Historic Temple: Lord Chaturbhuj
HortFlora Research Spectrum
An International Journal (NAAS Rating: 3.78; Indexed in ICI)
Historic Temple: Lord Chaturbhuj Village Colony: |
Vill & PO Dhamna Khurd, Distt Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh |
An age old brick temple of Lord Surya (Chaturbhuj) awaiting for Govt hands for its rejuvenation. This historic Surya temple is situated in Village Dhamna Khurd (Amauli) Distt. Fatehpur (U.P.).An ASI enlisted historic brick temple is situated in Dhamna Khurd, about 5 km west of Amauli Block H.Q. of distt Fatehpur. It is said that this temple was developed automatically during nights having six months duration. Still the uppermost portion of the curvlinear Shikhar, embelished with Chandrasalas and bhumi amatakas, is lost besides a large mutilated image of Lord Surya (Lord Chaturbhuj) is installed in the Garbh Griha along with broken figures of his family members and some other divinities. On the architectural and sculptural grounds this temple may be assigned to the last quarter of the eighth century AD. In last years, villagers voluntarily collected some money and rejuvenated its outer foundation as well as structure. It is said that during Aurangjeb reign, Murties of the temple were destroyed. The temple is situated in the heart (Centre) of the village from where lord Surya observes villagers activities. All the villagers have more faith on the God. The temple is made from square bricks which is deteriorating day by day. It may be well rejuvenated only with the Govt aid and assistance. The village is situated in Ganga and Yamuna Doaba plains, about 65 km from its distt H.Q. on Amauli-Ghatampur road. It lies between the parallel of 35o26′ north latitude and 80o14′ east longitude having semi arid climate with maximum and minimum temperatures of 42-44oC and 6-7oC, respectively, with average annual rainfall of 90-95cm. Villagers depends on agriculture only for their livelihood. Irrigation facilities are very poor, depending upon on rain and tube wells or on the blesses of Lord Chaturbhuj. Late Shri Shiv Lal Umrao was one of the leading villagers thinking consciously for rejuvenation of home of the lord Surya. In the Vedic era the region of this district was known as "Antardesh", which means the fertile area between two big rivers. Later, it was known as "Madhyadesh" which means central region. The northern region of the district is influenced with "Avadhi" culture while the southern part shows effect of the "Bundelkhand". The territory covered by the present-day Fatehpur district was part of Vatsa, which was one among sixteen mahajanapadas described in the Buddhist literature.In the Vedic era the region of this district was known as "Antardesh", which means the fertile area between two big rivers. Later, it was known as "Madhyadesh" which means central region. The northern region of the district is influenced with "Avadhi" culture while the southern part shows effect of the "Bundelkhand". The territory covered by the present-day Fatehpur district was part of Vatsa, which was one among sixteen mahajanapadas described in the Buddhist literature. |