rainy and sometimes accompanied by snowfall. The sky of Masuleh is often cloudy and foggy during these days of the year. The month of May is often cloudy and it rains less than the previous month, while June has sunny and pleasant days.

Masuleh residents are usually in their homes in spring and summer. During Nowruz Eid holidays, Masoleh hosts a huge number of travelers and tourists, and perhaps this holiday can be considered the busiest time to travel to Masoleh. Most days of the Nowruz holiday, there is heavy traffic from three kilometers from Masuleh and it is difficult to find a parking space.


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