AN HISTORIC SPEECH! Whether That’s Good or Bad, Is Up To You

Never in my life have I witnessed a Presidential speech that was so obviously biased, so unapologetically partisan,and so brutally blunt, as the one delivered last night. It was comparable to a WWE wrestling match with a clown sideshow. Reagan-esque, it was not. It was more Marie Antionette-esque.

Trump came right out with it. He called out the Dems for their litany of failures, boasted of his successes and said how they would never praise him no matter what. The delivery wasn’t artful, it wasn’t articulate and it wasn’t gracious in the least. But the point was on the money. And the animosity from the left side of the room was glaringly, cringingly defiant.

Though you have to admit – they were asking for it. They didn’t stand, they didn’t applaud even the successes that all Americans can agree on. The women wore pink as a protest against policies that hurt women (Even though not a single person could name one). They held up their little signs and even had to have a heckler removed. And the end result…they came off like petulant children. It was a blueprint on how to lose future votes.

Then over on MSNBC they were trying in every way to make Trump out to be evil even to the point where they mentioned the young man who survived brain cancer and wants to be a cop. Rachael Maddow sunk to a new low by saying “ Hopefully he won’t be killed by insurrectionists.” The desperation was so rancid that I could smell it through the TV set.

What kept this speech from being one for the ages was Trump’s propensity for overkill. It was waaay too long. You can tell when he goes off script. He must have said the line “The likes of which we’ve never seen before” sixteen times. His tribute to the family of the man shot at his rally came off awkward and forced. His self glorification and criticism of Biden was uncalled for and superfluous. It all distracted from the fact that he also had some surprisingly good news – one being that Zellensky reached out to him ( which should have gotten massive applause from both sides, but …nothing) and the news that the military captured a top terrorist. Nevertheless, the emphasis was on the magnificence of America and how we will once again be the leaders and the idols and the envy of the world..

And all the Democrats could do is scowl.

With good reason.

For the last 8 years the Democrats mode of operation was to generate hatred for Trump and fear of a Trump Presidency. And here we are, all this time later with the majority of the country wanting him at the helm. And it burns their ass to no end. And just to prove they have absolutely no ideas left, they just upped the ante of how horrible Trump is in spite of all the successes. They continue to inflict speculation without evidence. It’s a cornucopia of Hail Mary’s and none of them are landing. And the worst part of all of it is – they don’t even realize it.

And that seems to sum up the state of the Nation. With all of Trump’s flaws, people are feeling good about feeling good. What’s ironic is that it’s the perfect opportunity for a bright, charismatic Democrat to join the bandwagon, and offer some improvements, thus opening up an opportunity for the party to once again be relevant. (Harold Ford Jr, are you listening?) At least then, we can attempt a Union not unlike Reagan and O’Neil and Clinton with Newt Gingrich. Until then, dig in to a political circus with one side thumping their chest and bragging and the other side stamping their feet and crying.

At least one side is getting something done. And if there is one thing the American people have shown they are sick and tired of, it’s ineffectual politicians who just complain , reject common sense, and spend more and more of the people’s money on their personal pet projects. Well, we’re on to them. And they don’t like it. Too bad.

It’s a new dawn in the U.S.A. And the left had better wake up.


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