Historical Facts that need to be Renewed!

Ok Everyone:
    Here is something for you to digest and think about.  I am putting this up shortly on my own web page on facebook and on my second page of "American Network for Patriots"!

Greetings:  If I may I would like to offer up some ideas here!

  First, let me say that without what I will state this nation is going to die, and be replaced with something none of the truest of Americans will like.  Pay Close attention Please!

    Back when this nation was in it's infancy stages and throughout the years up to about 1967 this nation was a powerhouse to be reckoned with.  We were looked up to by every nation in the free world and even in the Communist block nations people were hungering for what this nation represented to the world.      Then when the REBELS appeared in the late 60's causing dissention and destruction of a peaceful society this country sarted it's begin to destruction and today that effort by all those in this country who  turned their backs on the following have practically accomplished what they set out to do.
    What these Americans have done is bring great disgrace upon the founders, and the people who made America the "Greatest Nation" on the planet and made all around the world thirst for what America enjoyed.

     Here is what they did!

     The liberal movement was born in the mid 60's with students in colleges challenging the educational teaching of their professors.  Then there were the deserters who ran away rather than serve their nation.  Then came the hippies, the Beatnicks, the drugs, the free love attitudes, the Sexual revolution, the total collapse of family life, and then the rest of the value system that had driven this nation was attacked and now pretty much of what was used as the baseline in this nation to make us excel over all others is now defunct.  

    This society is the absolute most disgusting immoral, and inhumane type ever seen border to border in the USA.  There is no respect for Adults or anyone, there is no respect for the female, there is no honesty like it used to be, there is no integrity, and above all there is no pulling together to achieve a common goal, and the religious foundation of the nation has had to suffer from non believers and people here who think they can do anything without it.

    Wrong, Wrong and Wrong judgement has shown time and time again that without FAITH, BELIEF, and TRUST in the Creator of all things Almighty God, then there is nothing that will be able to be sustained.  

    Take Marriage being challenged today the way it is, this is not  up for discussion, this is a sacred institution that is embedded in the ages of time with man and woman joining together to continue building and bringing new life and opportunity forward through grounded values, which build better citizens.  Where is the society today that most of us in this nation knew, understood, and were a part of?      What is here today is atrocious at best.  Uneducated, Uninterested, and Uninvolved citizens of today turn their backs against the evil that is so present in this current society.   Why no one knows!   

    I think it is because they feel so frustrated seeing what is going on and everything they have known is being destroyed before them, Values, Ethics, Morals, Religion, Respect, Tolerance, Honesty, and Integrity.  All replaced by the deadly "Seven Sins" of Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Lieing, and Homosexuality.  Today society is in DECAY, and what is needed is a very large and dynamic shift in society that will redirect our nation back to it's compass and direction that our forefathers envisioned here.

     So the next leader of this nation has a GIANT job to take on this challenge of reversing all this damage that has been plaguing our society for over 50years.   
     Our general decline started when the Rebellion against authority began, when respect for yourself and others ended, when females were viewed as furniture or toys, and not as human beings with a soul and emotions, when Woman wanted to dominate Man, instead of recognizing that there are differences between Man and Woman and each has his place, each has a duty, obligation and responsibility to one another.

    Without one another society STOPS growing.  Hence the revoltion of Free SEX, without responsibility when Birth Control came as a thief in the night.  Today it has ravaged over 1 million or more citizens and worse yet is Abortion taking a life without cause, no Man has this right, meaning is the plural usage of Man.  

    Society is dying and no one cares.  It is time to elect a leader who does, because the disgrace of the last 2 elections of a False Citizen, Unqualified by the Costitutional requirements needs to have replacement by a Qualified, Dignified, Patriot, Serviceman if possible, Conscientious, and Learned, Talented, and Thoughtful party who can lead and make what needs to happen, happen to save our nation from the peril it faces if we don't put someone with these qualities into our chair.

    America needs to turn the corner and return to Sanity, Wholesomeness, Dedication, Committment, Morality, TRUTH, Honesty, Integrity, Sensitivity, Compassion, and Caring the way it used to be as well as returning to Church of choice and giving due to what has been given to us as a nation, a people, and a society.  

    This time we need to get this RIGHT, because if we don't America is OVER!





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